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You are here: Home / Associated publications / Belgian Journal of Zoology / Bibliographic References / p53 protein expression in avian ovarian follicles

L Van Nassauw, A Schrevens, K Van de Vijver, F Van Mieghem, F Harrisson, and M Callebaut (1997)

p53 protein expression in avian ovarian follicles


In the present study, we localized p53 protein in the ovary of the adult Japanese quail using immunohistochemical techniques. The best results were obtained with DO-1 monoclonal antibodies and with a heat-induced epitope retrieval method. Immunostaining was detected in cytoplasm and/or nuclei of granulosa and surface epithelial cells. In atretic follicles, p53 protein was found in a few follicular cells. Immunoreactivity was also detected in leukocytes and in the Balbiani complex of prelampbrush oocytes. It is suggested that p53 protein expression is elevated in proliferating granulosa and surface epithelial cells, and that p53 protein may be involved in granulosa cell differentiation.

p53 protein; quail; ovary
  • ISSN: 0777-6276

ISSN 2295-0451 (online version)
ISSN 0777-6279 (printed version)
impact factor 2015: 0,87.

Prof. Dr. Isa Schön
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Vautierstraat 29
1000 Brussels, Belgium


Annales de la Société malacologique de Belgique
​Annales de la Société royale malacologique et zoologique de Belgique
Annales de la Société Royale Zoologique de Belgique
Belgian Journal of Zoology