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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017 / Repositioning Data Management Near Data Acquisition

Paolo Diviacco, Jordi Sorribas, Karien De Cauwer, Jean-Marc Sinquin, Raquel Casas, Alessandro Bussato, Yvan Stojanov, and Serge Scory (2017)

Repositioning Data Management Near Data Acquisition

In: Oceanographic and Marine Cross-Domain Data Management for Sustainable Development, ed. by P. Diviacco, A. Leadbetter, H. Glaves. IGI Global, chap. 8, pp. 178-199.

This chapter intends to propose a solution to the progressive paradigmatic drift that emerges when data is part of a workflow where processes and contexts are not accessible. In this case end users can have difficulties in identifying possible anomalies, or events that might be very important for the dataset and its interpretation. Since sustainable development is based on cross-disciplinary studies, this can revert in misunderstanding and difficulties to work collaboratively. To address this issue it is proposed to fill the gap between the data and its acquisition through a logging system named EARS that records underway data such as for example: meteo or swell, and events such as: anomalies or acquisition milestones. Once all these information are stored, they can be linked to the data through an OGC compliant metadata model and gathered as summaries as required by several data management initiatives.
  • DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0700-0.ch008
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