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Mariam Slimoun (2024)

Les étrangers dans les inscriptions de Palmyre


This study presents several categories of persons whose status is that of foreigner, which appear in the inscriptions of Palmyra. We can classify them according to their social statuses in the Empire and at Palmyra: emperors, governors, financial officers, soldiers, those without official function, or simply foreigners (slaves, freed persons, and others). The names of emperors or governors are mentioned in Palmyrene epigraphy, but their actual presence at Palmyra is not assured. Other foreigners moved into the town and settled there, either temporarily or permanently. The latter underwent various levels of integration within the city of Palmyra. This study is based on the inscriptions discovered at the city of Palmyra, engraved both in monolingual Greek, Aramaic, and Latin epigraphs, as well as in bi- and trilingual epigraphs. The period covered by this study is limited to the first three centuries CE and the beginning of the fourth
Peer Review, Open Access, PDF available
Palmyra; foreigner; displacement (free movement of people) and integration within city.



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Editors in Chief:
Dr. Anne Hauzeur
Dr. Kevin Salesse
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Vautierstraat 29
1000 Brussels, Belgium

ISSN 1377-5723 (printed version)

UK: Guide for authors
FR: Instructions aux auteurs
NL: Richtlijnen voor auteurs