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Unpublished Reference Quantification of hydrodynamic changes induced by an offshore mussel aquaculture farm (Part 1)
The goal of this end-of-studies internship proposed by the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) is the quantification of hydrodynamic changes (especially sea currents) induced by an offshore aquaculture farm similar to that of the industrial project “Westdiep Sea Farm”. The mussel aquaculture technique used in this project is known to disturb currents by, among other things, increasing the velocity of currents under the farm and significantly increasing the turbulence developing in the wake of the rigs. However, according to the knowledge of the RBINS, no study quantifies these disturbances. From an environmental point of view, an open question is whether or not these changes can modify the erosion/sedimentation pattern around the farm, leading, for example, to a risk of destabilization of the neighbouring sandbanks. First, the objective of this internship is to implement the parameterization of droppers impacts in the COHERENS hydrodynamic model. For this, a literature study will be carried out. Then, a sensitivity study will be conducted in order to use the implementation in a test case of a similar and simplified mussel farm. If time permits, the final objective would be to apply these different tests and simulations on the realistic case of the "Westdiep Sea Farm".
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022 OA
Mastersthesis Reference Etude d'impact des changements hydrodynamiques induits par une ferme d'aquaculture de moules offshore
About 30 years ago, researchers of RBINS developed COHERENS (coupled hydrodynamical-ecological model for regional and shelf seas), a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model designed for a wide range of applications in coastal and shelf seas, estuaries, lakes and reservoirs. The main goal of this internship is to quantify the hydrographic changes (especially marine currents) induced by an offshore mussel aquaculture farm similar to the industrial project "Wesdiep Sea Farm", using the COHERENS model. The mussel aquaculture technique used in this project is known to disturb currents and turbulence in the water column. The goal of this internship is to implement the parameterisation of the impacts of the mussel droppers in the COHERENS hydrodynamic model as well as the addition of a new source term for turbulent kinetic energy production. Then, a sensitivity study will be carried out using the implementation made in a test case of a simplified mussel aquaculture farm. Note that in parallel to this report, a more complete report was produced for RBINS within the framework of this internship and the student has already been offered a contract of employment.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022 OA
Techreport Reference Etude archéo-anthropologique du site de Huy, rue Saint-Hilaire
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Techreport Reference Lithostratigraphic identification sheet Merksplas Formation
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Techreport Reference Lithostratigraphic identification sheet Jagersborg Member (Kieseloolite Formation)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Techreport Reference Lithostratigraphic identification sheet Pey Bed (Brunssum Member)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Techreport Reference Lithostratigraphic identification sheet Brunssum Member (Kieseloolite Formation)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Techreport Reference Lithostratigraphic identification sheet Op-den-Berg Facies (Kieseloolite Formation)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Techreport Reference C header Lithostratigraphic identification sheet Waubach Member (Kieseloolite Formation)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Techreport Reference Lithostratigraphic identification sheet Kieseloolite Formation
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022