Koen Van Noten, Christoph Hilgers, Janos L Urai, and Manuel Sintubin (2008)
Late burial to early tectonic quartz veins in the periphery of the High-Ardenne slate belt (Rursee, north Eifel, Germany)
Geologica Belgica, 11(3-4):179-198.
A detailed structural mapping and geometrical analysis of distinct bedding-(sub)perpendicular and bedding-parallel quartz veins has been performed in the northeastern part of the High-Ardenne slate belt (Rursee, North Eifel, Germany), with the aim to reconstruct the local fracturing/veining history. The structural relationship of these two types of veins as well as their relationship with cleavage, folds and faults allows attributing a pre- to early-Variscan age to these veins. The first type of veins is oriented (sub)perpendicular to bedding and consists of several, mutual cross-cutting generations, which clearly predate Variscan deformation. The second type of veins, bedding-parallel veins, post-dates the bedding-(sub)perpendicular veins and reflects bedding-parallel thrusting at the onset of Variscan deformation, predating folding. Subsequently, during progressive Variscan compression both types of veins were passively folded within characteristic, NW-vergent, overturned folds. Locally, due to flexural slip folding, reactivation along the bedding-parallel veins may have taken place.
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