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Article Reference patternize: An R package for quantifying colour pattern variation
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Article Reference Patterns of genetic divergence in the Ilyodromus amplicolis lineage (Crustacea, Ostracoda), with descriptions of three new species
In this study, 13 previously recorded populations of Ilyodromus amplicolis De Deckker, 1981 from temporary aquatic habitats in Western Australia were scanned for undescribed species diversity using morphological and molecular systematics techniques. The study found congruent morphological and molecular evidence for three species that are new to science, all of which are formally described here (I. armacutis n. sp., I. sensaddito n. sp. and I. hiatus n. sp.). The findings shed light on the potential for further undescribed diversity in the genus Ilyodromus Sars, 1894.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Article Reference Patterns of neutral and adaptive genetic diversity across the natural range of Sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana).
Demographic and environmental forces shape geographical patterns of genetic diversity. Knowledge thereof is not only important for evolutionary ecologists but, in light of future climate change, will be of interest to conservation biologists as well. Sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana Dougl.) is an ecologically important species found in mixed conifer forests across western North America. We applied a candidate-genebased environmental study to infer spatial patterns in neutral genetic variation and to identify genetic variants associated with local adaptation to drought. Using a panel of 186 candidate gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP), we genotyped 313 individual trees sampled across the entire state of California, USA. We found evidence for a large-scale subdivision into two genetic clusters along the latitudinal axis and increased genetic similarity among sugar pines within a 200– 300-km boundary. Associating allelic to environmental variation indicated nine putative SNPs related to local adaptation to drought. These results provide insights into neutral population structure across the natural range of sugar pine and further substantiated a key role of the mitochondrial import inner membrane machinery in enhanced tolerance to drought and constitute important steps into unravelling the eco-evolutionary dynamics in sugar pine.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Article Reference Pavements et placages, l’ornementation du balnéaire privé de Warcq (Ardennes, France).
Introduction: Une fouille préventive s’est déroulée aux lieux-dits « Simonelle » et « Sous le Chemin de Tournes » de la commune de Warcq. Cette commune se situe à trois kilomètres au nord-ouest de Charleville-Mézières, à la confluence de la Meuse, du ruisseau de This et de la Sormonne. Les opérations de terrain ont permis de mettre au jour les vestiges d’une partie d’une petite villa gallo-romaine constituée d’une cave, d’une cour ainsi que d’un balnéaire . Son occupation, qui s’étend du 1er au 4e siècle de notre ère, est caractérisée par de nombreux réaménagements pouvant être rassemblés en quatre grandes phases distinctes (fig. 1). Le secteur thermal est construit vers 130-150 de notre ère (phase 2) et forme l’aile occidentale de la villa. Vraisemblablement contraints par le bâti existant, les bâtisseurs ont opté pour un plan longitudinal où seule la natatio est en saillie. Il en découle un alignement des pièces et plus particulièrement celui du caldarium et du tepidarium dans celui du praefurnium. Sur près de deux siècles, cette partie de la villa a été soumise à des modifications architecturales dont l’agrandissement du frigidarium aux dépends de la cave (phase 3, fin 2e – début 3e siècle), puis l’ajout d’un apodyterium (phase 4, milieu 3e siècle ?). Dans son dernier état, l’ensemble thermal mesure environ 18 m de long pour 5 m de large offrant aux baigneurs un itinéraire rétrograde. L’accès se fait par le vestiaire dont aucun décor n’a été observé. Le secteur froid est une salle, presque carrée (3,40 m x 2,90 m). Elle comporte un bassin à immersion (natatio) à l’ouest et une banquette plaquée contre le mur oriental. On passe ensuite par le tepidarium, une salle rectangulaire (3,30 m x 1,90 m). Le parcours se poursuit par le caldarium. Cette pièce, aux mêmes dimensions que la précédente, est pourvue en sus d’une petite alcôve de 1,20 m de long sur 0,90 m de large dans laquelle est logé un bassin. Une seconde baignoire est flanquée contre le mur occidental (fig. 1). Ce balnéaire se distingue par l’utilisation de la pierre pour son apparat décoratif. Elle est employée aussi bien pour les pavements que pour les parois. Ce type de pratique reste méconnu et peu fréquent dans le sud de la Gaule belgique. L’ornementation des thermes sera abordée au travers de l’étude de ces décors et, dans un second temps, par la caractérisation et la provenance des roches utilisées. Il convient de mentionner que ces roches se distinguent des pierres de construction qui sont en calcaire gréseux coquillier de couleur jaune pâle à beige, attribuées à la Pierre de Romery, d’extraction locale. Ce matériau affleure à quelques kilomètres de Warcq. Ce travail résulte d’une collaboration entre archéologue, géologue, restauratrices et spécialiste des pavements, et fait suite à une intervention de dépose des pavements et des revêtements muraux mis au jour lors de la fouille.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Article Reference Penaeus aztecus Ives, 1891 (Crustacea, Decapoda), in the Scheldt estuary (Belgium): Isolated record or forerunner of a penaeid invasion?
A single specimen of the penaeid prawn Penaeus aztecus (Ives, 1891) was recorded in 2018 in the brackish zone of the Scheldt estuary near Antwerp (Belgium). The presence of this species, native to the West Atlantic, might result either from ships' ballast water coming from transatlantic boat shipping, from illegal import or from a considerable expansion leap northwards from the Mediterranean Sea, where this species has recently established and now has rapidly expanding invasive populations.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Misc Reference Performance of species richness estimators in a leaf-litter ant assemblage
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Period of public commentary begins on the revised proposal of species-group level names, and on the proposal of genus-group level names of the Candidate Part of List of Available Names (LAN) in the phylum Rotifera
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Misc Reference Periodic pattern of species distribution in a ground-dwelling ant assemblage
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Periphytic community structure of Ostracoda (Crustacea) in the river-floodplain system of the Upper Paraná River
Aim: We assessed the effect of environmental factors on the structure of periphytic ostracods communities along the river-floodplain system of the Upper Paraná River. We predict that the higher distance from Porto Primavera dam downstream would lead to higher diversity and density of the ostracods. Methods: Periphytic ostracods (associated with root systems of the floating Eichhornia spp) were sampled during November 2013 to May 2015. Three samples were collected at each sampling site (channel of the Paraná River, tributaries and lakes). Eichhornia plants were removed from the water by hand and the plants were placed in a plastic bucket. Roots were washed for the removal of ostracods, and samples were filtered through a hand net with 160 µm mesh size. Results: The faunistic survey recorded 44 ostracods species and richness estimators indicated that sampling effort appears to be suitable to reveal the diversity of ostracods in this studied area. The highest richness and density were observed in the stretch downstream of the dam in the main channel of Paraná River and in the lakes. Beta diversity was not significantly different along the longitudinal gradient downstream and higher similarity of ostracods species composition was observed in the lakes located in the stretch downstream of the dam. Conclusions: An increase in the richness and density of ostracods were recorded in the sections downstream of the Paraná River, evidencing the importance of undammed tributaries on the ostracods community. The similarity of beta diversity amongst sampling sites may be owing to permanent hydrological connectivity amongst these environments, favouring the exchange of organisms mainly through the drift of free-floating macrophytes, and owing to the passive dispersal of drought resistant eggs of ostracods. Local abiotic factors had significant effects on abundance and distribution of some ostracod species.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Article Reference Persistent inter- and intraspecific gene exchange within a parallel radiation of caterpillar hunter beetles (Calosoma sp.) from the Galapagos
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications