Van wolf tot woef
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RBINS Staff Publications
Varanidé, Saniwa orsmaelensis, de l'Eocène basal du Nord-Ouest de l'Europe
Saniwa est un genre éteint de lézard varanidé de l’Eocène européen et nord-américain et taxon frère du groupecouronne Varanus. Jusqu’à maintenant, seule une espèce, Saniwa orsmaelensis était rapportée en Europe, dans l’Eocène basal de Dormaal, Belgique. Cette espèce, originellement nommée par Louis Dollo il y a presqu’un siècle, est le plus ancien varanidé d’Europe. Malheureusement, le matériel diagnostique était limité à quelques vertèbres, décrites assez brièvement et non figurées, si l’on excepte une vertèbre dorsale désignée comme lectotype. Nous décrivons et illustrons ici de nouveaux spécimens de Dormaal ainsi que du Quesnoy, Bassin de Paris, France, incluant des restes crâniens (maxillaire, dentaires et pariétal), permettant de confirmer la validité de ce taxon européen. Ces nouveaux spécimens permettent en effet de nouvelles comparaisons avec l’espèce-type Saniwa ensidens, de l’Eocène moyen des formations de Bridger et de Green River, Wyoming, Etats-Unis et permettent d’amender la diagnose de S. orsmaelensis. La présence de S. orsmaelensis est restreinte à l’Eocène inférieur du Nord-Ouest de l’Europe et son origine géographique n’est pas encore certaine car Saniwa apparait simultanément en Amérique du Nord en Europe. La présence relativement brève des lézards varanidés dans le Paléogène Européen pourrait résulter des rapides changements environnementaux aux alentours du Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum qui ont permis de nombreux échanges fauniques dans l’hémisphère nord. Cependant, le sens de ces migrations n’est pas encore connu. Par ailleurs, les considérations paléogéographiques liées à la distribution du genre Saniwa suggèrent une origine asiatique bien qu’une origine africaine ne puisse être complètement exclue. Ce résumé est une contribution au projet réseau Belspo Brain BR/121/A3/PalEurAfrica financé par le Bureau de la Politique Scientifique Belge.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Verstekelingen met een geurtje in de bosmierennesten van De Haan
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RBINS Staff Publications
Vertebral morphology and intracolumnar variation of the iconic African viperid snake Atheris (Serpentes, Viperidae)
We here provide a detailed description of the vertebral morphology of the African arboreal viperid snakes of the genus Atheris. Vertebrae of three different species of the genus, i.e., Atheris desaixi, Atheris hispida, and Atheris katangensis, were investigated via the aid of μCT (micro‐computed tomography) scanning. We describe several vertebrae from different regions of the vertebral column for all three species, starting from the atlas‐axis complex to the caudal tip, in order to demonstrate important differences regarding the intracolumnar variation. Comparison of these three species shows an overall similar general morphology of the trunk vertebrae among the Atheris species. We extensively compare Atheris with other known viperids. As the sole arboreal genus of Viperinae the prehensile nature of the tail of Atheris is reflected in its caudal vertebral morphology, which is characterized by a high number of caudal vertebrae but also robust and anteroventrally oriented pleurapophyses as a skeletal adaptation, linked with the myology of the tail, to an arboreal lifestyle. We anticipate that the extensive figuring of these viperid specimens will also aid identifications in paleontology.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Vertebrate predation in the Late Devonian evidenced by bite traces and regurgitations: implications for an early tetrapod freshwater ecosystem
The terrestrialization process by vertebrates occurred during the Devonian period, with fully land-dwelling tetrapods recorded in the Carboniferous. Thus, the Late Devonian is an important period for deciphering the ecological pressures that applied during the water-to-land transition. Higher predation pressures in the underwater environment have been suggested as an influential biotic evolutionary factor in this key habitat shift. Direct evidence of ancient predation on Palaeozoic vertebrates is seen in the form of rare traces preserved on fossils, and these range from trauma observed on the skeleton (such as attack marks) to ingested food remains (bromalites). The late Famennian freshwater ecosystem of Strud (Belgium) consists of a rich assemblage of many coeval gnathostomes or jawed fishes (placoderms, ‘acanthodians’, actinopterygians, and various sarcopterygian groups including tetrapods). Here we analyse the record of direct evidence for predation in the Strud vertebrate fossil assemblage. We recognize 12 regurgitalites and 13 bite traces, including a rare case of a tooth embedded in its original prey body target. Fossils from regurgitalites were imaged using scanning electron microscopy and chemically analysed to test for their possible ingestion signature by comparison with other isolated skeletal remains from the same locality. From this evidence, tristichopterid tetrapodomorphs are inferred to be the highest consumers of the trophic network, targeting small placoderms, and porolepiforms, and probably congeners. We observe two possible prey patterns in regurgitalites, for sarcopterygians and actinopterygians, both of which are associated with acanthodians. In Strud, no trophic position can be deduced for tetrapods from direct fossil evidence of predation.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Vestibular sensitivity and locomotor behavior in early paleocene mammals
The end-Cretaceous extinction triggered the collapse of ecosystems and a drastic turnover of mammalian communities. During the Mesozoic, mammals were ecologically diverse, but less than extant species. Modern ecological richness was established by the Eocene, but questions remain about the ecology of the first wave of mammals radiating after the extinction. Postcranial fossils are often used to determine locomotor behavior; however, the semicircular canals of the inner ear also represent a reliable proxy. These canals detect the angular acceleration of the head during locomotion and transmit neuronal signals to the brain to allow stabilization of the eyes and head. Accordingly, vestibular sensitivity to rapid rotational head movements is higher in species with a larger canal radius of curvature and more orthogonal canals. We used high-resolution computed tomography scanning to obtain inner ear virtual endocasts for 30 specimens. We supplemented these with data from the literature to construct a database of 79 fossils from the Jurassic to the Eocene and 262 extant mammals. We compared data on canal morphology and another lifestyle proxy, the size of the petrosal lobules, which have a role in maintaining eyes’ movements and position. We find that Paleocene mammals exhibited a lower average and more constricted range of Agility Indices (AI), a new measure of canal radius size relative to body size, compared to Mesozoic, Eocene and extant taxa. In the early Paleocene, body mass and canal radius increased, but the former outpaced the latter leading to an AI decline. Similarly, their petrosal lobules were relatively smaller on average compared to other temporal groups, which suggests less ability for fast movements. Additionally, Paleocene mammals had similar AIs to extant scansorial and terrestrial quadrupeds. In contrast, the lack of canal orthogonality change from the Mesozoic to the Paleocene indicates no trend toward lower vestibular sensitivity regardless of changes in body size. This result may reflect functional differences between canal orthogonality and radius size. Our results support previous work on tarsal morphology and locomotor behavior ancestral state reconstruction suggesting that ground dwelling mammals were more common than arboreal taxa during the Paleocene. Ultimately, this pattern may indicate that the collapse of forested environments immediately after extinction led to the preferential survivorship of more terrestrially adapted mammals. Funding Sources Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions: IF, European Research Council StG, National Science Foundation, Belgian Science Policy Office, DMNS No Walls Community Initiative.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2022 OA
Vier nieuwe boktorsoorten aan de westrand van Brussel (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
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RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Vingt-deuxième contribution à l’étude des Callichromatini africains: description de deux espèces et deux sous-espèces nouvelles de Synaptola (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae, Callichromatini).
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RBINS collections by external author(s)
Virtual biomechanical analysis of the lower limbs of a Neandertal
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RBINS Staff Publications
Virtual reconstruction of the Neandertal lower limbs with an estimation of hamstring muscle moment arms
A major problem of fossil hominid analysis is a lack of complete specimens. Many individual specimens have been damaged by the effects of diagenesis and excavation. Significant advances in the field of three dimensional image processing (3D) have enabled the creation of accurately scaled reconstructions of individual fossil bones using mirrored parts of the same fossil bone or human/fossil hominid equivalents. This study presents, for the first time, a method to reconstruct a 3D virtual model of the lower limb of the Neandertal using different bones from different fossil remains (Spy II, Neandertal 1 and Kebara 2) and integrating them into a single model of the Neandertal lower limb. A biomechanical analysis of the model was performed, including computer graphics visualization of the results, motion displacement graphs and muscle moment arms. The overall method has been implemented into an open-source customized software (lhpFusionBox) developed for the biomechanical study of the musculoskeletal system.
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RBINS Staff Publications