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You are here: Home / Library / No RBINS Staff publications / Volatiles emitted by apple fruitlets infested by the European apple sawfly

Jean-Luc Boevé, Urs Lengwiler, Lars Tollsten, Silvia Dorn, and Ted Turlings (1996)

Volatiles emitted by apple fruitlets infested by the European apple sawfly

Phytochemistry, 42(2):373–381.

a few, abstract, apple fruitlets was investigated, apple varieties, blend of terpenoids and, by larvae of the, chemical ecology, emission of volatiles from, european apple sawfly, healthy apples emitted a, hoplocampa testudinea, index, malus domestica, on the, parasitic wasp, redinidae, rosaceae, sawfly larvae, tenth-, terpenoids, the effect of infestation, volatiles

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