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RBINS Staff Publications 2021

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 493 references in this bibliography folder.

Denis, S, Van Assche, M, Deramaix, I, and Jadin, I (2021).
Découverte d’un petit ensemble lithique du Mésolithique moyen sur le site d’Ath « Les Haleurs » (Hainaut, BE)
Notae Praehistoricae, 41/2021:93-105.

Destexhe, G, Hanut, F, Goffette, Q, Laforest, C, and Polet, C (2021).
Le site funéraire de Lexhy (Grâce-Hollogne, province de Liège) avec un probable tumulus arasé du début du IIe s. apr. J.-C
Signa, 10:77-85.

Destexhe, G, Marchal, J, Hanut, F, and Goemaere, E (2021).
Grâce-Hollogne/Horion-Hozémont : observations dans une tranchée SWDE traversant l’agglomération routière romaine.
Chronique de l’Archéologie Wallonne, 29:124-127.

Destexhe, G, Warmenbol, E, and Goemaere, E (2021).
La pointe de lance d’Ivoz-Ramet (commune de Flémalle, prov. de Liège) revisitée. Une armature du début du Bronze final draguée dans la Meuse.
Lunula. Archaeologia prtohistorica., XXIX:119-122.

Devillet, G, Sun, Y, Li, H, and Smith, T (2021).
A new Chinese partial skeleton revives questions about the multituberculate mammal Kryptobaatar
In: Multidisciplinary Workshop - Scientific Missions and their Advancement for Overseas Sciences: Past, Present and Future - Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences - Brussels, 20 December 2021, vol. Programme, pp. 18, Académie des Sciences d'Outre-Mer.

Devièse, T, Abrams, G, Hajdinjak, M, Pirson, S, De Groote, I, Di Modica, K, Toussaint, M, Fischer, V, Comeskey, D, Spindler, L, Meyer, M, Semal, P, and Higham, T (2021).
Reevaluating the timing of Neanderthal disappearance in Northwest Europe
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(12):e2022466118.

Devièse, T, Abrams, G, Hajdinjak, M, Pirson, S, De Groote, I, Di Modica, K, Toussaint, M, Fischer, V, Comeskey, D, Spindler, L, Meyer, M, Semal, P, and Higham, T (2021).
Reply to Van Peer: Direct radiocarbon dating and ancient genomic analysis reveal the true age of the Neanderthals at Spy Cave
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(26):e2107116118.

Devleeschouwer, X, Choopani, A, Moreau, A, Walraevens, K, Van Camp, M, Van Camp, M, Gobron, K, Dassargues, A, Orban, P, and Declercq, P (2021).
The LASUGEO project:monitoring LAnd SUbsidence caused by Groundwater exploitation through gEOdetic measurements.
Geologica Belgica - MRAC Tervuren, Brussels, Geologica Belgica Geologica Belgica International Meeting.

Dewaele, L, Gol'din, P, Marx, F, Lambert, O, Laurin, M, Obada, T, and de Buffrénil, V (2021).
Hypersalinity drives convergent bone mass increases in Miocene marine mammals from the Paratethys
Current Biology.

Di Matteo, M, Alhaique, F, Van Neer, W, and di Lernia S (2021).
L’identità nel frammento: riconoscimento del taxon attraverso l’impronta peptidica nel sito antico e medio olocenico di Takarkori (Libia)
In: Spring Archaeology. Atti del Convegno, Siena 15-17 maggio 2020, pp. 32-42, Archaeopress, Oxford.

Diedericks, G, Maetens, H, Van Steenberge, M, and Snoeks, J (2021).
Testing for hybridization between Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and blue spotted tilapia (Oreochromis leucostictus) in the Lake Edward system
Journal of Great Lakes Research, 47(5):1446-1452.

Dossogne, M, Authom, N, Collette, O, Goemaere, E, Guillaume, A, Hanut, F, Genvier, S, Pigière, F, Raepsaet, M, and yernaux, C (2021).
Occupations protohistoriques et gallo-romaines à Péruwelz/Braffe. Les sites de “Couture de Clérivau”, “Grande Ramette” et “Gros Tilleul ».
Booklet, Booklet.

Dotterweich, M, Wenzel, S, Schreg, R, Fülling, A, Engel, M, Sonnenschein, J, Maus, C, Stock, M, Klumpp, S, Müller, C, Christ, M, Keller, V, and Opitz, S (2021).
Landschaftsentwicklung und Landnutzung im Segbachtal bei Mendig.
In: Römische Landnutzung im antiken Industrierevier der Osteifel. Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 155, ed. by Wenzel., S., Grünewald, M., Giljohann, R., (eds.). Vulkanpark-Forschungen , chap. na, pp. 355-391.

Dreesen, R (2021).
Kijk eens in die steen. Microscopische wonderen uit een versteend verleden.

Dreesen, R, Neyens, B, Van Uytven D, and Janssen, J (2021).
Reuzen uit de Maas: een nieuw onderzoek van ijsschotszwerfstenen.
In: LIKONA-jaarboek 2021 , ed. by Likona. Likona, chap. 6, pp. 68-95.

Dreesen, R, Poty, E, Mottequin, B, Marion, J, and Denayer, J (2021).
An Exceptional Lower Carboniferous Historical Heritage Stone from Belgium, the ‘Pierre de Meuse’
Geoheritage, 13(100):1-20.

Drougkas, A, Verstrynge, E, Van Balen, K, Shimoni, M, Croonenborghs, T, Hayen, R, Declercq, P, and Walstra, J (2021).
Soil Settlement and Uplift Damage to Architectural Heritage Structures in Belgium: Country-Scale Results from an InSAR-Based Analysis
In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC 2020), ed. by Roca, P., Pelà, L. & Molins, C., vol. Interdisciplinary Projects and Case Studies, pp. 1-11, Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain.

Drumont, A (2021).
The first record of the genus Trichogomphus Burmeister from Nepal, and a checklist of Nepalese Dynastinae (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
In: Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya VII, ed. by Hartmann, M., Barclay, M. & Weipert, J.. Nuturkundemuseum Erfurt, chap. X, pp. 435-438.

Drumont, A (2021).
Addition au catalogue des Dynastinae de Thaïlande avec le signalement de Trichogomphus rongi Dechambre & Drumont (Insecta, Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Le Coléoptériste, 24(1):28-29.

Drumont, A and Komiya, Z (2021).
Prionus antonkozlovi n. sp. de Chine (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
Lambillionea, 121(2):127-132.

Drumont, A, Komiya, Z, and Weigel, A (2021).
Catypnes marazziorum sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Prioninae) from Papua New Guinea
In: Biodiversity, biogeography and nature conservation in Wallacea and New Guinea, ed. by Telnov D., Barclay M. V. L. & Pauwels O. S. G.. The Entomological Society of Latvia, Rīga, vol. IV, chap. not numbered, pp. 83-90.

Drumont, A, Muret, P, and Tavakilian, G (2021).
Note sur le genre Parmena Dejean, 1821 en Belgique (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
Lambillionea, 121(1):51-59.

Drumont, A, Schneider, N, and Barbier, Y (2021).
Confirmation de la présence de Sceliphron curvatum (Smith, 1870) en Belgique (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d’Entomologie, 157:19-22.

Duboys de Lavigerie, G (2021).
Stratigraphical context of the Pliocene right whales (Balaenidae) from the North Sea
In: 7th Geologica Belgica meeting 2021 - Geosciences made in Belgium - Abstract book, pp. 189-190, Geologica Belgica.

Duboys de Lavigerie, G, Bosselaers, M, Lambert, O, and Marx, F (2021).
Diversity and disparity within Balaenidae: the case of Antwerpibalaena liberatlas and other Pliocene right whales from the North Sea
In: 9th Secondary Adaptation of Tetrapods to Life in Water (SECAD) Virtual Meeting - Abstract Book, ed. by Loch, C., Valenzuela Toro, A., Pardo-Pérez, J., Buono, M. & Gutstein, C., pp. 58.

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