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Laureline Cattelain, Hélène Collet, Jean-Philippe Collin, Michel Hennebert, and Michel Woodbury (2024)

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Selection of flint nodules, first step of the chaîne opératoire: data from ST6 Neolithic mine (Spiennes, Belgium)


Shaft ST6, exploited during the Middle Neolithic II (4200-3600 BCE), is the last extraction feature of flint excavated according to the most recent planned research at Petit-Spiennes. The objectives of this study are to determine the criteria used by Neolithic miners to select blocks in shaft ST6. It also aims to estimate the impact of flaws in raw material on the selection process (in particular extensional fractures), as well as any variability between the beds mined. Furthermore, the presence of hammer-stones, flakes and some roughouts in the underground mining works raises the question as to whether any knapping was carried out in these levels.
Peer Review, Open Access, PDF available
Neolithic; flint; mines; raw material; Spiennes.
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Editors in Chief:
Dr. Anne Hauzeur
Dr. Kevin Salesse
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Vautierstraat 29
1000 Brussels, Belgium

ISSN 1377-5723 (printed version)

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