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You are here: Home / Associated publications / Belgian Journal of Zoology / Bibliographic References / Movements and habitat use of the invasive species Lithobates catesbeianus in the valley of the Grote Nete (Belgium)

Sarah Descamps and Alain De Vocht (2016)

Movements and habitat use of the invasive species Lithobates catesbeianus in the valley of the Grote Nete (Belgium)


Nine adult American bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) were tagged with an internal radio transmitter and tracked during one year in the valley of the Grote Nete (Belgium). The mean +/- SD core range area (KDE50) was 15.00 +/- 22.41m(2). The home range area (KDE95) had a mean +/- SD of 429.78 +/- 510.97m(2). Shores of larger eutrophic ponds and small temporary pools in alluvial forest were chosen as habitat. The total area used (MCP95) had a mean of 11,086.73 +/- 12,239.00m(2). The study revealed a mean action radius of 270.78 +/- 199.17m and individuals moved up to 742m in a single displacement. These results show that the dispersion of the American bullfrog in a valley system such as the Grote Nete can proceed very rapidly. A positive correlation between weight and distance covered within one movement was found, which could suggest that dominant individuals are capable of covering greater distances in search of optimal habitat for reproduction, foraging or hibernation.

invasive species; SAC; radio telemetry; American bullfrog; Rana catesbeiana
  • ISSN: 0777-6276

ISSN 2295-0451 (online version)
ISSN 0777-6279 (printed version)
impact factor 2015: 0,87.

Prof. Dr. Isa Schön
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Vautierstraat 29
1000 Brussels, Belgium


Annales de la Société malacologique de Belgique
​Annales de la Société royale malacologique et zoologique de Belgique
Annales de la Société Royale Zoologique de Belgique
Belgian Journal of Zoology