New material of the small raoellid artiodactyl Metkatius kashmiriensis is reported from the middle Eocene of the Upper Subathu Formation in the Kalakot area, Jammu and Kashmir, northwest Himalaya, India. The fossil material consists of numerous mandibular and maxillary fragments and isolated teeth, mainly belonging to juvenile specimens. It documents the poorly known dental morphology of M. kashmiriensis and provides an overview of its intraspecific variation, allowing to redefine its diagnosis. M. kashmiriensis is characterized by a particularly small size compared with other raoellid species, and by bunodont molars with moderately marked transverse lophs. The M/1–2 are much longer than wide and display characters similar to those of Rajouria gunnelli, such as the presence of a small paraconid and a mesial mesiostylid. The P/4 bears distally a small hypoconid, which appears to be unique in Raoellidae. The description of the new material also allows to document the poorly known morphology of the deciduous teeth of raoellids. The DP2/ is reported for the first time, and the DP/4 of M. kashmiriensis shows a morphology different from that of Indohyus, with the absence of mesial basin anterior to the paraconid and the primoconid. Contrary to what has recently been proposed, these results confirm that M. kashmiriensis is a valid species and not a synonym of Indohyus indirae, and highlight the great morphological diversity present within the Raoellidae during the middle Eocene in the Indian subcontinent.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024 OA
A temporary outcrop near the “Rubenshuis” in the centre of Antwerp (northern Belgium) facilitated the study of the Neogene glauconitic sand of the Berchem and Kattendijk formations, west and south of their respective stratotype sections. In contrast to the latter sections, the exposed Kiel Member of the Berchem Formation contains a relatively silty interval in its upper part, which is also reflected in Cone Penetration Tests. This silty interval is rich in molluscs, including the subspecies Glossus lunulatus cf. lunulatus and Ennucula haesendoncki haesendoncki, previously unknown from this member. Dinoflagellate cysts indicate that the main body of the Kiel Member was deposited during the middle Burdigalian, while only the upper part was deposited during the late Burdigalian. The Kiel Member is covered by the shell-rich, silty sand of the Langhian Antwerpen Member (Berchem Formation). Both members display soft-sediment deformation structures, probably caused by differences in silt content between and within these units. The Antwerpen Member is incised by the Lower Pliocene Kattendijk Formation, which reduced the thickness of the former to only 1.1 m, compared to 7 m in northeastern Antwerp. As a result, the basal gravel of the Kattendijk Formation contains many fossils reworked from the Antwerpen Member, in addition to autochthonous molluscs and Ditrupa. The Zanclean fauna resembles associations known from the highest part of the Kattendijk Formation in the former Oosterweel outcrop north of Antwerp, while it differs from the fauna of the lowermost Kattendijk Formation near Doel and Kallo. Hence, the palaeontological observations corroborate the regional depositional model of this unit, suggesting that only the youngest gully sequence of the Kattendijk Formation was deposited across the city of Antwerp.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024 OA