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Techreport Reference Documentering van de tijdelijke ontsluiting ‘zandgroeve Roelants, Lubbeek’
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Techreport Reference De nieuwe marmervloer in de BP-building te Antwerpen. Evaluatie van de marmerkwaliteit en het schadepatroon. Report prepared for Group Renotec.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Techreport Reference Identificatie natuursteen Sint-Bertinuskerk Poperinge. Voor: Dries Vanhove architectenbureau, Krombeke.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Techreport Reference Working Group on Marine Benthal Renewable Developments
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Techreport Reference Documentering van de tijdelijke ontsluiting ‘Zuidbrug Halle’
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Techreport Reference Carpologisch onderzoek van een holoceen veenpakket op de site Kreupelenstraat - Zilverstraat (BR295)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Article Reference Laser-induced remote fluorescence measurements during the 2017-2019 Belair Campaign (contract SR/36/351B)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Article Reference Troff document Polarisation de la fréquence de résonance dans la Salle de la Structure à l’aide de capteurs sismiques à 3 composantes
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Techreport Reference CREST Final Administrative Report
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Book Reference Compilation of presentations at BICEpS colloquium 2018. Annexe to BICEpS Annual report 2018 – Reinforcing Belgian ICES People.
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES; French: Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer, CIEM) is an intergovernmental marine science organization that brings together the efforts and knowledge of 20 Member States, bordering the North Atlantic and the Arctic Circumpolar Zone, on physical oceanography, marine ecosystems and fisheries management. Nowadays, more than 70 Belgian scientists are directly involved in the work of the 150 bodies and expert groups of ICES, which gather the expertise of more than 1500 scientists yearly, totalling up to 5000 scientists from over 700 marine institutes and organizations over the years. This important and often voluntary dedication of Belgian scientists to the work of ICES deserves more visibility among the Belgian scientific community itself and to policy makers.This is, among others, why the BICEpS initiative was launched. BICEpS general aim is to offer a platform to the Belgian ICES community to get to know each other, to improve collaboration and share information, and to promote ICES to the wider scientific community in Belgium. BICEpS Annual report 2018 presents the genesis and first year of activity of this initiative created to reinforce Belgian ICES people. The report targets marine scientists, marine managers and policy makers. It presents the demarche leading to the creation of the BICEpS community and activities conducted in 2018. The report contains the list of Belgian ICES members in 2018 with their membership to the different ICES working groups, and the results of the first BICEpS Colloquium organised on 14 November 2018 and hosted by RBINS in Brussels (outcome of a participatory discussion on the future of BICEpS, abstracts of communications presented and list of participants. The report is also published on ICES's website at The abstracts of the colloquium are supplemented by a separate annex published online which assembles the PowerPoint presentations of the colloquium accessible at
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018