Entire Issue. Volume 130 (2) - July 2000
Belg. J. Zool, vol. 130 (2), 2000 
Tristiani, H., Murakami, O. & Kuno, E. 2000.
Rice plant damage distribution and home range distribution of the ricefield rat Rattus argentiventer (Rodentia: Muridae).
Belg. J. Zool. 130(2): 83–91
De Cock, R. 2000.
Rare, or simply overlooked? Practical notes for survey and monitoring of the small glow-worm Phosphaenus hemipterus (Coleoptera: Lampyridae).
Belg. J. Zool. 130(2): 93–101
Artois, T., Vermin, W. & Schockaert, E. 2000.
Rhabdocoela (Platyhelminthes) from the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) with the description of eight new species.
Belg. J. Zool. 130(2): 103–110
Billen, J., Ito, F. & Bolton, B. 2000.
Femoral and tibial glands in the ant genus Strumigenys (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).
Belg. J. Zool. 130(2): 111–115
Diogo, R., Oliveira, C. & Chardon, M. 2000.
On the anatomy and function of the cephalic structures in Phractura (Siluriformes: Amphiliidae), with comments on some striking homoplasies occurring between the Doumeinae and some loricaroid catfishes.
Belg. J. Zool. 130(2): 117–130
Tiho, S. & Josens, G. 2000.
Earthworm populations of Roosevelt Avenue (Brussels, Belgium): composition, density and biomass.
Belg. J. Zool. 130(2): 131–138
Lezana, L., Miranda, R., Campos, F. & Peris, S. J. 2000.
Sex differentiation in the spotless starling (Sturnus unicolor, Temminck 1820).
Belg. J. Zool. 130(2): 139–142
Callebaut, M., Van Nueten, E., Harrisson, F. & Bortier, H. 2000.
Development of the sickle canal, an unrecognized formation in the avian blastoderm, and its spatial relationship with the first appearing blood islands, induced by Rauber's sickle.
Belg. J. Zool. 130(2): 143–156
Verslycke, T., Janssen, C., Lock, K. & Mees, J. 2000.
First occurrence of the pontocaspian invader Hemimysis anomala (Sars, 1907) in Belgium (Crustacea: Mysidacea).
Belg. J. Zool. 130(2): 157–158
Billen, J. 2000.
A novel exocrine gland in the antennal scape of the army ant Eciton burchelli.
Belg. J. Zool. 130(2): 159–160