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Article Reference The Spy VI child: a newly discovered Neandertal infant.
Spy cave (Jemeppe-sur-Sambre, Belgium) is reputed for the two adult Neandertal individuals discovered in situ in 1886. Recent reassessment of the Spy collections has allowed direct radiocarbon dating of these individuals. The sorting of all of the faunal collections has also led to the discovery of the remains of a Neandertal child, Spy VI. This individual is represented by two mandibular corpus fragments. The left fragment is the most complete and both sides preserve the mental foramen. Four deciduous teeth are associated with these mandibular remains: three incisors and one canine. The lower left canine (Spy 645a) conjoins with the corresponding alveolar socket in the left part of the mandible. Following extant standards, the developmental stage of the preserved teeth indicate an age at death of about one and a half years. In addition to performing a classical morphometric comparative study of the mandible and teeth,we have evaluated the dental tissue proportions using high-resolution microtomographic techniques. Our results show that Spy VI generally falls withinthe Neandertal range of variation. However, this specimen also exhibits particular traits, notably in the dental internal structural organization, whichreveals that variation in the immature Neandertal variation is larger than what was variation currently represented by the available fossil record. These observations demonstrate the need for investigating the frequency and expressionof immature Neandertal traits in fossil anterior teeth, as well as their temporal and geographic variation. Direct radiocarbon dating of the Spy VI specimen has been conducted in two different laboratories. The results of Spy VI confirm the age previously determined for the two adults, making the Spy Neandertal remains the youngest ever directly dated in northwest Europe.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference The stick insect genus Medauroidea Zompro, 2000: Taxonomic note and extension to Laos and Cambodia with one new species, M. ramantica sp. nov. (Phasmida: Phasmatidae: Clitumninae)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Article Reference The stratigraphic position of the Lower Oligocene Yrieu Sands (Southwestern France), based on calcareous nannofossils and a new Helicosphaera species.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Book Reference The stratigraphy and palaeobotany of the Late Pleistocene in Belgium
This abstract is not available in English. Résumé La stratigraphie des dépôts appartenant au Pleistocène supérieur de Belgique se base - tout comme c'est souvent le cas dans le nord de l'Europe - sur la présence dans le nord-ouest de la Belgique de formations fluviomarines d'âge eemien. Ces dernières sont caractérisées par la présence de Tapes senescens var. eemiensis ("Senescens Sande"). Leur passage latéral au sol de Rocourt a été observé. Ailleurs, les dépôts appelés "Tourbe et gravier" sont indiqués comme eemiens à la suite de leurs caractéristiques floristiques. Dans les dépôts appartenant à la dernière Glaciation ou Weichsel, les unités litho-stratigraphiques suivantes ont été distinguées: sable et gravier, limon et sable grossier, formations limono-tourbeuses formant le Pléniglaciaire A (conditions de sédimentation froid-humide); sables entrecroisés, sable ou limon de couverture 1 ou 2, formant le Pléniglaciaire B (conditions de sédimentation froid-sec) et finalement sable de couverture récent 1 ou 2 datant du Tardiglaciaire. Il existe plusieurs horizons périglaciaires importants: cailloutis 1 à petites fentes de gel se situant à la limite supérieure du dépôt limon et sable grossier; cailloutis 2 à fines fentes de gel à la limite supérieure des formations limono-tourbeuses et cailloutis 3 à grandes fentes de gel à la limite supérieure des sables ou limons de couverture 1. Il existe aussi des horizons pédologiques, caractéristiques: le sol de Rocourt datant de la fin de l'Eemien; le sol de Warneton datant de la période de sédimentation du limon et sable grossier; l'horizon pédologique cryoturbé (Kesselt - Zelzate -Paudorf), datant de la fin du Pléniglaciaire A; le sol de Stabroek datant du début du Tardiglaciaire. Nous sommes arrivés à la conclusion que la période du Weichsel est caractérisée par une sédimentation bicyclique: d'une part le Pléniglaciaire A caractérisé par des conditions de milieu froid-humide avec dominance de processus de solifluction et d'autre part l'ensemble Pléniglaciaire B-Tardiglaciaire caractérisé par des conditions de milieu froid-sec avec dominance de sédimentation éolienne. Les deux cycles sont en outre divisés par une période d'extrême froid (déflation) résultant respectivement dans l'établissement du cailloutis 1 à petites fentes de gel et du cailloutis 3 à grandes fentes de gel. Samenvatting De stratigrafie van de Boven-Pleistocene afzettingen in België sluit rechtstreeks aan bij deze van het Noord-Europese ruim. Deze bewering is gesteund op het voorkomen in het noordwesten van België van fluvio-marine Eem afzettingen met Tapes senescens (die de meest zuidelijk gekende uitbreiding vormen van de "Senescens Sande") en de rechtstreekse laterale correlatie van de interglaciale Rocourt bodem met deze marine formaties. Elders werden aan afzettingen, aangeduid als "Veen en grind", eveneens een Eem ouderdom toegekend op grond van palynologische bevindingen. De afzettingen behorende tot de Laatste Glaciatie periode of Weichsel worden in de volgende litho-stratigrafische eenheden onderverdeeld : zand en grind, leem en grof zand, (venige) leem afzettingen gezamenlijk het Pleniglaciaal A (koud-vochtige sedimentatie omstandigheden) opbouwend; kris-kras gelaagde zanden, dekzand en dekleem 1 of 2, gezamenlijk het Plenigla-ciaal B (koud-droge sedimentatie omstandigheden) opbouwend; laat dekzand 1 of 2 behorend tot het Laat-Glaciaal. Merkwaardige periglaciale horizonten vormen: keienvloer 1 met kleine vorstscheuren aan de bovengrens van de leem en grof zand afzetting; keienvloer 2 met fijne vorstscheuren aan de bovengrens van de (venige) leem afzettingen en keienvloer 3 met grote vorstscheuren aan de bovengrens van de dekzand of dekleem 1 afzettingen. Merkwaardige bodem-vegetatie horizonten treden op: op het einde van het Eem, de Rocourt bodem; tijdens de afzetting van het leem en grof zand, de Warneton bodem en op het einde van het Pleniglaciaal A, het cryoturbaat bodem horizont (Kesselt-Zelzate - Paudorf horizont); verder een Stabroek bodem bij de aanvang van het Laat-Glaciaal. Hieruit vloeit voort dat de Weichselperiode door een bi-cyclische sedimentatie wordt gekenmerkt: eensdeels de fase van het Pleniglaciaal A, gekenmerkt door koud-vochtige milieu omstandigheden met dominerend solifluctie processen en anderdeels de fase van het Pleniglaciaal B - Laat-Glaciaal, gekenmerkt door koud-droge milieu omstandigheden met overheersend eolische sedimentatie. Beide cycli worden verder gekenmerkt door het optreden van een extreem koude (deflatie) fase respectievelijk de keienvloer 1 met kleine vorstscheuren en de keienvloer 3 met grote vorstscheuren.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference The stratigraphy of Spy cave. A review of the available lithostratigraphic and archaeostratigraphic information.
This chapter presents a general review of the lithostratigraphy associated with the various excavations carried out at Spy cave since the end of the 19th century, incorporating what little information is available concerning sedimentogenesis. In addition to reviewing the types and possible causes underlying the mixed nature of the Spy archaeological material, the history of the published archaeostratigraphic interpretations of the site is presented alongside the different techno-complexes identified amongst the Spy material. Finally, the stratigraphic position of the Neandertal remains is considered and an overall stratigraphy is proposed that takes into consideration the available chronostratigraphic data.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference The stratotype of the Aalter Sands (Eocene of NW Belgium) : stratigraphy and calcareous nannoplankton.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference The synonymy of Haplochromis pharyngalis and Haplochromis petronius (Cichlidae)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Article Reference The systematic position of Pamera noctuabunda Bergroth, 1907 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae), with a revised key to the species of Satlaria Harrington, 1980
Located in Library / RBINS collections by external author(s)
Article Reference The tempo of cetacean cranial evolution
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Article Reference The timing and spatiotemporal patterning of Neanderthal disappearance
The timing of Neanderthal disappearance and the extent to which they overlapped with the earliest incoming anatomically modern humans (AMHs) in Eurasia are key questions in palaeoanthropology. Determining the spatiotemporal relationship between the two populations is crucial if we are to understand the processes, timing and reasons leading to the disappearance of Neanderthals and the likelihood of cultural and genetic exchange. Serious technical challenges, however, have hindered reliable dating of the period, as the radiocarbon method reaches its limit at ∼50,000 years ago. Here we apply improved accelerator mass spectrometry (14)C techniques to construct robust chronologies from 40 key Mousterian and Neanderthal archaeological sites, ranging from Russia to Spain. Bayesian age modelling was used to generate probability distribution functions to determine the latest appearance date. We show that the Mousterian ended by 41,030-39,260 calibrated years bp (at 95.4\% probability) across Europe. We also demonstrate that succeeding 'transitional' archaeological industries, one of which has been linked with Neanderthals (Châtelperronian), end at a similar time. Our data indicate that the disappearance of Neanderthals occurred at different times in different regions. Comparing the data with results obtained from the earliest dated AMH sites in Europe, associated with the Uluzzian technocomplex, allows us to quantify the temporal overlap between the two human groups. The results reveal a significant overlap of 2,600-5,400 years (at 95.4\% probability). This has important implications for models seeking to explain the cultural, technological and biological elements involved in the replacement of Neanderthals by AMHs. A mosaic of populations in Europe during the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition suggests that there was ample time for the transmission of cultural and symbolic behaviours, as well as possible genetic exchanges, between the two groups.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications