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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016 / The relationship between taxonomic diversity and aboveground carbon storage is taxon-specific.

F. Van de Perre, M.R. Willig, S.J. Presley, E. Kearsley, H. Verbeeck, P. Boeckx, A. De Kesel, D. Van Den Broeck, M. De Haan, B. Wursten, S. Janssens, O. Lachenaud, Patrick Grootaert, Maurice Leponce, S. Cooleman, H. Leirs, S. Dessein, Erik Verheyen, and P. Ballings (2016)

The relationship between taxonomic diversity and aboveground carbon storage is taxon-specific.

In: Le Corum, Montpellier, France. Abstract book, pp. 391, Annual Meeting of the Association for tropical Biology and Conservation, 19-23 june 2016.

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