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Table of content 102 - 1993


Cover / Couverture / Omslag pdf_small

Cover / Couverture / Omslag pdf_small




pdf_small DE BREUCK, W. - Opening address 3

pdf_small STOVER, L.E. & HARDENBOL, J. - Dinoflagellates and depositional sequences in the 5
Lower Oligocene (Rupelian) Boom clay Formation, Belgium

pdf_small DANIELS, C.H.v., GRAMANN, F. & KÖTHE, A. - The Oligocene "Septarienton" of Lower
Saxony. Biostratigraphy of an equivalent of the Boom Formation of Belgium, with special
considerations to its upper and lower boundaries 79

pdf_small ZIMMERLE, W. - On the lithology and provenance of the Rupelian Boom clay in Northern
Belgium, a volcaniclastic deposit 91

pdf_small DE CONINCK, J. - Diachronism of the Deflandrea oebisfeldensis acme towards the southern
margin of the Belgian Basin 105

pdf_small HINSCH, W. - Biostratigraphy and paleogeography of Vierlandian and Hemmoorian (Early
Miocene) in the Flensburg-Schleswig and North Frisia region 117

pdf_small GAEMERS, P.A.M. - Refined correlations by means of lithostratigraphy and gadid otolith
zonation of the Rupelian of the North Sea Basin : a progress report 147

pdf_small KNOX, R.W.O'B - Stratigraphical distribution of tephra layers in the Lower Paleogene of
the Southwestern margin of the North Sea Basin 159

pdf_small GEETS, S. - The "abnormal" heavy-mineral distribution at the base of the Kortrijk Formation
(Ieper Group) 165

pdf_small STEURBAUT, E. & KING, C. - Integrated stratigraphy of the Mont-Panisel borehole section
(151E340), Ypresian (Early Eocene) of the Mons Basin, SW Belgium 175

pdf_small JACOBS, P. & SEVENS, E. - Middle Eocene sequence stratigraphy in the Balegem quarry
(Western Belgium, Southern Bight North Sea) 203

pdf_small MARECHAL, R. - A new lithostratigraphic scale for the Palaeogene of Belgium 215

pdf_small JACOBS, P., DE CEUKELAIRE, M., SEVENS, E. & VERSCHUREN, M. - Philosophy and
methodology of the new geological map of the Tertiary Formations, Northwest Flanders, Belgium 231

pdf_small JANSSEN, A.W. - 'Working group Rupelian', intermediate progress report 243

pdf_small Abstracts of oral presentations and posters 248


Society News

Assemblée générale - Algemene Vergadering (9.02.93)

pdf_small Rapport du Président - Verslag van de Voorzitter 264

pdf_small Rapport du Trésorier - Verslag van de Penningmeester 266

pdf_small Conseil d'Administration - Raad van Bestuur 267

pdf_small GROESSENS, E. - L'origine et l'évolution de l'expression "Petit-Granit". 271

pdf_small VAN BELLE, J.-L. - Une dynastie de carriers : les Wincqz.
XVIème XXème siècle. 277

pdf_small BAVAY, G. La pierre et son archéologie en Haute-Senne (Hainaut)
Introduction à une grille d'interprétation du matériau "Pierre". 283

pdf_small DUCASTELLE, J.-P. - Les carrières de Maffle. 307

BAGUET, L. - L'exploitation du Petit Granit à Ecaussinnes. 321

pdf_small BERGER, J.-L. - Le Petit-Granit dans les provinces de
Liège, Namur, Luxembourg. 327

pdf_small AUQUIERE, M. & NETELS, V. - Essai de réinterprétation structurale
du gisement hennuyer de petit granit. Note préliminaire. 333

pdf_small HIBO, D. - Le petit granit de la vallée de la Meuse et du bassin carrier de
Soignies : approche du contexte sédimentologique et comparaison. 359

Phénomènes karstiques affectant le calcaire carbonifère du Hainaut. 379
Courte note/Korte Nota

pdf_small VAN RENIERGEM, G., BOUCKAERT, P. & QUINIF, Y. - Une nouvelle grotte
à Gaurain-Ramecroix. 395

pdf_small Compte-rendu - Boekbespreking. 401




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