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Book Reference Foraminifera of the Montian stratotype and of subjacent strata in the "Mons well 1969" with a review of Belgian Paleocene Stratigraphy
Deze samenvatting is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands. Résumé Dans les 54 échantillons du "Sondage carotté de Mons 1969" (1), effectué dans le Bassin de Mons, plus de cent taxons de foraminifères ont été observés. La partie supérieure de nos échantillons (entre 12 et 6 m de profondeur) appartiennent à la section type du Montien. Les espèces suivantes sont considérées comme nouvelles: Discorbis ? lenae, Discorbis ? renemarlierei, Rotorbinella pozaryskae, Pararatalia godfriauxi, Pararatalia obourgensis, Eponides robaszynskii, Scarificatina szczechurae. Quelques variétés nouvelles sont laissées en nomenclature ouverte. Un nomen nudum de la littérature, Scarificatina reinholdi MARIE est validé. La séquence des tuffeaux du Tertiaire basal du "sondage de Mons 1969" (ici appelée les tuffeaux d'Obourg), qui recouvre le Maastrichtien Inférieur à 80 m, est pauvre en foraminifères planctiques, ce qui est dû aux conditions marines très peu profondes, pendant la sédimentation. Les benthiques, bien que mal conservés, sont abondants et fortement diversifiés, surtout les Rotaliidae et les Discorbidae. La plupart des taxons Paléocènes provenant de ces associations riches en benthiques des tuffeaux d'Obourg, appartiennent à des espèces dont la distribution verticale est longue. La plupart des formes sont probablement liées au facies, mais la composition des associations permet de distinguer trois zones qui facilitent les corrélations en Belgique et dans la région de Maastricht. Partant des associations de foraminifères, la stratigraphie du Paléocène de la Belgique est passée en revue. La plupart des changements faunistiques sont probablement dûs aux changements graduels écologiques. Néanmoins, on peut observer un changement faunistique important dans le Paléocène Moyen, les associations Daniennes-Montiennes se trouvant en-dessous et les associations Heersiennes-Landéniennes se trouvant au-dessus de la coupure. Ce grand changement faunistique correspond à une lacune importante dans la sédimentation marine, lacune qui est, en partie, remplie par des sédiments non-marins, sauf dans le sondage de Mechelen/Maas où la série est plus complète, comprenant des sédiments marins avec une faune de transition. Les faunes benthiques indiquent que le Tuffeau de Ciply - dans sa section type - se trouve probablement plus bas dans la succession que les tuffeaux du Tertiaire basal du Sondage de Mons 1969. Il est en tous cas certain que la section type du Tuffeau de Ciply est plus âgée que le Montien type, tandis que le Heersien type est certainement plus jeune que ce dernier. La zonation de la séquence des tuffeaux du sondage de Mons 1969, basée sur les associations de foraminifères benthiques, ne permet pas de présenter des corrélations plus lointaines que celles intéressant les régions de Mons et de Maastricht. Pour suggérer des corrélations avec le Paléocène du Danemark, il nous faut considérer les rares foraminifères planctiques. Globigerina triloculinoides,Globorotalia sp. aff. G. varianta, G. sp. cf. G. imitata, G. Pseudobulloides et G. sp. cf. G. compressa sont rares. Les exemplaires de Globigerina daubjergensis sont moins rares que ceux appartenant à d'autres foraminifères planctiques, mais ils ne sont pas suffisamment fréquents pour permettre une analyse statistique, comme celle de HANSEN (1970 a), faite sur du matériel Danien - Sélandien du Danemark. Pour autant qu'on puisse conclure des deux cents exemplaires trouvés dans la séquence des tuffeaux du sondage d'Obourg, les dimensions des tests s'accroissent vers le haut. Ces résultats concordent donc avec ceux du Danemark. A nouveau nous pouvons conclure que le Calcaire de Mons dans sa localité type (= Montien type) est plus jeune que le Tuffeau de Ciply dans sa section type, et que - si nous pouvons utiliser ces résultats pour des corrélations plus lointaines - le Montien type est plus jeune que le Danien moyen du Danemark, qui incorpore à son tour le stratotype du Danien à Faxe. Il n'est pas certain si le stratotype du Montien est un équivalent latéral du "Danien supérieur" du Danemark (p.e. du Danske Kalk à Hvallose) ou s'il est en partie légèrement plus jeune. Néanmoins, on peut dire avec certitude que le Montien type n'est pas plus jeune que la date de disparition de la lignée Globigerina daubjergensis - kozlowskii puisqu'on a trouvé des exemplaires de ce groupe jusque dans la section type du Montien. Le Heersien type ne les contient plus; il est considérablement plus jeune. (1) Originalement le sondage avait été appelé "sondage d'Obourg", plus tard, les collègues de la Faculté polytechnique de Mons ont changé son nom en "sondage de Mons, 1969, ce qui correspond à la réalité géographique. Abstract Over a hundred taxa of foraminifera have been recorded from 54 samples of the cored "Mons well 1969" (1) in the Mons basin, the upper samples of the analysed sequence (between 12 and 26 m depth) belonging to the Montian stratotype. Seven benthonic species were described as new: Discorbis ? lenae, Discorbis ? renemarlierei, Rotorbinella pozaryskae, Pararotalia godfriauxi, Pararatalia obourgensis, Eponides robaszynskii and Scarificatina szczechurae. Same species and varieties were left in open nomenclature. An earlier nomen nudum of the literature, Scarificatina reinholdi MARIE, has here been validated, and the species has been designated type species for that genus. The Lower Tertiary calcarenite sequence (here called Obourg calcarenites) of the Mons well 1969, which overlies lowermost Maastrichtian sediments at 80 m, is very poor in planktonic foraminifera. This is explained by assuming a very shallow environment during deposition. Benthonics, mainly Rotaliidae and Discorbidae, though ill preserved, are abundant and strongly diversified. The rich benthonic assemblages of the Obourg calcarenites mainly consist of long ranging Paleocene taxa. They are thought to be strongly facies bound, but they allow the recognition of three assemblage zones of importance for correlations in Belgium and in the Maastricht area. The Belgian Paleocene stratigraphy is reviewed on the basis of foraminiferal assemblages. Much of the faunal changes are probably due to gradual shifts of environments. However, there is a major break in the middle of the Paleocene, with Danian - Montian assemblages below it and Heersian –Landenian associations above. This fauna break probably corresponds to an important gap in the record, which is partly represented by non-marine deposits, except in the Mechelen-aan-de-Maas well where a transitional marine assemblage has been recorded, and where the sedimentary gap appears ta be much smaller. The benthonic faunas indicate that the typical Tuffeau de Ciply could reach down lower into the Lower Tertiary than the Obourg calcarenites. There is practically no doubt that the type Montian is younger than the Tuffeau de Ciply in its type section, but that it is older than the typical Heersian. The benthonic zonation of the Obourg calcarenites does not allow correlations beyond the Mons - Maastricht area. For correlations to Denmark one has to rely on the planktonics. Globigerina triloculinoides, Globorotalia sp. aff. G. varianta, G. sp. cf. G. imitata,G. pseudobulloides and G. sp. cf. G. compressa are scarce. Specimens of Globigerina daubjergensis are less rare, yet not sufficiently numerous to treat populations statistically, as was done by HANSEN (1970 a) on Danish Danian material. From the two hundred specimens recovered from the Obourg calcarenite sequence of the "Mons well 1969" an increasing test size from older to younger samples was observed. This is in agreement with the data from Denmark. From the average maximal test size of the G. daubjergensis specimens it again follows that the type Calcaire de Mons (= Montian stratotype) is younger than the Tuffeau de Ciply in its type section and also younger than the Middle Danian of Denmark, which incorporates the Danian stratotype at Faxe. It is uncertain whether the Montian stratotype is a lateral equivalent of the "Upper Danian" deposits of Denmark (e.g. the Danske Kalk at Hvallose), or partly slightly younger. However, the Montian stratotype is certainly not younger than the extinction level of the Globigerina daubjergensis-kozlowskii lineage, as this group ranges into the stratotype section. This group does not occur anymore in the Type Heersian, which is considerably younger. (1) The well has originally been called "Obourg well"; later the colleagues of the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, however, changed its name to "Sondage de Mons 1969", because of its exact geographic location . Zusammenfassung Aus 54 Proben der fortlaufend gekernten "Bohrung Mons 1969" (1) (Becken von Mons) konnten über 100 Arten bzw. Unterarten von Foraminiferen nachgewiesen werden. Die oberen Proben der untersuchten Schichtfolge (Teufenbereich zwischen 12 und 26 m) entsprechen dem Stratotyp des Mont. Die folgenden sieben benthonischen Arten wurden neu beschrieben: Discorbis ? lenae, Discorbis ? renemarlierei, Rotorbinella pozaryskae, Pararotalia godfriauxi, Pararotalia obourgensis, Eponides robaszynskii und Scarificatina szczechurae. Einige Arten und Varietäten wurden in offener Nomenklatur behandelt. Ein in der Literatur bestehendes nomen nudum, Scarificatina reinholdi MARIE, wurde verfügbar gemacht und die Art zur Typus-Art dieser Gattung bestimmt. Die alttertiäre Kalkarenit-Folge in der "Bohrung Mons 1969" (hier "Obourg calcarenites" genannt), überlagert bei 80 m Teufe Schichten des basalen Maastricht und ist sehr arm an planktonischen Foraminiferen. Als Grund hierfür werden sehr flache Ablagerungs-Bedingungen während der Sedimentation angenommen. Benthonische Arten, insbesondere der Familien Rotaliidae und Discorbidae, sind trotz schlechter Erhaltung individuen- und artenreich. Die reichen benthonischen Faunen-Vergesellschaftungen der Kalkarenite in der Bohrung Mons 1969 bestehen überwiegend aus langlebigen paläozänen Formen. Sie werden als stark fazies gebunden gedeutet, gestatten jedoch die Erkennung von drei Faunen-Zonen, die von Bedeutung sind für Korrelationen in Belgien und im Raum von Maastricht. Die Stratigraphie des Paläozän von Belgien wird besprochen auf grund von Foraminiferen-Vergesellschaftungen. Viele Faunen-Wechsel haben wahrscheinlich ihre Ursache in allmälich verlaufenden Veranderungen der Ablagerungs-Bedingungen. Demgegenüber laßt sich ein starker Schnitt im mittleren Teil des Paläozän feststellen mit Dano/Mont-Vergesellschaftungen unterhalb und Heers/Landen-Vergesellschaftungen oberhalb des Schnittes. Dieser Faunen-Schnitt entspricht wahrscheinlich einer wichtigen Schichtlücke, die teilweise durch nichtmarine Ablagerungen vertreten wird außer in der Bohrung Mechelen-aan-de-Maas, wo eine marine Vergesellschaftung von Übergangs-Charakter nachgewiesen worden ist. Die benthonischen Faunen zeigen an, daß der typische Tuffeau de Ciply tiefer in das Untere Tertiar reichen könnte als die Kalkarenite in der Bohrung Mons 1969. Es besteht kein Zweifel, daß das Typus-Mont stratigraphisch jünger ist als der Tuffeau de Ciply in seiner Typlokalität jedoch älter als das typische Heers. Die Zonierung der Kalkarenite von Obourg nach bentonischen Foraminiferen gestattet keine Korrelation über das Gebiet von Mons-Maastricht hinaus. Für Korrelationen mit Danemark müssen planktonische Foraminiferen zu Hilfe genommen werden. Globigerina triloculinoides, Globorotalia sp. aff. G. varianta, G. sp. cf. G. imitata, G. pseudobulloides und G. sp. cf. G. compressa sind selten. Stücke von Globigerina daubjergensis sind weniger selten, jedoch nicht zahlreich genug, um die Population statistich zu behandeln, wie HANSEN (1970 a) es an dänischem Material aus dem Dan durchgeführt hat. An den 200 in den Kalkareniten von Obourg gefundenen Stücken konnte eine Zunahme der Gehause-Größe von den stratigraphisch alteren zu jüngeren Proben beobachtet werden. Diese Aussage stimmt überein mit den Beobachtungen Dänemark. Nach der durchschnittlichen maximalen Gehäuse-Große der Stücke von G, daubjergensis zeigt sich erneut, daß der Typus Calcaire de Mons (Stratotyp des Mont) jünger als der Tuffeau de Ciply in seinem Typus-Profil und ebenfalls jünger als das Mittlere Dan von Dänemark ist, das den Stratotyp des Dan in Faxe darstellt. Es ist unsicher, ob der Stratotyp des Mont eine laterale Vertretung der Ablagerungen des "Oberen Dan" in Dänemark (Z.B. des Danske Kalk in Hvalløse) oder etwas jünger ist. Jedenfalls ist der Stratotyp des Mont gewiß nicht jünger als das zeitliche Verlöschen der Linie Globigerina daubjergensis-kozlowskii, da diese Gruppe in das Stratotypus- Profil hineinreicht. Diese Gruppe ist im Typus Heers nicht mehr anwesend. Der letztgenannte Stratotyp ist wesentlich jünger. (1) Diese Bohrung hieß ursprünglich "Bohrung Obourg" Zwischenzietlich wurde die Gemeinde von Obourg zur Stadt Mons eingemeindet. Die Kollegen der Faculté Polytechnique de Mons nannten diese Bohrung dann um in "Bohrung Mons 1969", da diese ihrer geo-graphischen Lage entspricht.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Book Reference Foraminiferal studies in the Boom Formation
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Book Reference Foraminiferen onderzoeken van enige monsters van het Onder Tertiair en Boven Krijt van drie diepboringen uit noord-oost België
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Fossiele katachtigen
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Four new genera and five new species of “Heterocypris” from Western Australia (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Cyprinotinae).
Five new species in four new genera from Western Australia are described. All species have valve characters that are reminiscent of the genus Heterocypris Claus, 1892 and also have similar valve outlines, with highly arched valves. However, all species have a hemipenis morphology that is totally different from the typical form in Heterocypris. In Patcypris gen. nov. (with type species P. outback gen. et sp. nov.), the lateral lobe is large and shaped as a pickaxe, while the medial lobe is divided into two distal lobes. Trilocypris gen. nov. (with type species T. horwitzi gen. et sp. nov.) is characterised by a hemipenis that has three, instead of two, distal lobes. In Bilocypris gen. nov. (with type species B. fortescuensis gen. et sp. nov. and a second species, B. mandoraensis gen. et sp. nov.), the lateral lobe of the hemipenis is spatulate, rather than boot-shaped, and the medial lobe is bilobed. Billcypris gen. nov. (with type species B. davisae gen. et sp. nov.) has a large and sub-rectangular lateral lobe and a pointed medial lobe. We discuss the taxonomic value of the traditional and new morphological characters and speculate that the diversity of this cluster of genera and species may be greater than currently known.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Article Reference From a long-distance threat to the invasion front: a review of the invasive Aedes mosquito species in Belgium between 2007 and 2020
Invasive mosquito species (IMS) and their associated mosquito-borne diseases are emerging in Europe. In Belgium, the first detection of Aedes albopictus (Skuse 1894) occurred in 2000 and of Aedes japonicus japonicus (Theobald 1901) in 2002. Early detection and control of these IMS at points of entry (PoEs) are of paramount importance to slow down any possible establishment. This article reviews the introductions and establishments recorded of three IMS in Belgium based on published (2007–2014) and unpublished (2015–2020) data collected during several surveil- lance projects. In total, 52 PoEs were monitored at least once for the presence of IMS between 2007 and 2020. These included used tyre and lucky bamboo import companies, airports, ports, parking lots along highways, shelters for imported cutting plants, wholesale markets, industrial areas, recycling areas, cemeteries and an allotment garden at the country border with colonised areas. In general, monitoring was performed between April and November. Mos- quitoes were captured with adult and oviposition traps as well as by larval sampling. Aedes albopictus was detected at ten PoEs, Ae. japonicus at three PoEs and Aedes koreicus (Edwards 1917) at two PoEs. The latter two species have established overwintering populations. The percentage of PoEs positive for Ae. albopictus increased significantly over years. Aedes albopictus is currently entering Belgium through lucky bamboo and used tyre trade and passive ground transport, while Ae. japonicus through used tyre trade and probably passive ground transport. In Belgium, the import through passive ground transport was first recorded in 2018 and its importance seems to be growing. Belgium is currently at the invasion front of Ae. albopictus and Ae. japonicus. The surveillance and control management actions at well-known PoEs associated to long-distance introductions are more straightforward than at less-defined PoEs associ- ated with short-distance introductions from colonised areas. These latter PoEs represent a new challenge for IMS management in Belgium in the coming years. Aedes albopictus is expected to become established in Belgium in the coming years, hence increasing the likelihood of local arbovirus transmission. The implementation of a sustainable, structured and long-term IMS management programme, integrating active and passive entomological surveillance, vector control and Public Health surveillance is therefore pivotal.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Article Reference From a pair to a dozen: the piscivorous species of Haplochromis (Cichlidae) from the Lake Edward system
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022 OA
The digitization of museum specimens is a key priority in the Digital Era. Digital databases help to avoid unnecessary manipulation hazards to delicate collections, increase their accessibility to third party researchers, and contribute to the ongoing documentation of global biodiversity. Time, workforce and the need of specialized infrastructures limit the processing of the vast number of specimens in natural history collections. Cheaper, easy-to-use methods and volunteer programs are developing quickly to help bridge the gap. We present the results of combining citizen science for the digitization of an entomological collection in conjunction with the cooperation of a taxonomic expert for the remote identification of samples. In addition, we provide an assessment of the avoided monetary costs and the time needed for each step of the process. A photographic inventory of specimens belonging to the leaf beetle genus Calligrapha was compiled by volunteers using a low-cost compact camera and the species were identified using these images. Using digital photographs allowed for a rapid screening of specimens in the collection and resulted in an updated taxonomic identification of the Calligrapha collection at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. The pictures of the specimens and their original labels, as well as the new information from this endeavor were placed in an online public catalogue. This study demonstrates a worked example of how digitization has led to a practical, useful outcome through cooperation with an end user and highlights the value of museum collection digitization projects
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Book Reference Frost wedge forms in relation to their geomorphological and stratigraphical position in Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Garrouste et al. reply to Hörnschemeyer et al.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications