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Article Reference The Population History of Domestic Sheep Revealed by Paleogenomes
Sheep was one of the first domesticated animals in Neolithic West Eurasia. The zooarchaeological record suggests that domestication first took place in Southwest Asia, although much remains unresolved about the precise location(s) and timing(s) of earliest domestication, or the post-domestication history of sheep. Here, we present 24 new partial sheep paleogenomes, including a 13,000-year-old Epipaleolithic Central Anatolian wild sheep, as well as 14 domestic sheep from Neolithic Anatolia, two from Neolithic Iran, two from Neolithic Iberia, three from Neolithic France, and one each from Late Neolithic/Bronze Age Baltic and South Russia, in addition to five present-day Central Anatolian Mouflons and two present-day Cyprian Mouflons. We find that Neolithic European, as well as domestic sheep breeds, are genetically closer to the Anatolian Epipaleolithic sheep and the present-day Anatolian and Cyprian Mouflon than to the Iranian Mouflon. This supports a Central Anatolian source for domestication, presenting strong evidence for a domestication event in SW Asia outside the Fertile Crescent, although we cannot rule out multiple domestication events also within the Neolithic Fertile Crescent. We further find evidence for multiple admixture and replacement events, including one that parallels the Pontic Steppe-related ancestry expansion in Europe, as well as a post-Bronze Age event that appears to have further spread Asia-related alleles across global sheep breeds. Our findings mark the dynamism of past domestic sheep populations in their potential for dispersal and admixture, sometimes being paralleled by their shepherds and in other cases not.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Article Reference Development of a Biofertilizer from Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria Isolated from Millipede Fecal Pellets
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference Stick insects from Vietnam: The new genus Mycovartes gen. nov., with two new species and two new species of Neooxyartes Ho, 2018 (Phasmida: Lonchodidae: Necrosciinae)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Article Reference Chromosomal inversions from an initial ecotypic divergence drive a gradual repeated radiation of Galápagos beetles
Island faunas exhibit some of the most iconic examples where similar forms repeatedly evolve within different islands. Yet, whether these deterministic evolutionary trajectories within islands are driven by an initial, singular divergence and the subsequent exchange of individuals and adaptive genetic variation between islands remains unclear. Here, we study a gradual, repeated evolution of low-dispersive highland ecotypes from a dispersive lowland ecotype of Calosoma beetles along the island progression of the Galápagos. We show that repeated highland adaptation involved selection on multiple shared alleles within extensive chromosomal inversions that originated from an initial adaptation event on the oldest island. These highland inversions first spread through dispersal of highland individuals. Subsequent admixture with the lowland ecotype resulted in polymorphic dispersive populations from which the highland populations evolved on the youngest islands. Our findings emphasize the significance of an ancient divergence in driving repeated evolution and highlight how a mixed contribution of inter-island colonization and within-island evolution can shape parallel species communities.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Article Reference Promoting best practices in ocean forecasting through an Operational Readiness Level
Predicting the ocean state in a reliable and interoperable way, while ensuring high-quality products, requires forecasting systems that synergistically combine science-based methodologies with advanced technologies for timely, user-oriented solutions. Achieving this objective necessitates the adoption of best practices when implementing ocean forecasting services, resulting in the proper design of system components and the capacity to evolve through different levels of complexity. The vision of OceanPrediction Decade Collaborative Center, endorsed by the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030, is to support this challenge by developing a “predicted ocean based on a shared and coordinated global effort” and by working within a collaborative framework that encompasses worldwide expertise in ocean science and technology. To measure the capacity of ocean forecasting systems, the OceanPrediction Decade Collaborative Center proposes a novel approach based on the definition of an Operational Readiness Level (ORL). This approach is designed to guide and promote the adoption of best practices by qualifying and quantifying the overall operational status. Considering three identified operational categories - production, validation, and data dissemination - the proposed ORL is computed through a cumulative scoring system. This method is determined by fulfilling specific criteria, starting from a given base level and progressively advancing to higher levels. The goal of ORL and the computed scores per operational category is to support ocean forecasters in using and producing ocean data, information, and knowledge. This is achieved through systems that attain progressively higher levels of readiness, accessibility, and interoperability by adopting best practices that will be linked to the future design of standards and tools. This paper discusses examples of the application of this methodology, concluding on the advantages of its adoption as a reference tool to encourage and endorse services in joining common frameworks.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Article Reference Phylogenomics and biogeography of sawflies and woodwasps (Hymenoptera, Symphyta)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference A new Antarctic species of Orchomenella G.O. Sars, 1890 (Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea: Tryphosidae): is phasecontrast micro-tomography a mature technique for digital holotypes?
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Article Reference Faunal remains from Early Bronze Age al-Lāhūn (Jordan) and a comparison to contemporaneous assemblages in the southern Levant
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Article Reference Oxygen and sulfur stable isotope ratios of Late Devonian vertebrates trace the relative salinity of their aquatic environments
Late Devonian aquatic environments hosted the fin-to-limb transition in vertebrates. Upper Devonian (ca. 365–360 Ma) strata in Pennsylvania, USA, preserve a diversity of fishes and tetrapods in coastal marine to fluvial depositional environments, making this region ideal for investigating the ecology and evolution of Late Devonian vertebrates. A key unresolved issue has been reconstructing the specific aquatic habitats that hosted various vertebrates during this period. Specifically, the salinity of environments spanning fresh to shallow marine water is difficult to discern from sedimentological and paleontological analyses alone. Here, we analyze rare earth elements and yttrium (REY) as well as stable oxygen and sulfur isotope compositions (δ18O, δ34S) in fossil vertebrate bioapatite from late Famennian (ca. 362–360 Ma) strata of the Catskill and Lock Haven formations in the Appalachian Basin, USA, to determine the relative salinity of their aquatic environments. These results confirm the ecological euryhalinity of several taxa (Bothriolepis sp., tristichopterids, and Holoptychius sp.). Our results are the first demonstrating that some early tetrapod species occupied unequivocally freshwater habitats by late Famennian time (ca. 362–360 Ma). Our study shows that integrating sedimentological and paleontological data with combined oxygen and sulfur isotope analysis allows precise tracing of the relative salinity of vertebrate habitats deep in the past.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference Octet Stream The earliest evidence for deformation of livestock horns: The case of Predynastic sheep from Hierakonpolis, Egypt
Archaeozoological evidence for the modification of sheep horns during Egypt's Predynastic period was uncovered at Hierakonpolis, Upper Egypt. At HK6, the site's so-called elite cemetery, a grave, which was part of a larger mortuary complex dated to around 3700 BC, contained at least 6 large, castrated male sheep. One individual was polled, while four others were of the corkscrew-horn type, but their horns were not oriented in the natural, lateral direction. Instead, the horns had been intentionally manipulated to grow upwards and in three cases this resulted in upright, parallel horns. While comparable practices are well documented in Africa in cattle through both modern ethnographic observations and archaeozoological studies of material from third millennium BC Nubia (in Kerma, Sudan), the Hierakonpolis sheep provide the oldest evidence for horn modification of livestock, and the first demonstration of the practice applied to sheep. When describing the skulls particular attention is paid to the pathological traces and deformities, i.e. constrictions on the horn cores, holes at the horn core bases, and deformations of the frontals. In order to assess the possible methods used in Predynastic Hierakonpolis to redirect the horns, these observations are compared with ethnographic and archaeozoological data from the literature. Finally, the possible reasons why these sheep were modified are also discussed. This study indicates that Predynastic Egyptians were already familiar with horn modelling techniques and confirms that this practice has a long history in the Nile Valley.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024