submitted & accepted 2015
soumis 2022, accepté 2023, non encore édité
soumis 11/2022, mis en pages 2023, en attente de publication
Picavet P., Jaccottey L., Monchablon C., Brisotto V., Chaigneau C., Collette O., Donnart K., Etchart-Salas M., Fronteau G., Garcia C., Gourio L. & Goemaere E., soumis 09/2023. Production de meules va-et-vient au Hallstatt final – La Tène ancienne au « Camp de Macquenoise » à Saint-Michel (Aisne) et contextes d’utilisation régionaux. Revue archéologique de Picardie, volume Hors Série,(N°27):à préciser.
Reniere S., De Clercq W., Dreesen R., Cnudde V., De Kock T. & Goemaere E., in press. À la recherche des meules romaines dans un paysage dépourvu de ressources lithiques. Premier bilan d'une analyse multidisciplinaire dans le Civitas Menapiorum (Belgique Les meules à grain du Néolithique à l’Époque Médiévale: technique, culture, diffusion, Reims. Revue Archéologique de l’Est, Supplément, Dijon. , x(x):x.
déposé 2014, publié en 2015
accepté pour publication - 2013, à paraître 2014
Goemaere E., Hermans C., Hardy C. & Cornélis M., accepté finalisé 2023, publié 2024. Les matières premières argileuses en région andennaise : de l’extraction des terres crues aux terres cuites. In: Actes du Congrès WAPI (Wallonie picarde, Tournai 2020 ayant eu lieu en 2021) de 2020 à Tournai, ed. by Fédération des Cercles d’archéologie et d’histoire de Belgique, vol. à compléter, chap. à compléter, pp. à compléter, Fédération des Cercles d’archéologie et d’histoire de Belgique, Tournai. Actes du Congrès WAPI .
accepté finalisé 2023, publié 2024
accepté 2020, in print in 2021
accepté 2020, in print in 2021
Goemaere E., Millier C., Declercq P., Fronteau G. & Dreesen R., accepté 2020, in print 2021. Legends of the Ardenne Massif, a compelling but undervalued cross-border intangible geo-cultural heritage (Belgium, France, Luxemburg, Germany) Geoheritage, to complete(to complete):to complete.
accepté 2020, in print 2021
accepté 2020, in print 2021
accepté 2013, publié 2014
accepté 2013, publié 2014
accepté 2013, publié 2014
accepté 2013 - publié en 2014
2024 (à paraître en juin 2024)
2024 (soumis 11/2022, accepté 2023)
García Gonzalez L. M., Alba Gómez J. M., Barba Colmenero V., Lechuga Ibáñez C., De Cupere B., Van Neer W., Rubio Salvador A., Díaz Blanco A., Belén Jiménez Iglesias A., Yvanez E., Díaz Hernández R. & Jiménez Serrano A., 2024 (2022). Resultados de la 14a campaña de excavación arqueológica del Proyecto Qubbet el-Hawa de la Universidad Jaén en Asuán (Egipto) (2022) Boletín de la Asociación Española de Egiptología, 31:69-95.
Erwin M., Tim C., Jan B., Sofie D., Koen D., Anton E., An L., Yves P., Nele V., Annelies S. & Wim V. N., 2024. Een midden-Romeinse rurale site in de Sigma zone ‘Wijmeers 2’ (gemeente Wichelen, Oost-Vlaanderen) Signa, 13:109-115.
Scheder J., Dawson S., Goovaerts T., Heyvaert V., Engel M., Costa P., Nahar R. & De Batist M., 2024. A combined modern training set from three salt marshes and tidal flats of Mainland, Shetland Islands, as a tool for local sea-level reconstruction. In: EGU General Assembly 2024, 14-19 April 2024, Vienna.
Scheder J., Dawson S., Goovaerts T., Engel M., Costa P., Van Daele M., Nahar R., De Batist M. & Heyvaert V., 2024. Reconstructing Holocene relative sea-level changes and extreme events in the Shetland Islands (United Kingdom). In: 40th Annual Conference of the Working Group on Marine and Coastal Geography, 13-15 June 2024, Heidelberg.
Peffeköver A., Brill D., Engel M., Costa P., Dawson S., Heyvaert V., Nahar R., Scheder J., Van Daele M. & De Batist M., 2024. Luminescence dating of offshore tsunami deposits from the Shetland Islands (UK). In: 40th Annual Conference of the Working Group on Marine and Coastal Geography, 13-15 June 2024, Heidelberg.
Scheder J., Dawson S., Goovaerts T., Engel M., Costa P., Van Daele M., Nahar R., De Batist M. & Heyvaert V., 2024. Reconstructing Holocene relative sea-level changes and extreme events in the Shetland Islands (United Kingdom). In: BELQUA Scientific Workshop 2024, 5 March 2024, Brussels.
Abrams G., Devièse T., Pirson S., Groote I., Flas D., Jungels C., Jadin I., Cattelain P., Bonjean D., Mathys A., Semal P., Higham T. & Modica K., 2024. Investigating the co-occurrence of Neanderthals and modern humans in Belgium through direct radiocarbon dating of bone implements Journal of Human Evolution, 186:103471.
Bianucci G., Benites-Palomino A., Collareta A., Bosio G., de Muizon C., Merella M., Di Celma C., Malinverno E., Urbina M. & Lambert O., 2024. A new Late Miocene beaked whale (Cetacea, Odontoceti) from the Pisco Formation, and a revised age for the fossil Ziphiidae of Peru Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 63(1):21-43.
Baker K., Gray H., Lister A., Spassov N., Welch A., Trantalidou K., De Cupere B., Bonillas E., De Jong M., Çakirlar C., Sykes N. & Hoelzel A. R., 2024. Ancient and modern DNA track temporal and spatial population dynamics in the European fallow deer since the Eeemian interglacial Scientific Reports, 14:3015.
Zonneveld J., Zaim Y., Rizal Y., Aswan A., Ciochon R., Smith T., Head J., Wilf P. & Bloch J. L., 2024. Avian foraging on an intertidal mudflat succession in the Eocene Tanjung Formation, Asem Asem Basin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia Borneo Palaios, 39:67-96.
Baker K. H., Miller H., Doherty S., Gray H. W., Daujat J., Çakirlar C., Spassov N., Trantalidou K., Madgwick R., Lamb A. L., Ameen C., Atici L., Baker P., Beglane F., Benkert H., Bendrey R., Binois-Roman A., Carden R. F., Curci A., De Cupere B., Detry C., Gál E., Genies C., Kunst G. K., Liddiard R., Nicholson R., Perdikans S., Peters J., Pigière F., Pluskowski A. G., Sadler P., Sicard S., Strid L., Sudds J., Symmons R., Tardio K., Valenzuela A., van Veen M., Vuković S., Weinstock J., Wilkens B., Wilson R. J., Evans J. A., Hoelzel A. R. & Sykes N., 2024. The 10,000-year biocultural history of fallow deer and its implications for conservation policy Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 121(8):e2310051121.
Meylemans E., Perdaen Y., Vanholme N., Bastiaens J., Bogemans F., Clerbaut T., Debruyne S., Deforce K., Desmedt P., Dils J., Ervynck A., Haneca K., Lentacker A., Reniere S., Storme A., Van Neer W. & Verbeelen G., 2024. Een midden-Romeinse rurale site in de Sigma zone ‘Wijmeers 2’ (Schellebelle, Oost-Vlaanderen) Onroerend Erfgoed.
de Sousa A., Beaudet A., Calvey T., Bardo A., Benoit J., Charvet C., Dehay C., Gómez-Robles A., Gunz P., Heuer K., van den Heuvel M., Hurst S., Lauters P., Reed D., Salagnon M., Sherwood C., Ströckens F., Tawane M., Todorov O., Toro R. & Wei Y., 2023. From fossils to mind Communications Biology, 6(636).
Vernes R., Deckers J., Walstra J., Kruisselbrink A., Menkovic A., Bogemans F., De Ceukelaire M., Dirix K., Dusar M., Hummelman H., Maes R., Meyvis B., Munsterman D., Reindersma R., Rombaut B., Van Baelen K., van de Ven T., Van Haren T. & Welkenhuysen K., 2023. Geologisch en hydrogeologisch 3D model van het Cenozoïcum van de Belgisch-Nederlandse grensstreek van De Noorderkempen / West-Brabant (H3O-De Voorkempen). TNO, VITO, BGD-KBIN.
Choopani A., Declercq P., Verbeurgt J., De Doncker F., Orban P., Devleeschouwer X. & Dassargues A., 2023. Subsidence Evolution of Antwerp Region, Belgium over 77 Years, Using Historical Levelling and GNSS Data and Recent Persistent Scatterers Interferometry Observations In: EGU 2023, Vienna, Austria.
Brozou A., Fuller B., De Cupere B., Marrast A., Monchot H., Peters J., Van de Vijver K., Lambert O., Mannino M., Ottoni C. & Van Neer W., 2023. A dietary perspective of cat-human interactions in two medieval harbors in Iran and Oman revealed through stable isotope analysis Scientific Reports, 13(1):12316.
Dodat P., Martin J., Olive S., Hassler A., Albalat E., Boisserie J., Merceron G., Souron A., Maureille B. & Balter V., 2023. Limits of calcium isotopes diagenesis in fossil bone and enamel Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 351:45-50.
Scheder J., Bungenstock F., Haynert K., Pint A., Schlütz F., Frenzel P., Wehrmann A., Brückner H., Heyvaert V., Dawson S., De Batist M., Costa P. & Engel M., 2023. Insights into Holocene relative sea-level changes in the southern North Sea using SLIPs and an improved microfauna-based transfer function. In: XXI INQUA Congress, 14-20 July 2023, Rome.
Scheder J., Bungenstock F., Haynert K., Pint A., Schlütz F., Frenzel P., Wehrmann A., Brückner H., Heyvaert V., Dawson S., De Batist M., Costa P. & Engel M., 2023. Insights into Holocene relative sea-level changes in the southern North Sea using SLIPs and an improved microfauna-based transfer function. In: BELQUA Scientific Workshop 2023, 7 March 2023, Brussels.
Waqas M., Smith T., Rana R. S. & Orliac M. J., 2023. Cranial morphology of Khirtharia inflata (Raoellidae, Artiodactyla) In: 20th Conference of the EAVP, Sabadell (Barcelona), Spain, 26th June - 1st July 2023 - Abstract book, ed. by Alba, D.M., Marigó, J., Nacarino-Meneses, C., Villa, A. (Eds.), pp. 270, EAVP.
Decrée S., Van Ham-Meert A., Baele J., Namur O., Deloule E. & Marignac C., 2023. Irish-type deposits in Tunisia: a new perspective to assign the Pb-Zn deposits of the Nefza District In: Irish-type Deposits around the world, ed. by Andrew, C.J., Hitzman, M.W. & Stanley, G. . Irish Association for Economic Geology, Dublin, chap. -, pp. 393-406.
Vuillien M., Mashkour M., Chahoud J., Albesso M., Amane A., Berthon R., Bouzid S., De Cupere B., Davoudi H., Fathi H., Helmer D., Lesur J., Mohaseb A., Vautrin A., Gourichon L., Cucchi T. & Vila E., 2023. How ‘Shaun the sheep’ looked like in the past? Evolution and archaeological diversity of sheep morphotypes in Southwest Asia In: 14th ICAZ International Conference, 07-12/08/2023, Cairns (Australia).
Vila E., Chahoud J., Bouzid S., Albesso M., Amane A., De Cupere B., Davoudi H., Fathi H., Mohaseb A. & Mashkour M., 2023. Exploring the Morphometric Characteristics of sheep breeds in the Ancient Near East In: 14th ICAZ International Conference, 07-12/08/2023, Cairns (Australia).
de Martino M., Rovelli V., De Cupere B., di Corcia T., Alhaique F., Vuković S., Detry C., Grau I., Lloveras L., de Grossi Mazzorin J., Minniti C., Moreno M., Nadal J., Onar V., Pereira V., Spassov N., Wilkens B., Peters J., Van Neer W. & Ottoni C., 2023. Paleogenomics of European wild and domestic cats In: SMBE - Entangled histories: insights into the evolution of humans and their domesticates through paleogenomics, 23-27/07/2023, Ferrara (Italy).
Baldoni M., Rovelli V., de Martino M., De Cupere B., Alhaique F., Vuković S., Detry C., Grau I., Lloveras L., de Grossi Mazzorin J., Minniti C., Moreno M., Nadal J., Onar V., Pereira V., Spassov N., Wilkens B., Peters J., Van Neer W. & Ottoni C., 2023. Insights on zoonotic diseases in cat domestication through ancient pathogen genomics In: SMBE - Entangled histories: insights into the evolution of humans and their domesticates through paleogenomics, 23-27/07/2023, Ferrara (Italy).
Engel M., Hess K., Dawson S., Patel T., Koutsodendris A., Vakhrameeva P., Klemt E., Kempf P., Schön I. & Heyvaert V., 2023. Sedimentary evidence of the Late Holocene tsunami in the Shetland Islands (UK) at Loch Flugarth, northern Mainland Boreas, 53(1):27-41.
Hess K., Engel M., Patel T., Vakhrameeva P., Koutsodendris A., Klemt E., Hansteen T. H., Kempf P., Dawson S., Schön I. & Heyvaert V. M. A., 2023. A 1500-year record of North Atlantic storm flooding from lacustrine sediments, Shetland Islands (UK) Journal of Quaterny Science, 39(1):37-53.
Smolderen A., Antuna Bustinza M., Cattelain L., Cauwe N., Collin J., Gillard M., Goemaere E., Giffette Q., Incoul I., Polet C. & Cattelain P., 2023. Les occupations préhistoriques de la Grotte Genvier (Viroinval, Prov.Namur). Abstract book des JARAAE (Journée d’actualité de la recherche archéologique en Ardenne-Eifel), 6-8 avril 2023. Charleville-Mézières, France. , 1:à préciser.
Picavet P., Goemaere E., Reniere S., Leduc T., Goovaerts T. & Dreesen R., 2023. Du négoce viking à la mise en place d’un système commercial pérenne au Moyen Âge : identification de pierres à aiguiser norvégiennes dans le nord de la France et en Belgique. Abstract book du Congrès du GMPCA, Nice (17-21/04/2023). Session 1.3. Traces biologiques, chimiques et matérielles des mobilités et interactions humaines : qui, quoi, comment ? , 1:242p. ; pp.72-73.
Goemaere E., Coquelet C., Goovaerts T., Leblois E., Leduc T. & Vanbrabant Y., 2023. Etude multiproxy d’une mosaïque pariétale en verre de la villa gallo-romaine de la Grande Boussue à Nouvelles (Mons, Belgique). Abstract Book du Congrès du GMPCA, Nice (17-21/04/2023). Session 1.1. Approches multi-proxy, multi-échelle, multi-instrument… : décloisonner les analyses fonctionnelles pour restituer des gestes du passé, 1:27-28.
Deramaix I., Denis S., Delongueville S., Jadin I., Van Assche M., Collette O., Dupont A., Challe S., Moulaert V., Cagnato C., Cayol N., Gehrès B., Goemaere E., Gornart L., Hamon C. & Zeebroek M., 2023. [Ath] Les fouilles préventives du site des « Haleurs » à Ath. L’Archéologie en WaPi, ça existe aussi ! 2016-2022. Catalogue de l'exposition organisée à l'Espace gallo-romain d'Ath du 17 février au 25 novembre 2023 avec la collaboration du Cercle Royal d'Histoire et d'Archéologie d'Ath et de la Région, X:184-193.
Boerman S. A., Vellekoop J., Jouve S., Oudoire T. & Smith T., 2023. New specimens and CT data of the longirostrine crocodylian Thoracosaurus isorhynchus from the Maastrichtian of Mont-Aimé (Paris Basin, France) In: Book of Abstracts of the 20th Annual Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, 26th June – 1st July 2023, ed. by Alba, D.M., Marigó, J., Nacarino-Meneses, C., Villa, A. (Eds.), vol. Palaeovertebrata, Special Volume, pp. 42, EAVP.
Bertrand O. C., Shelley S., Williamson T. E., Wible J., Chester S., Holbrook L. T., Lyson T., Meng J., Miller I., Smith T. & Brusatte S., 2023. Locomotor behavior of Paleocene mammals: Insights from the semicircular canals of the inner ear In: Book of Abstracts of the 20th Annual Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, 26th June – 1st July 2023, ed. by Alba, D.M., Marigó, J., Nacarino-Meneses, C., Villa, A. (Eds.), vol. Palaeovertebrata, Special Volume, pp. 35-36, EAVP.
Brozou A., Fuller B. T., De Cupere B., Marrast A., Monchot H., Peters J., Van de Vijver K., Lambert O., Mannino M., Ottoni C. & Van Neer W., 2023. Holy mackerel! Medieval harbour cats from Iran and Oman had differential access to marine fish In: Beyond the baseline: Broadening stable isotopic horizons in zooarchaeology - SIZWG 2023 (Stable isotope working group), 22-26/03/2023, Berlin (Germany) .
Jamieson A., Carmagnini A., Howard-McCombe J., Doherty S., Hirons A., Dimopoulos E., Lin A., Allen R., Anderson-Whymark H., Barnett R., Batey C., Beglane F., Bowden W., Bratten J., De Cupere B., Drew E., Foley N., Fowler T., Fox A., Geigl E., Gotfredsen A., Grange T., Griffiths D., Groß D., Haruda A., Hjermind J., Knapp Z., Lebrasseur O., Librado P., Lyons L., Mainland I., McDonnell C., Muñoz-Fuentes V., Nowak C., O’Connor T., Peters J., Russo I., Ryan H., Sheridan A., Sinding M., Skoglund P., Swali P., Symmons R., Thomas G., Jensen T., Kitchener A., Senn H., Lawson D., Driscoll C., Murphy W., Beaumont M., Ottoni C., Sykes N., Larson G. & Frantz L., 2023. Limited historical admixture between European wildcats and domestic cats Current Biology, 33(21):4751-4760.e14.
Goemaere E., Vanmontfort B., Bonjean D., Bosquet D., Bostyn F., Cayol N., Colas C., Collet H., Delbey T., Delye E., Golitko M., Jadin I., Jungels C., Leroy-Langelin E., Monchablon C. & Praud I., 2023. Middle Neolithic fluorites in Northern France and Belgium: Characterization, sourcing and methodological limitations. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 49:103980 (15 pages).
Huygh J., Sinnesael M., Kaskes P., Vellekoop J., Jagt J. W. & Claeys P., 2023. Astronomical pacing of flint beds in the European chalk sea (type-Maastrichtian, Upper Cretaceous) In: 36th International Meeting of Sedimentology - Book of Abstracts, ed. by Igor Vlahović; Darko Matešić, pp. 46, International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS), Croatian Geological Society (HGD).
Dusar M. & De Ceukelaire M., 2023. Regional heritage stone diversity in stone-poor landscapes, the example of northern Belgium. In: Volume III International Workshop-cum-Seminar on Natural Stones and Conservation of Heritage Stones, Jaipur–Makrana–Agra, 1st to 6th December, 2023. , ed. by IUGS, UNESCO-IGCP, Panjab University, Chandigarh & International Council for Geosciences Research (ISLS), pp. 13.
Walstra J., Deckers J., Kruisselbrink A., Menkovic A., Bogemans F., De Ceukelaire M., Dirix K., Dusar M., Hummelman H., Maes R., Meyvis B., Munsterman D., Reindersma R., Rombaut B., Van Baelen K., Van de Ven T., Van Haren T., Welkenhuysen K. & Vernes R., 2023. H3O: the legacy of a decade of cross-border 3D geological modelling. In: : 6th European Meeting on 3D Geological Modelling, Copenhagen, 23-16 May 2023.
De Groote I., Van de Vijver K., Veselka B., De Potter P., Massagé L., Van der Dooren L., Vandenborre J., Larmuseau M. H., Danckers J. & Robberechts B., 2023. MEMOR: A database of archeological human remains collections from Flanders, Belgium American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 181(4):677--681.
Bianucci G., Lambert O., Urbina M., Merella M., Collareta A., Goussard F., Bennion R., Salas-Gismondi R., Benites-Palomino A., Post K., de Muizon C., Bosio G., Di Celma C., Malinverno E., Pierantoni P. P., Villa I. M. & Bianucci G., 2023. 3D models related to the publication: A heavyweight early whale pushes the boundaries of vertebrate morphology MorphoMuseuM:e187.
Speleers L., Vanden Berghe I., Kinnaer F., Timmermans J., Ghesquière V., Van Bellingn S., Meganck M., Preiss S. & Devos Y., 2023. Archeobotanische resten van verversactiviteiten en textielbewerking uit laatmiddeleeuwse waterlopen, recente vondsten uit Brussel en Mechelen (Br. & Antw.) Archaeologia Mediaevalis, 46:114-115.
Bianucci G., Lambert O., Urbina M., Merella M., Collareta A., Bennion R., Salas-Gismondi R., Benites-Palomino A., Post K., de Muizon C., Bosio G., Di Celma C., Malinverno E., Pierantoni P. P., Villa I. M. & Amson E., 2023. A heavyweight early whale pushes the boundaries of vertebrate morphology Nature.
Compernolle T., Eswaran A., Welkenhuysen K., Herman T., Walraevens K., Van Camp M., Buyle M., Audenaert A., Bleys B., Van Schoubroeck S., Bergmans A., Goderniaux P., Baele J., Kaufmann O., Vardon P. J., Daniilidis A., Orban P., Dassargues A., Brouyère S. & Piessens K., 2023. Towards a dynamic and sustainable management of geological resources Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 528.
Dinnis R., Boulton J., Bates M., Chamberlain A., Davies J., Hopkins R., Jimenez E., Masson-MacLean E., Mogg J., Parfitt S., Payne N., Pickard C., Stringer C., Walker E., Williams D. & French J., 2023. Report on the 2022 excavations at Wogan Cavern (Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, UK) Cave and Karst, 50(2):83-91.
de Winter N., Tindall J., Johnson A. L., Goudsmit-Harzevoort B., Wichern N. M., Pim K., Claeys P., Huygen F., van Leeuwen S., Metcalfe B., Bakker P., Goolaerts S., Wesselingh F. & Ziegler M., 2023. Amplified seasonality in western Europe in a warmer world Preprint.
Esser E., Van Neer W., Wouters W., Zeiler J. & Kootker L., 2023. Dierlijke resten uit het laat-neolithicum en de bronstijd In: Doorbraken aan de Rijn. Een Swifterbant-gehucht, een Hazendonk-nederzetting en erven en graven uit de bronstijd in Medel-De Roeskamp, ed. by T.J. ten Anscher, S. Knippenberg, C.M. van der Linde, W. Roessingh & N.W. Willemse. RAAP, Weesp, chap. 55, pp. 2017-2070.
Esser E., Kuijper W., Zeiler J. & Van Neer W., 2023. Het landschap uit het laat-neolithicum en de bronstijd op basis van de fauna In: Doorbraken aan de Rijn. Een Swifterbant-gehucht, een Hazendonk-nederzetting en erven en graven uit de bronstijd in Medel-De Roeskamp, ed. by T.J. ten Anscher, S. Knippenberg, C.M. van der Linde, W. Roessingh & N.W. Willemse. RAAP, Weesp, chap. 43, pp. 1209-1210.
Esser E., Van Neer W., Wouters W., ten Anscher T., Zeiler J., Kootker L. & van Hees L., 2023. Dierlijke resten uit de Hazendonkperiode In: Doorbraken aan de Rijn. Een Swifterbant-gehucht, een Hazendonk-nederzetting en erven en graven uit de bronstijd in Medel-De Roeskamp, ed. by T.J. ten Anscher, S. Knippenberg, C.M. van der Linde, W. Roessingh & N.W. Willemse. RAAP, Weesp, chap. 38, pp. 1087-1164.
Esser E., Kuijper W., Van Neer W. & Zeiler J., 2023. Het landschap in de Hazendonk-periode op basis van de fauna In: Doorbraken aan de Rijn. Een Swifterbant-gehucht, een Hazendonk-nederzetting en erven en graven uit de bronstijd in Medel-De Roeskamp, ed. by T.J. ten Anscher, S. Knippenberg, C.M. van der Linde, W. Roessingh & N.W. Willemse. RAAP, Weesp, chap. 30, pp. 907-909.
Zeiler J., Van Neer W. & Esser E., 2023. Het landschap in de Swifterbant-periode op basis van de fauna In: Doorbraken aan de Rijn. Een Swifterbant-gehucht, een Hazendonk-nederzetting en erven en graven uit de bronstijd in Medel-De Roeskamp, ed. by T.J. ten Anscher, S. Knippenberg, C.M. van der Linde, W. Roessingh & N.W. Willemse . RAAP, Weesp, chap. 12, pp. 193-197.
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Xiao B., Rey-Iglesia A., Yuan J., Hu J., Song S., Hou Y., Cheng X., Germonpré M., Bao L., Wang S., Taogetongqimuge .., Valentinovna L., Lister A., Lai X. & Sheng G., 2023. Relationships of Late Pleistocene giant deer as revealed by Sinomegaceros mitogenomes from East Asia IScience, 26(108406).
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