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Article Reference Fish otoliths from the Early and Middle Miocene of the Penedès (Catalunya, Spain)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Article Reference Animal exploitation at ed-Dur (Umm al-Qaiwain, United Arab Emirates)
Faunal remains are described from a series of contexts excavated in the coastal site of ed-Dur, dated between the second and fourth century AD. The more than 19,000 identified animal bones allowed a diachronic and spatial analysis. Subsistence relied heavily on domestic animals, in particular sheep and goat, and on fishing. Whereas the exploitation of terrestrial resources seems to have been quite constant throughout the period considered, the aquatic fauna shows changes through time. A shift, possibly linked to overexploitation, is seen both in the proportions of the targeted fish species and in their sizes. The deposition of some of the mammals encountered in burials is also dealt with; dog and ovicaprid can probably be added to the list of mammals used in ritual context in the region. Spatial analysis did not reveal particular concentrations or activity areas. In general the finds fit nicely in the archaeozoological record of the wider region.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Article Reference The European Mesonychid Mammals: Phylogeny, Ecology, Biogeography, and Biochronology
Here we review the fossil record of European mesonychids, which are known only through the genera Dissacus and Pachyaena from Thanetian and Ypresian localities (from MP6 to MP10 reference-levels). We describe two new species, Dissacus rougierae, sp. nov., and Dissacus raslanloubatieri, sp. nov., respectively from Palette (Ypresian, ≈MP7) and from La Borie (Ypresian, ≈MP8 + 9). We also describe new specimens of D. europaeus from Berru (Thanetian, ≈MP6). The evolution of the geographic distribution of the European mesonychids is characterized by three phases: (1) the mesonychid Dissacus appeared in Europe during the Thanetian (≈ 57–58 Mya), probably due to dispersal from North America; D. europaeus survived the PETM event (≈ 56 Mya) and possibly experienced a dwarfism; (2) the large mesonychid Pachyaena migrated into Europe shortly after the Paleocene-Eocene boundary (≈ 55 Mya), but it was restricted to northwestern Europe, while Dissacus is recorded at this time only in southwestern Europe (Palette); and (3) Pachyaena rapidly disappeared from European environments, while Dissacus subsequently dispersed into northwestern Europe (≈ 54–52 Mya). We performed phylogenetic analyses in order to identify the relationships of the new species among mesonychids. It seems that the mesonychids went through two radiative events: the first during the Paleocene, the second mostly during the early Eocene. The first one corresponds to the diversification of Dissacus, while the latter resulted in the appearance of the most specialized mesonychids, such as Pachyaena and Mesonyx.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Article Reference Miscellanea Herpetologica Gabonica VII
We present new Gabonese locality records, ecological data or unpublished museum material for Crocodylus niloticus (Crocodylidae), Trionyx triunguis (Trionychidae), Agama lebretoni (Agamidae), Hemidactylus fasciatus and H. mabouia (Gekkonidae), Gastropholis echinata (Lacertidae), Trachylepis albilabris (Scincidae), Afrotyphlops angolensis (Typhlopidae), Dipsadoboa viridis, Hapsidophrys smaragdinus, Toxicodryas pulverulenta (Colubridae), Naja melanoleuca (Elapidae), Lamprophis olivaceus, Psammophis cf. phillipsii (Lamprophiidae), Natriciteres fuliginoides (Natricidae), Causus lichtensteinii and C. maculatus (Viperidae). We document predation cases by Hapsidophrys smaragdinus on Hemidactylus mabouia and Trachylepis albilabris, by Naja melanoleuca on Sclerophrys regularis (Anura: Bufonidae) and by Psammophis cf. phillipsii on Phrynobatrachus auritus (Anura: Phrynobatrachidae), and consumption of Arius latiscutatus (Siluriformes: Ariidae) and Tragelaphus spekii (Cetartiodactyla: Bovidae) by Crocodylus niloticus. We add one, two and one snake species, respectively, to Estuaire, Moyen-Ogooué and Nyanga provinces’ reptile lists. We add four reptile species to the list for Wonga-Wongué Presidential Reserve. We refer all records of Agama agama in Gabon to A. picticauda.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Article Reference Bostryx hennahi (Gray, 1828) the largest Chilean bulimulid (Mollusca: Pulmonata) rediscovered among Tillandsia communities in northern Chile
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Article Reference The land Mollusca of Saint Kitts and Nevis (Lesser Antilles), with description of a new species
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Article Reference Synopsis of Central Andean Orthalicoid land snails (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora), excluding Bulimulidae
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Article Reference A new species of Bothriembryon (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Bothriembryontidae) from southeasternmost Western Australia
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Article Reference Combining mitochondrial DNA and morphological data to delineate four new millipede species and provisional assignment to the genus Apeuthes Hoffman & Keeton (Diplopoda : Spirobolida : Pachybolidae : Trigoniulinae)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022 OA
Article Reference MEMO: Monitoring of exotic mosquitoes in Belgium
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022