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RBINS Staff Publications 2016

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 898 references in this bibliography folder.

Gombeer, S, Van Bourgonie, YR, Meganck, K, Smitz, N, De Meyer, M, and Backeljau, T (2016).
Using molecular techniques to identify organisms of policy concern: Some examples from the BopCo project
In: Zoology 2016 - 23rd Benelux Congress of Zoology, Antwerp, Belgium, 15-17 December 2016, pp. 51, University of Antwerp.

Goolaerts, S (2016).
Ammonietenliefde in het Bajociaan: Cadomoceras, het mannetje van Strigoceras
Hona, 51(1):39-41.

Goolaerts, S (2016).
Kleine heremietkreeft aan onze kust
HONA, 51(3):32-33.

Goolaerts, S (2016).
De verborgen pracht van nautilussen uit het Boven Jura van Madagascar
HONA, 51(3):3-8.

Goolaerts, S and Gouwy, S (2016).
An extraordinary new site to study upper Frasnian cephalopods during the onset of anoxia in the Dinant basin.
In: 5th International Geologica Belgica Congress GB 2016 Mother Earth, Mons, Belgium, 26-29/01/2016. Conference program and abstract book, pp. 81.

Grabowski, NT, Grootaert, P, Ahlfeld, B, and Klein, G (2016).
Practical key to identify entire edible insects sold as foodstuff or feedstuff in central Europe
Journal of Food Safety and Food Quality, 67(1):1-28.

Groessens, E (2016).
Le Marbre Saint-Anne
In: Patrimoine(s) - Mélanges d'histoire et d'archéologie offerts à Jean-Pierre Ducastelle, ed. by Christian Cannuyer, Laurent Dubuisson et Adrien Dupont. Cercle royal d’Histoire et d’Archéologie d’Ath,, chap. 3, pp. 699-709.

Groessens, E (2016).
La pierre bleue et l'industrie du marbre. Eléments d'histoire de France et de la Belgique
In: La pierre bleue de l'Avesnois - Entre paysage et architecture, ed. by Les collections du Forum Antique de Bavay. Silvana Editoriale, Milan, chap. -, pp. 14-20.

Groessens, E (2016).
La ou les pierres bleues? & La géologie du marbre noir
In: La pierre bleue de l'Avesnois - Entre paysage et architecture, ed. by Les collections du Forum Antique de Bavay. Silvana Editoriale, Milan, chap. -, pp. 46-55. (ISBN: 9788836633395).

Groot Crego, C, Barbut, L, Lacroix, G, and Volckaert, F (2016).
The impact of different reproductive strategies on flatfish in the North Sea

Grootaert, P (2016).
Drapetis bruscellensis (Diptera: Hybotidae) a new species for science from the outskirts of Brussels, a not so cryptic species supported by COI barcoding
Belgian Journal of Entomology, 41:1-14.

Grosemans, T, Morris, K, Thomas, WK, Rigaux, A, Moens, T, and Derycke, S (2016).
Mitogenomics reveals high synteny and long evolutionary histories of sympatric cryptic nematode species
Ecology and Evolution, 6(6):1854-1870.

Gueriau, P, Rabet, N, Clément, G, Lagebro, L, Vannier, J, Briggs, D, Charbonnier, S, Olive, S, and Béthoux, O (2016).
A 365-Million-Year-Old Freshwater Community Reveals Morphological and Ecological Stasis in Branchiopod Crustaceans
Current Biology, 26:1-8.

Habel, J, Lens, L, and Eggermont et al., H (2016).
More topics from the tropic: additional thoughts to Mammides et al.
Biodiversity & Conservation, 26(1):237-241.

Habel, J, Teucher, M, Mulwa, R, Haber, W, Eggermont, H, and Lens, L (2016).
Nature Conservation on the Edge
Biodiversity & Conservation:791-799.

Hablützel, PI, Grégoir, AF, Vanhove, M, Volckaert, FA, and Raeymaekers, JA (2016).
Weak link between dispersal and parasite community differentiation or immunogenetic divergence in two sympatric cichlid fishes
Molecular Ecology, 25:5451-5466.

Haelters (Ed.), J (2016).
ASCOBANS Annual National Report: Belgium

Haelters, J (2016).
Straks walvistoerisme voor onze kust?
VLIZ en Provincie West-Vlaanderen, In: Zeekrant (Information folder large public)(Zeekrant 2016: 6).

Haelters, J (2016).
Stranding van een levende reuzenhaai (Cetorhinus maximus) te De Panne
De Strandvlo, 36(4):123-126.

Haelters, J (2016).
Ze bleven maar komen: potvissen op de stranden van de zuidelijke Noordzee in het voorjaar van 2016
De Strandvlo, 36(2):75-81.

Haelters, J (2016).
Historische waarneming van narwal in België
Zoogdier, 27(2):24.

Haelters, J, Brabant, R, Degraer, S, Devolder, M, Norro, A, Van den Eynde, D, and Lauwaert, B (2016).
Aanvraag van NEMO LINK Ltd voor een machtiging voor een geofysisch en geotechnisch zeebodemonderzoek: Milieueffectenbeoordeling (MEB) en advies van het Bestuur
RBINS, Technical report.

Haelters, J, Dabin, W, Doom, M, Kerckhof, F, Steyaert, A, and Jauniaux, T (2016).
Grey seals Halichoerus grypus choking on common sole Solea solea
In: VLIZ Marine Scientist Day, Book of Abstracts, pp. 58.

Haelters, J, Everaarts, E, Bunskoek, P, Begeman, L, Hinrichs, J, and IJsseldijk, L (2016).
A suspected scavenging event by red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) on a live, stranded harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)
Aquatic Mammals, 42(2):227-232.

Haelters, J, Jauniaux, T, Kerckhof, F, Potin, M, and van den Berghe, T (2016).
Zeezoogdieren in België in 2015 [Marine mammals in Belgium in 2015]
Booklet, Booklet.

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