The biodiversity of the Eocene Messel Pit
The Messel Pit is a Konservat-Lagerstätte in Germany, representing the deposits of a latest early to earliest middle Eocene maar lake, and one of the first palaeontological sites to be included on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. One aspect of Messel that makes it so extraordinary is that its sediments are rich in different fossilised organisms – microfossils, plants, fungi, invertebrate animals and vertebrates – that are rarely preserved together. We present an updated list of all taxa, named or not, that have been documented at Messel, comprising 1409 taxa, which represent a smaller but inexactly known number of biological species. The taxonomic list of Labandeira and Dunne (2014) contains serious deficiencies and should not be used uncritically. Furthermore, we compiled specimen lists of all Messel amphibians, reptiles and mammals known to us. In all, our analyses incorporate data from 32 public collections and some 20 private collections. We apply modern biodiversity-theoretic techniques to ascertain how species richness tracks sampling, to estimate what is the minimum asymptotic species richness, and to project how long it will take to sample a given proportion of that minimum richness. Plant and insect diversity is currently less well investigated than vertebrate diversity. Completeness of sampling in aquatic and semiaquatic, followed by volant, vertebrates is higher than in terrestrial vertebrates. Current excavation rates are one-half to two-thirds lower than in the recent past, leading to much higher estimates of the future excavation effort required to sample species richness more completely, should these rates be maintained. Species richness at Messel, which represents a lake within a paratropical forest near the end of the Early Eocene Climate Optimum, was generally higher than in comparable parts of Central Europe today but lower than in present-day Neotropical biotopes. There is no evidence that the Eocene Messel ecosystem was a “tropical rainforest.”
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
The first and oldest record of Issidae from the Lower Cretaceous of Lebanon (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha)
Libanissus bkassinensis Azar, Maksoud & Nel, gen. et sp. nov. is illustrated and described from the Lower Cretaceous dysodile (oil papershales) of Bkassine, South Lebanon, and its taxonomic position discussed. Libanissus bkassinensis Azar, Maksoud & Nel, gen. et sp. nov. is characterized by its banded legs and body, a hind wing with two lobes, RA and RP very short, M with only two very short apical branches, CuA with two branches, and a small but distinct apical furcation of PCu close to the incision of the wing margin. Libanissus bkassinensis Azar, Maksoud & Nel, gen. et sp. nov. represents the earliest record (lower Barremian) of the Issidae. Prior to this discovery, the oldest known record was from the Paleocene of France.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Evidence of parasites in Burials and cesspits used by the clergy and general population of 13th – 18th century Ghent, Belgium
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Fuelling the Roman salt industry. Developing a new multiproxy approach to identify peat fuel from archaeological combustion residue
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Optical dating of charcoal kiln remains from WWII: A test of accuracy.
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Woodland exploitation by early modern military camps and their impact on the forest environment. Anthracological analysis from Ninove-Doorn Noord (1692–1693, 1745, Belgium)
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) Paleoparasitological analysis of a 15th–16th c. CE latrine from the merchant quarter of Bruges, Belgium: Evidence for local and exotic parasite infections
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Le crâne attribué au saint roi mérovingien Dagobert II. Étude historique et anthropologique.
When History and legend meet forensic anthropology, it can lead to complex research. We owe it to chance, which allowed us to study a skull, part of the Treasury of the Sainte-Waudru collegiate Church in Mons (Belgium). Various documents have been studied and we have maintained contacts with the historians of the City of Stenay (France) and with the Circle of Saint-Dagobert, venerating since 679, Dagobert II, the king murdered on this date and became the protector of this locality. The strangeness of the lesion observed on this skull allowed us to study various weapons from this period in order to search and find very useful matches. Modern datation techniques (radiocarbon) however, have reversed the course of this story and excluded the belonging of this skull to one of the last Merovingian kings.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Secondary sex estimation using morphological traits from the cranium and mandible: application to two Merovingian populations from Belgium
It is generally accepted that the coxal bone is the most reliable bone for estimating the sex of adult subjects. When the coxal bone is not usable, researchers generally turn to methods based on the skull (cranium and mandible). However, these methods are less reliable, because they are largely based on an estimate of the robusticity, which can be influenced by characteristics independent of the sex of the subject. In the context of primary sex estimation, skull-based methods should therefore be avoided. However, by using morphological traits of the cranium and the mandible as part of a secondary sex estimation, we were able to estimate the sex of a relatively large number of individuals with a minimum reliability of 95%. Our study thus illustrates the value of using morphological characteristics of the skull for a secondary sex estimation conducted with a reliable statistical method.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
"By God, I’ve lost my leg!" : la découverte de restes humains aux abords de l’ambulance des Alliés à Waterloo et le projet Waterloo Uncovered
2024, mis en ligne le 22 décembre 2023, consulté le 19 décembre 2024. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/bmsap/13003 ; DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/bmsap.13003
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