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Article Reference Revision of the genera of Scolodontidae, part 2: Guestieria Crosse, 1872, Xenodiscula Pilsbry, 1919, and a misidentified planorbid
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference Helix entodonta L. Pfeiffer, 1859, a terrestrial snail from Ecuador, is a species of Zilchistrophia Weyrauch, 1960 (Gastropoda: Scolodontidae): Implications for the diagnosis and interpretation of Systrophia L. Pfeiffer, 1855 and Entodina Ancey, 1887
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference First record of three alien termite species in Belgium
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference Struggling with shells: Drymaeus Albers, 1850 and Mesembrinus Albers, 1850 species (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Bulimulidae) from Peru — an illustrated checklist and descriptions of new spec
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference Annotated type catalogue of Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Natural History Museum, London: A supplement
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference New material of the small raoellid artiodactyl Metkatius kashmiriensis Kumar and Sahni, 1985 (Mammalia) from the middle Eocene of the Kalakot area, Rajouri District, Jammu and Kashmir, India
New material of the small raoellid artiodactyl Metkatius kashmiriensis is reported from the middle Eocene of the Upper Subathu Formation in the Kalakot area, Jammu and Kashmir, northwest Himalaya, India. The fossil material consists of numerous mandibular and maxillary fragments and isolated teeth, mainly belonging to juvenile specimens. It documents the poorly known dental morphology of M. kashmiriensis and provides an overview of its intraspecific variation, allowing to redefine its diagnosis. M. kashmiriensis is characterized by a particularly small size compared with other raoellid species, and by bunodont molars with moderately marked transverse lophs. The M/1–2 are much longer than wide and display characters similar to those of Rajouria gunnelli, such as the presence of a small paraconid and a mesial mesiostylid. The P/4 bears distally a small hypoconid, which appears to be unique in Raoellidae. The description of the new material also allows to document the poorly known morphology of the deciduous teeth of raoellids. The DP2/ is reported for the first time, and the DP/4 of M. kashmiriensis shows a morphology different from that of Indohyus, with the absence of mesial basin anterior to the paraconid and the primoconid. Contrary to what has recently been proposed, these results confirm that M. kashmiriensis is a valid species and not a synonym of Indohyus indirae, and highlight the great morphological diversity present within the Raoellidae during the middle Eocene in the Indian subcontinent.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024 OA
Article Reference A Neogene succession in the city centre of Antwerp (Belgium): stratigraphy, palaeontology and geotechnics of the Rubenshuis temporary outcrop
A temporary outcrop near the “Rubenshuis” in the centre of Antwerp (northern Belgium) facilitated the study of the Neogene glauconitic sand of the Berchem and Kattendijk formations, west and south of their respective stratotype sections. In contrast to the latter sections, the exposed Kiel Member of the Berchem Formation contains a relatively silty interval in its upper part, which is also reflected in Cone Penetration Tests. This silty interval is rich in molluscs, including the subspecies Glossus lunulatus cf. lunulatus and Ennucula haesendoncki haesendoncki, previously unknown from this member. Dinoflagellate cysts indicate that the main body of the Kiel Member was deposited during the middle Burdigalian, while only the upper part was deposited during the late Burdigalian. The Kiel Member is covered by the shell-rich, silty sand of the Langhian Antwerpen Member (Berchem Formation). Both members display soft-sediment deformation structures, probably caused by differences in silt content between and within these units. The Antwerpen Member is incised by the Lower Pliocene Kattendijk Formation, which reduced the thickness of the former to only 1.1 m, compared to 7 m in northeastern Antwerp. As a result, the basal gravel of the Kattendijk Formation contains many fossils reworked from the Antwerpen Member, in addition to autochthonous molluscs and Ditrupa. The Zanclean fauna resembles associations known from the highest part of the Kattendijk Formation in the former Oosterweel outcrop north of Antwerp, while it differs from the fauna of the lowermost Kattendijk Formation near Doel and Kallo. Hence, the palaeontological observations corroborate the regional depositional model of this unit, suggesting that only the youngest gully sequence of the Kattendijk Formation was deposited across the city of Antwerp.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024 OA
Inproceedings Reference A Paleocene occurrence of cornelian cherries Cornus subg. Cornus in the land-mammal site of Berru (Paris Basin, France)
Cornus subgenus Cornus, also called cornelian cherries, is a relatively ancient clade of dogwoods with a complex biogeographic history. Their fossil record attests to a distribution in North America during the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene, whereas the earliest fossil record in Europe is dated as early as the Eocene. Here, we describe a new occurrence of cornelian cherries based on permineralized endocarps from the late Paleocene (ca. 58 Ma) land-mammal locality of Berru, in Northwest France. The 48 studied specimens possess characteristic cornelian cherry endocarp morphology with locules associated with a dorsal germination valve, no central vascularization, and the presence of numerous secretory cavities in the endocarp wall. In addition, the presence of (three)-four locules and a large apical depression strongly suggest affinities with the early Eocene species Cornus multilocularis from the London Clay Formation. This new occurrence expands the stratigraphic range of the species by approximately four to six million years and is the first unequivocal evidence of cornelian cherries in Europe during the Paleocene. The biogeographical history of cornelian cherries remains complex to explore because of its ancient distribution in the Cretaceous and a geographically and stratigraphically patchy Cenozoic record.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2025
Introduction: The meteorite classification processes require a sequence of semi-destructive to destructive analyses to elucidate the internal texture and chemical composition of the sample. Several methods have been proposed for classifying meteorites using a non-destructive approach such as magnetic susceptibility [1] or 3D petrographic analysis [2]. Specimens with unique orientation forms such as cone or shield-shaped, are often prioritized for non-destructive classification due to their significant exhibition value and insight into the aerodynamics of extraterrestrial material during their atmospheric entrance [3,4]. In this study, we present a description employing non-destructive analysis to classify a newly found flattened shield-shaped Antarctic meteorite discovered during the Belgian meteorite reconnaissance expedition 2022-2023 in the Sør Rondane area, East Antarctica [5]. This approach promises to provide detailed internal structural and information on physical properties without compromising the integrity of the sample. Methods: We utilized the X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) RX Solutions EasyTom150 device at the Institute of Natural Sciences (Brussels, Belgique) to analyze the sample with dimensions of 37.1 mm x 44.0 mm x 52.6 mm (Fig. 1). A copper filter of 0.4 mm was used. The sample was scanned at a voxel size of 58.2 μm using the large focal spot mode at 145 kV, 38 W and 260 μA. We employed the program 3D Slicer [6] to analyze the three-dimensional properties and calculate the physical parameters. Additionally, magnetic susceptibility measurements were conducted on the field using an SM30 instrument. Preliminary results: Various forms of deformation, notably radial extension features, were detected, likely indicative of shock experiences undergone by the sample before entering the Earth’s atmosphere, hence corroborating its extraterrestrial origin (Fig. 1). Preliminary magnetic susceptibility measurement on the field indicated a value typical of L chondrites (log χ ~ 4.7 [5]). The interior XCT slices reveal that the sample comprises a dense metallic phase with few non-metallic inclusions, primarily located on the face opposite to the entry direction (red arrow in Fig. 1b). The total volume measures 22.09 cm3, with a corresponding mass of 151.1 g, indicating a meteorite bulk density of 6.8 g cm-3 comparable to iron meteorites (bulk density between 7 and 8 g cm-3 [7]). This is at odds with the preliminary magnetic susceptibility measurement. Additional non-destructive analyzes will be needed, notably μ-XRF measurements to offer a better comprehension of the origin of the sample. This underlines the difficulty of classifying a sample in a non-destructive manner
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Inproceedings Reference Tintigny: A Polymict Eucrite from Belgium
In February 1971, a meteorite fell on the roof of a barn belonging to Mr. E. Schmitz in Tintigny, a village in southern Belgium. Upon its recovery, its meteoritic origin was confirmed by the schoolteacher, Mr. A. Rossignon who then looked after the sample. In 2017, for the first time, the meteorite was given to specialists for a detailed examina-tion and classification. We used various analytical techniques to characterize its mineralogy, elemental, and isotopic composition. Based on the obtained data, we classified it as a polymict eucrite, a meteorite originating from 4 Vesta, and named it Tintigny [1]. Tintigny is partly covered by shiny black fusion crust. Its interior mainly exhibits a light grey color and shows a brecciated texture composed of a fine-grained matrix, hosting darker crystals and cm-sized dark grey clasts. Under the microscope, a brecciated sub-ophitic basaltic texture mainly composed of plagioclase/maskelynite and clinopy-roxene is dominant. In addition to the dominant sub-ophitic texture, at least three distinct textures exposed in clasts are observable. At least two generations of shock effects (such as fractures), are present in the sample: those limited to clasts and large crystals, and those that crosscut both the large grains and the matrix. The accessory minerals include troilite, ilmenite, chromite, FeNi metal, and silica. Mineral chemistry calculations of pyroxene end-members show ranges from 8.5 to 60.7 mol% for enstatite, 30.1–70.0 mol% for ferrosilite, and 2.6–38.4 mol% for wollastonite. Based on these values, most pyroxenes in Tintigny are pigeonite and augite [2]. The Fe/Mn ratios of pyroxenes range from 27.1 to 39.3, with the highest ratio observed in pyroxene from the symplectitic clast. Fe/Mn and Fe/Mg ratios in low-Ca pyroxene (Wo<10) are 30.2±4.4 and 0.8±0.3, respectively. These ratios in high-Ca pyroxene (n=8) are 34.3±3.7 for Fe/Mn and 2.6±2.4 for Fe/Mg. The average pyroxene Fe/Mn ratio for all pyroxene is 32.5±4.4 (SD, n=14). Fe/Mg ranges from 0.6 to 8.2, with an average value of 1.8±2.0 (SD, n±14). Considering pyroxene Fe/Mn ranges of 40±11, 62±18, 32±6, and 30±2 for basaltic rocks from the Earth, Moon, Mars, and 4 Vesta (eucrites), respectively, and based on our data, particularly those of low-Ca py-roxene, Tintigny falls in the range of basaltic eucrites [3]. The bulk rock Fe/Mn and Fe/Mg ratios of Tintigny are 33.9 and 3.1, respectively. These values overlap with those measured for howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) and martian meteorites [4]. With a Ga/Al ratio of 4.17×10-5, Tintigny falls within the range of those of eucrites. Using the CI-normalized elemental concentration, we can see strong simi-larities between Tintigny and noncumulate eucrites, which is also reflected based on the abundance of TiO2 (0.63) and FeO/MgO ratio (2.66) in Tintigny. The bulk oxygen isotopic composition of Tintigny, as determined by laser fluorination, is also consistent with it being an HED (δ17O=1.72±0.04 ‰; δ18O=3.76±0.08‰; Δ17O=-0.25±0.01 ‰ (n=2, errors 2SD)), with a composition that plots close to the Eucrite Fractionation Line [5]. Based on the Meteoritical Bulletin Database, only 70 HED falls have been reported so far. Including Tintigny, only 39 eucrite falls are known to date, 11 of them occurred in Europe, with Tintigny being the only one from Belgium. In addition to the scientific importance of studying a eucrite fall like Tintigny, we emphasize the significance of the discovery of a historical meteorite fall by drawing attention to national scientific heritage that must be properly un-derstood and safeguarded for generations of scientists, scholars, and amateurs to come. Nowadays, together with four other meteorites from Belgium (Hautes Fagnes LL5, Lesves L6, St. Denis Westrem L6, and Tourinnes-la-Grosse L6), the Tintigny achondrite is exhibited in the meteorite gallery of the Institute of Nat-ural Sciences in Brussels and is open to the public for visits.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024