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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016 / Where does your saddle quern come from?” Grinding in the actual province of Limburg (BE) during the Iron Age Raw materials.

Else Hartoch, Tatjana Gluhak, Roland Dreesen, and Eric Goemaere (ed.) (2016)

Where does your saddle quern come from?” Grinding in the actual province of Limburg (BE) during the Iron Age Raw materials.

Exploitation in Prehistory: sourcing, processing and distribution. International meeting of Faro (Portugal), 10-12 March 2016. , Faro (Portugal), vol. x(x), CSIC ICArEHP x.

(6.5) lithique approvisionnement, (6.2) lithique technologie, (21) archéologie expérimentale, (15) géologie, (1) généralités, (6.5) lithique matières premières
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