Nadia Van Roosbroek, Vinciane Debaille, Lidia Pitarello, Steven Goderis, M Humayun, L Hecht, F Jourdan, M.J. Spicuzza, F Vanhaecke, and Philippe Claeys (2015)
The formation of IIE iron meteorites investigated by the chondrule-bearing Mont Dieu meteorite
Meteorites & Planetary Science, 50(7):1173-1196.
Abstract–A 435 kg piece of the Mont Dieu iron meteorite (MD) contains cm-sized silicate
inclusions. Based on the concentration of Ni, Ga, Ge, and Ir (8.59 ± 0.32 wt%,
25.4 ± 0.9 ppm, 61 ± 2 ppm, 7.1 ± 0.4 ppm, respectively) in the metal host, this piece can be
classified as a IIE nonmagmatic iron. The silicate inclusions possess a chondritic
mineralogy and relict chondrules occur throughout the inclusions. Major element analysis, oxygen
isotopic analysis (D17O = 0.71 ± 0.02&), and mean Fa and Fs molar contents (Fa15.7 ± 0.4 and Fs14.4 ± 0.5) indicate that MD originated as an H chondrite. Because of
strong similarities with Netscha€evo IIE, MD can be classified in the most primitive subgroup of
the IIE sequence. 40Ar/39Ar ages of 4536 ± 59 Ma and 4494 ± 95 Ma obtained on pyroxene and
plagioclase inclusions show that MD belongs to the old (~4.5 Ga) group of
IIE iron meteorites and that it has not been perturbed by any subsequent heating event following
its formation. The primitive character of MD sheds light on the nature of its formation process,
its thermal history, and the evolution of its parent body.
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