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Pending old publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 17 references in this bibliography folder.

Boes, E, Fujiwara, O, Garrett, E, Lamair, L, De Batist, M, Heyvaert, V, Yokoyama, Y, Miyairi, Y, Irizuki, T, Riedesel, S, Brückner, H, and Hubert-Ferrari, A (2015).
Exploring the potential of Lake Hamana (Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan) to hold a long and reliable sedimentary record of paleo-earthquakes and -tsunami along the Nankai-Suruga Trough
In: XIX INQUA Congress, Nagoya, Japan.

Boes, E, Fujiwara, O, Garrett, E, Lamair, L, De Batist, M, Heyvaert, V, Yokoyama, Y, Miyairi, Y, Irizuki, T, Riedesel, S, Brückner, H, Hubert-Ferrari, A, and team., T (2015).
Exploring the potential of Lake Hamana (Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan) to hold a long and reliable sedimentary record of paleo-earthquakes and -tsunami along the Nankai-Suruga Trough.
In: Geological Society Arthur Holmes meeting on Tsunami Hazards and Risks, London, UK.

Boes, E, Kempf, P, De Batist, M, Van Daele, M, Vandoorne, W, Fujiwara, O, Garrett, E, Heyvaert, V, Yokoyama, Y, Miyairi, Y, Irizuki, T, Moernaut, J, Pino, M, Urrita, R, and Team, T (2015).
On how to extract the paleotsunami history from a coastal lake record
In: 4th International Tsunami Field Symposium, Phuket, Thailand.

Garrett, E, De Batist, M, Boes, E, Brückner, H, Fujiwara, O, Garrett, P, Heyvaert, V, Hubert-Ferrari, A, Lamair, L, Riedesel, S, Walstra, J, Yokoyama, Y, and Team, T (2015).
The QuakeRecNankai project: Palaeoseismic data for improved seismic hazard assessment along the Nankai Trough, Japan
In: 1st Pan Pacific Palaeoseismology symposium, Durham, UK.

Garrett, E, De Batist, M, Brückner, H, Fujiwara, O, Heyvaert, V, Hubert-Ferrari, A, Yokoyama, Y, Boes, E, Lamair, L, Walstra, J, Garrett, P, and Team, T (2015).
The QuakeRecNankai project: reconstructing past earthquakes and tsunamis along the Nankai Trough, south central Japan
In: 4th International Tsunami Field Symposium, Phuket, Thailand.

Garrett, E, De Batist, M, Heyvaert, V, Hubert-Ferrari, A, Fujiwara, O, Yokoyama, Y, Brückner, H, Garrett, P, and Team, T (2015).
Geological evidence for historical and older earthquakes and tsunamis along the Nankai Trough, Japan
In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly, pp. 10271, Vienna, Austria.

Garrett, E, Fujiwara, O, Heyvaert, V, De Batist, M, Yokoyama, Y, Brückner, H, Garrett, P, Boes, E, and Miyairi, Y (2015).
Progress in paleoearthquake and paleotsunami research along the Nankai Trough following the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake
In: XIX INQUA Congress, Nagoya, Japan.

Garrett, E, Garrett, P, Fujiwara, O, Heyvaert, V, Shishikura, M, De Batist, M, and Yokoyama, Y (2015).
Current status of palaeoseismic research along the Nankai Trough, Japan
In: Geological Society Arthur Holmes meeting on Tsunami Hazards and Risks, London, UK.

Garrett, E, Heyvaert, V, Fujiwara, O, De Batist, M, Brückner, H, Yokoyama, Y, Walstra, J, Riedesel, S, Brill, D, Miyairi, Y, Obrochta, S, and team, T (2015).
Radiometric and luminescence dating of historical tsunamis and storm deposits from Shirasuka, south central Japan
In: XIX INQUA Congress, Nagoya, Japan.

Heyvaert, V, De Batist, M, Brückner, H, Hubert-Ferrari, A, Fujiwara, O, Shishikura, M, Yokoyama, Y, Boes, E, Garrett, E, Lamair, L, Miyairi, Y, Nakamura, A, and Yamamoto, S (2015).
The QuakeRecNankai project: Towards New Geological Evidence of Past Earthquakes and Tsunami Along the Nankai Trough, Japan
In: Geological Society Arthur Holmes meeting on Tsunami Hazards and Risks, London, UK.

Lamair, L, Hubert, A, Boes, E, Schmidt, S, Yamamoto, S, Fujiwara, O, Garrett, E, Heyvaert, V, Miyairi, Y, and Yokoyama, Y (2015).
The last 300 years of sedimentation in the Fuji Five Lakes: the impact of natural disasters with a special focus on earthquakes
In: XIX INQUA Congress.

Lamair, L, Hubert, A, Boes, E, Yamamoto, S, Garrett, E, Heyvaert, V, Fujiwara, O, Yokoyama, Y, and De Batist, M (2015).
Late Holocene history of the Fuji Five Lakes (Japan)
In: XIX INQUA Congress, Nagoya, Japan.

Lamair, L, Hubert, A, Boes, E, Yamamoto, S, Garrett, E, Heyvaert, V, Fujiwara, O, Yokoyama, Y, and De Batist, M (2015).
Investigation of the Five Fuji Lakes and their potential of recording paleoearthquakes
In: BELQUA 2015 Annual Meeting.

Marie, D, Ivan, J, Olivier, C, Freddy, D, and Marie, H (2014 (to be published)).
Ceci n’est pas un… fossé de l’âge du Bronze moyen
In: "Trésor ? / Trésor ! Archéologie au cœur de l’Europe", Catalogue du Musée Royal de Mariemont, ed. by Demelenne M. (ed.)t. Mariemont, chap. x, pp. 12 p. + ? fig.

Petre, C, Tagg, N, Haurez, B, Beudels-Jamar, R, Huynen, M, and Doucet, J (2013).
Role of the western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in seed dispersal in tropical forests and implications of its decline
Biotechnology Agronomy Society and Environment, 17(3):517-526.

Fettweis, M, Monbaliu, J, Baeye, M, Nechad, B, and Van den Eynde, D (2012).
Weather and climate related spatial varability of high turbidity areas in the North Sea and the English Channel
Methods in Oceanography, 3-4:25-39.

Leponce, M, Delabie, J, Cardoso do Nascimento, I, Corbara, B, Orivel, J, Roisin, Y, Ribeiro, S, Campos, R, Schmidl, J, Floren, A, and Dejean, A (2008).
Vertical stratification of the ant assemblage in a Panamanian rainforest.
Miscellaneous publication.

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