In the last decades, rapid urbanization, global climate change and uncontrolled anthropogenic transformations of the territory caused a relevant increase in geo-hazards events with huge economic and social consequences. The dramatic increase of these events with environmental degradation highlights the importance of improving ground monitoring and natural resources management with a continuous exchange of knowledge between the scientific community and authorities in charge of environmental risk management. Since the late 1990s, SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) data allow measuring slow-moving ground deformations. In the last decades, the use of spaceborne InSAR (Interferometric SAR) has increased significantly thanks to the availability of large-area coverage, millimetre precision, high spatial/temporal data resolution and good cost-benefit. For the last 3 decades, the development of Multi-Temporal Interferometric SAR techniques (MT-InSAR), commonly grouped into PSI-like (Persistent Scatterers Interferometry) and SBAS-like (Small BAseline Subset) algorithms, has changed the way radar images can be exploited for geohazard monitoring (natural gas extraction, mining activities, groundwater overexploitation, karst or landslides processes, etc.). Most of the subsidence bowls mapped by the PSI technique in Belgium have been related to strong fluctuations of an aquifer implying at the surface ground deformations (Declercq et al., 2017; 2021). Besides, the recent dry years are related to ground stability problems in large areas of Flanders. Land subsidence poses significant problems. The most affected regions lie on compressible loose sediments. Any change in the piezometric heads modifies the pore pressure, which may induce consolidation if the geological formations are compressible. Geomechanical aspects are fully coupled to groundwater flow equations. If groundwater levels and pressures are restored, a partial rebound (uplift) corresponding to the elastic part of the geological formations is observed. Consolidation and elastic rebound processes occur in confined and unconfined conditions. The most sensitive parts of the concerned aquifers contain clay, loam or peat lenses but consolidation may occur mostly in the underlying and overlying layers that are often less permeable and more compressible than the aquifer itself. In this case, it is largely a delayed process occurring as far as the pore pressure variation slowly propagates in the low permeability (aquitard) layers. We propose to confront the results of the PSinSAR technique data with hydrogeological groundwater models and two other geodetic techniques: GNSS and gravimetry. LASUGEO Geologica Belgica Meeting 2021, September 15-18, Tervuren, Belgium – Abstract Book, p. 75 focusses on ground deformations in different areas in Belgium: the deep aquifer system of western Flanders, the Tertiary aquifer system in Central Flanders, the Antwerp area, the Leuven area and the Brussels Region. The possible groundwater overexploitation needs to be established through a transient hydrogeological model considering all the stress factors applied to the aquifers. The estimated compaction in the subsiding bowls will be compared with 1D geomechanical model results. The latter will be performed using geotechnical effective stresses as deduced from the pore pressure distribution from the hydrogeological model (Dassargues et al., 1989). These different steps will be done by the partners of the LASUGEO project that are involved in the different case study areas.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2021
The cartographic boundary of the Brabant Massif in the northwest is the North Sea, which is an observational limit. Nevertheless the Lower Palaeozoic rocks continue as part of a larger unit, referred to as the Anglo-Brabant Deformation Belt. Maps of the Brabant Massif largely rely on borehole data. The latest map of the Brabant Massif (Piessens et al., 2005) uses structural concepts and direct information, rather than geophysical information. Nevertheless, an aeromagnetic survey and gravimetric data corroborate the large scale distribution of the units. This map is extrapolated to the off-shore territory of Belgium. Direct information from drillings is not available for the off-shore region, and it is therefore not possible to draw this map at the same stratigraphic resolution. The formations are therefore grouped into Cambrian, Ordovician and Silurian units. Magnetic susceptibility is high for the Cambrian, which allows tracing their continuation from on-shore to off-shore. The formations at subcrop level along the central axis of the Brabant Massif are on-shore Cambrian in age, but young in a WNW direction. Also the magnetic pattern becomes less intense, likely corresponding to an increasing depth of the more magnetic lower Cambrian units. This trend continues off-shore, indicating that the Cambrian units disappears at subcrop level. Superimposed on this general trend an aeromagnetic anomaly about 15 km off-shore of Ostend marks the probable local reappearance of the Tubize Formation. A secondary and less continuous Cambrian axis passes near Diksmuide. A second isolated off-shore aeromagnetic anomaly, indicative of the Cambrian unit, lies along the trace of this secondary axis. The gravimetric map shows a low gravimetric anomaly of which the circular shape suggests a genetic link with the chain of gravimetric lows that underlie the southern part of the on-shore part of the Brabant Massif. The higher densities in the northern part of the off-shore territory confirm, in continuation of the on-shore formation boundaries, the presence of the Silurian unit. The validity of the inferred distribution of the stratigraphic units was verified with the structural 3D concept that was developed for the on-shore part of the Brabant Massif, concluding that the inferred distribution of the geological units is in agreement with the structural model derived on-shore. It for example explains the positions of the two magnetic anomalies relative to each another. A central element in the structural model is the Asquempont Detachment System of which a limited number of possible traces is possible.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2016