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Denis Bouquin and Claire Pichard (2024)

Accompagner les morts : l’activité de fossoyeur de la Révolution à l’Empire à Reims


A person who acts behind the scenes of funerals, the gravedigger generally suffers from a bad image. Although his role is essential to the proper conduct of funeral practices, his missions and status are poorly known. The municipal and community archives of the city of Reims offer the opportunity to outline the activity of the gravedigger during the post-revolutionary period. Although the available bundles only allow us to understand the activity of the gravediggers over a short period of time, the information they provide constitutes the first milestones of a more global development of a «history of gravediggers».
Peer Review, Open Access, PDF available
Gravedigger; job; death; burial practices.



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Editors in Chief:
Dr. Anne Hauzeur
Dr. Kevin Salesse
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Vautierstraat 29
1000 Brussels, Belgium

ISSN 1377-5723 (printed version)

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FR: Instructions aux auteurs
NL: Richtlijnen voor auteurs