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Bibliographic references

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 332 references in this bibliography folder.

Geets, S (2001).
Sedimentpetrologisch onderzoek in de boringen van Oedelem en Gooik-Kesterberg
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 2001/01 - 293.

Verheyden, S and Bernard, C (2001).
Actes des Journées de Spéléologie Scientifique, Han-sur-Lesse 1997 à 2000
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 2001/03 - 295.

Bless, M and Fernandez Narvaiza, C (2000).
L'odyssée de l'Euregio Meuse – Rhin
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 2000/02 - 291.

Swennen, R, Brusselmans, A, De Coene, E, De Vos, W, Van der Sluys, J, and Van Keer, I (2000).
Regional geochemical mapping of overbank and stream sediments in Belgium and Luxembourg. I. Basic data on the sampled overbank profiles from Belgium and Luxembourg
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 2000/01 - 290.

Van der Sluys, J (2000).
Verkenningsboringen in het Belgische deel van de Roerdalslenk
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 2000/03 - 292.

Goemare, E, Paquet, B, and Vermeren, L (1998).
Les carrières de grès famenniens en Wallonie
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1998/03 - 288.

Helsen, S and Langenaeker, V (1998).
Burial history and coalification modelling of Westphalian strata in the eastern Campine basin ( northern Belgium)
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1999/01 - 289.

Keutgen, N and Jagt, J (1998).
Late Campanian belemnite faunas from Liège - Limburg (NE Belgium, SE Netherlands)
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1998/02 - 287.

Boulvain, F (1997).
Description sédimentologique du sondage 134E858 de Chaudfontaine (Famennien, Synclinorium de Verviers)
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1997/02 - 284.

Boulvain, F and Coen-Aubert, M (1997).
Le monticule frasnien de la carrière du Nord à Frasnes (Belgique): sédimentologie, stratigraphie séquentielle et coraux
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1997/03 - 285.

Van der Sluys, J, Brusselmans, A, De Vos, W, and Swennen, R (1997).
Regional geochemical mapping of overbank and stream sediments in Belgium and Luxembourg. Volume III - geochemical maps of Belgium and Luxembourg based on overbank and active stream sediments
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1997/01 - 283.

Bless, M and Fernandez Narvaiza, C (1996).
De Euregio Maas - Rijn op drift
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1986/01 - 280.

Boulvain, F, Delsate, D, Gulinck, M, Herman, J, Laga, P, Maubeuge, P, and Vandenven, G (1996).
Description lithostratigraphique et pétrographie du sondage 221E87 de Villers-devant-Orval (Trias, Lias de la Gaume, Belgique)
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1986/02 - 281.

Paepe, R (1996).
Briquetterie du Point du Jour - Tongrinne
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1966/06 - 006.

Van der Sluys, J (1996).
Geologisch onderzoek langs de hoge-snelheidslijn tussen Brussel en Leuven
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1996/03 - 282.

Boulvain, F, Delsate, D, and Maubeuge, P (1995).
Description et interprétation stratigraphique de quatre sondages dans le secondaire de la Gaume (Neulimont, Aubange, Saint-Mard et Toernich)
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1995/02 - 277.

Herman, J and Van Waes, H (1995).
Elasmobranches et stratigraphie. Volume 1994
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1995/03 - 278.

Jagt, J, Deckers, M, Dhondt, A, Dortangs, R, Sjeuf Felder, P, Felder, W, J~A¤ger, M, Keutgen, N, Kuypers, M, Michels, G, Reynders, J, Simon, E, and D, V (1995).
Preliminary report of field work at Altembroeck (NE Belgium; early Maestrichtian)
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1995/01 - 276.

Jagt, J, Deckers, M, Dhondt, A, Dortangs, R, Sjeuf Felder, P, Felder, W, Jäger, M, Keutgen, N, Kuypers, M, Michels, G, Reynders, J, Simon, E, and D, V (1995).
Preliminary report of field work at Altembroeck (NE Belgium; early Maestrichtian)
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1995/01 - 276.

Vandenven, G (1995).
Banque de données des publications de la Société belge de Géologie - volumes 1 à 101. Bibliographies classées par carte géologique
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1995/04 - 279.

Boulvain, F, Coen-Aubert, M, Dumoulin, V, and Marion, J (1994).
La formation de Philippeville à Merlemont: contexte structural, comparaison avec le stratotype et paléoenvironnements
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1994/02 - 269.

Dusar, M, Masschelein, J, Tien, P, and Tuyet, D (1994).
Belgian-Vietnamese speleological expedition Son La 1993
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1994/04 - 271.

Richelle-Maurer, E, Degoudenne, Y, Dejonghe, L, and Van de Vijver, G (1994).
Utilisation des éponges d'eau douce comme bioindicateurs de la présence de métaux dans l'environnement
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1994/01 - 268.

Sjeuf Felder, P (1994).
Bioklasten-onderzoek van Boven Krijt en Dano-Montian afzettingen uit boringen in de Belgische Kempen
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1994/08 - 275.

Sjeuf Felder, P (1994).
Bioklasten in het Krijt uit boringen van West en Oost Vlaanderen
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1994/03 - 270.

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