Entire Issue. Volume 135 (2) - July 2005
Belg. J. Zool, vol. 135 (2), 2005 
Chintiroglou, C.C., Argyropoulou, M.D., Youlatos, D. & Stergiou, K. 2005.
Assessing Biodiversity in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Approaches and Applications.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 105-107
Alivizatos, H., Goutner, V. & Zogaris, S. 2005.
Contribution to the study of the diet of four owl species (Aves, Strigiformes) from mainland and island areas of Greece.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 109-118
Antoniadou, C., Koutsoubas, D. & Chintiroglou, C.C. 2005.
Mollusca fauna from infralittoral hard substrate assemblages in the North Aegean Sea.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 119-126
Argyropoulou, M.D., Karris, G., Papatheodorou, E.M. & Stamou, G.P. 2005.
Epiedaphic Coleoptera in the Dadia forest reserve (Thrace, Greece): the effect of human activities on community organization patterns.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 127-133
Chassovnikarova, T., Metcheva, R. & Dimitrov, K. 2005.
Microtus guentheri (Danford & Alston)(Rodentia, Mammalia): a bioindicator species for estimation of the influence of polymetal dust emissions.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 135-137
Froese, R., Garthe, S., Piatkowski, U. & Pauly, D. 2005.
Trophic signatures of marine organisms in the Mediterranean as compared with other ecosystems.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 139-143
Giannatos, G., Marinos, Y., Maragou, P. & Catsadorakis, G. 2005.
The status of the golden jackal (Canis aureus L.) in Greece.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 145-149
Giannoulaki, M., Machias, A., Somarakis, S. & Tsimenides, N. 2005.
The spatial distribution of anchovy and sardine in the northern Aegean Sea in relation to hydrographic regimes.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 151-156
Goutner, V., Albanis, T. & Konstantinou, I. 2005.
{PCBs} and organochlorine pesticide residues in eggs of threatened colonial charadriiform species (Aves, Charadriiformes) from wetlands of international importance in northeastern Greece.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 157-163
Kazantzidis, S. & Goutner, V. 2005.
The diet of nestlings of three Ardeidae species (Aves, Ciconiiformes) in the Axios Delta, Greece.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 165-170
Kevrekidis, T., Boubonari, T. & Goutner, V. 2005.
Seasonal variation in abundance of Corophium orientale (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in Monolimni lagoon (Evros Delta, North Aegean Sea).
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 171-173
Kornilios, P., Chondropoulos, B. & Fraguedakis-Tsolis, S. 2005.
Allozyme variation in populations of the karyotypically polymorphic vole Microtus (Terricola) thomasi (Mammalia, Rodentia) from Greece.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 175-179
Koufos, G.D., Kostopoulos, D.S. & Vlachou, T.D. 2005.
Neogene/Quaternary mammalian migrations in eastern Mediterranean.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 181-190
Labropoulou, M. & Papaconstantinou, C. 2005.
Effect of fishing on community structure of demersal fish assemblages.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 191-197
Lefkaditou, E. & Kaspiris, P. 2005.
Distribution and abundance of sepiolids (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) off the north-eastern Greek coasts.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 199-204
Lenhardt, M., Finn, R.N., Cakic, P., Kolarevic, J., Krpo-Cetkovic, J., Radovic, I. & Fyhn, H. J. 2005.
Analysis of the post-vitellogenic oocytes of three species of Danubian Acipenseridae.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 205-207
Manoudis, G., Antoniadou, C., Dounas, K. & Chintiroglou, C.C. 2005.
Successional stages of experimental artificial reefs deployed in Vistonikos gulf (N. Aegean Sea, Greece): Preliminary results.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 209-215
Mertzanis, Y., Ioannis, I., Mavridis, A., Nikolaou, O., Riegler, S., Riegler, A. & Tragos, A. 2005.
Movements, activity patterns and home range of a female brown bear (Ursus arctos, L.) in the Rodopi Mountain Range, Greece.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 217-221
Michaloudi, E. 2005.
Dry Weights of the Zooplankton of Lake Mikri Prespa (Macedonia, Greece).
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 223-227
Mytilineou, C., Politou, C., Papaconstantinou, C., Kavadas, S., D'Onghia, G. & Sion, L. 2005.
Deep-water fish fauna in the Eastern Ionian Sea.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 229-233
Politou, C.-Y., Maiorano, P., D'Onghia, G. & Mytilineou, C. 2005.
Deep-water decapod crustacean fauna of the Eastern Ionian Sea.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 235-241
Skoufas, G. 2005.
Nesting and hatching success of the sea turtle Caretta caretta on Marathonissi island (Zakynthos, Ionian Sea, Greece).
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 243-246
Somarakis, S. 2005.
Marked interannual differences in reproductive para-meters and daily egg production of anchovy in the northern Aegean Sea.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 247-252
Stamou, G.P., Papatheodorou, E.M., Hovardas, A. & Argyropoulou, M.D. 2005.
Some structural and functional characteristics of a soil nematode community from a Mediterranean grassland.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 253-259
Xirouchakis, S. 2005.
The avifauna of the western Rodopi forests (N. Greece).
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 261-269
Venizelos, L., Papapavlou, K., Dunais, M.- A. & Lagonika, C. 2005.
A review and reappraisal of research in some previously unsurveyed Mediterranean marine turtle nesting sites, 1990-2001.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 271-277
Zenetos, A., Koutsoubas, D. & Vardala-Theodorou, E. 2005.
Origin and vectors of introduction of exotic molluscs in Greek Waters.
Belg. J. Zool. 135(2): 279-286