The Minerals4EU project is designed to meet the recommendations of the Raw Materials Initiative and will develop an EU Mineral intelligence network structure delivering a web portal, a European Minerals Yearbook and foresight studies. The network will provide data, information and knowledge on mineral resources around Europe, based on an accepted business model, making a fundamental contribution to the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials (EIP RM), seen by the Competitiveness Council as key for the successful implementation of the major EU2020 policies. The Minerals4EU project will firstly establish the EU minerals intelligence network structure, comprising European minerals data providers and stakeholders, and transform this into a sustainable operational service. Minerals4EU will therefore contribute to and support decision making on the policy and adaptation strategies of the Commission, as well as supporting the security of EU resource and raw materials supply, by developing a network structure with mineral information data and products, based on authoritative of information sources. The Minerals4EU project is built around an INSPIRE compatible infrastructure that enables EU geological surveys and other partners to share mineral information and knowledge, and stakeholders to find, view and acquire standardized and harmonized georesource and related data. The target of the Minerals4EU project is to integrate the best available mineral expertise and information based on the knowledge base of member geological surveys and other relevant stakeholders, in support of public policy-making, industry, society, communication and education purposes at European and international levels. The Minerals4EU consortium possesses the skills and resources to make this the leading European mineral information network structure that will provide tools and expertise to enhance resource efficiency, minerals supply security and support sustainable mineral development for Europe.
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RBINS Staff Publications
Si une région karstique mérite d’être intégrée dans le concept de Geopark, il s’agit bien du territoire regroupant les grottes, paysages et patrimoine centrés sur les communes de Rochefort, Wellin, Marche-en-Famenne, Tellin et Nassogne en Belgique. Marquant le cœur du futur Geopark, le système des Grottes de Han-sur-Lesse jouit d’une renommée mondiale, à la fois dans le domaine touristique, scientifique et patrimonial. Le système voisin, celui de la Lomme et de la Wamme souterraines déjà mis en exergue par Vandenbroeck, Martel et Rahir dans leur livre « Cavernes et Rivières souterraines de Belgique » en 1913, ne cède en rien à sa grande sœur dans les trois domaines précités. Enfin, toute la région regorge de sites archéologiques, dont celui découvert lors des fameuses fouilles subaquatiques de la Lesse, des sites historiques, folkloriques et patrimoniaux.
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RBINS Staff Publications