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Article Reference A new species of Protoceratops (Dinosauria, Neoceratopsia) from the Late Cretaceous of Inner Mongolia (P. R. China).
Located in RBINS Publications / Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Earth Sciences. / Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Earth Sciences
Article Reference Primitive equoid and tapiroid mammals: keys for interpreting the Ypresian – Lutetian transition in Belgium.
Terrestrial mammal teeth, pertaining to the primitive horses Hallensia louisi and Propachynolophus levei and the tapiroid Lophiodon remensis, have been discovered at the base of the marine Lede Formation in the Oosterzele and Balegem sandpits, 10 km southeast of Gent. According to its calcareous nannofossil NP15 dating, the basal Lede Formation in that area belongs to the Middle Lutetian. Comparison with in situ records in the Paris Basin suggests a latest Ypresian origin for the mammals (reference-level MPIO) and consequently reworking. The Oosterzele and Balegem specimens most probably originate from erosion of the continental Aalterbrugge Lignitic Horizon (uppermost Ypresian), which is cropping out nearby. The additional reworked faunal and lithological components at the base of the Lede Formation suggest that also the Aalter Formation (top NP13-base NP14) and the overlying Brussel Formation (NP14), or certain parts of these, were deposited but subsequently eroded in that area. The depositional history of the Lede Formation, resulting from the interplay of tectonic uplift and eustatic sea-level changes, is detailed.
Located in RBINS Publications / Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Earth Sciences. / Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Earth Sciences
Article Reference A monodontid cetacean from the Early Pliocene of the North Sea
Located in RBINS Publications / Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Earth Sciences. / Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Earth Sciences
Article Reference Revision of the Eurybrachidae (XVI). The Australian Olonia rubicunda (Walker, 1851): Description of the male, distribution and host plants (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Eurybrachidae)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Manual Reference Mainstreaming of biodiversity into development cooperation
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Book Reference Field guide to the brittle and basket stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) of South Africa
Brittle and basket stars (ophiuroids) are one of five extant classes of the phylum Echinodermata and have a fossil record dating back almost 500 million years to the Early Ordovician. Today, they remain diverse and widespread, with over 260 described genera and 2,077 extant species globally (Stöhr et al. 2018), more than any other class of echinoderm. Ophiuroid species are found across all marine habitats from the intertidal shore to the abyss. In southern Africa, the ophiuroid fauna has been studied extensively by a number of authors and is relatively wellknown. The last published review of the southern African Ophiuroidea however was by Clark & Courtman-Stock in 1976. It included 101 species reported from within the boundaries of South Africa. In the 40 years since that publication the number of species has risen to 136. This identification guide includes a taxonomic key to all 136 species, and gives key references, istribution maps, diagnoses, scaled photographs (where possible), and a synthesis of known ecological and depth information for each. The guide is designed to be comprehensive, well illustrated and easy to use for both naturalists and professional biologists. Taxonomic terms, morphological characteristics and technical expressions are defined and described in detail, with illustrations to clarify some aspects of the terminology. A checklist of all species in the region is also included, and indicates which species are endemic (33), for which we report significant range extensions (23), which have been recorded as new to the South African fauna (28) since the previous monograph of Clark & Courtman-Stock (1976) and which have undergone taxonomic revisions since that time (28).
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Article Reference Occurrence de Bravoïte dans la paragenèse Ba, Fe, S (Zn, Pb) du gîte de Chaudfontaine (Province de Liège).
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Présence d'un exoclaste de nature ignée dans les schistes noduleux frasniens à Nettinne (Province de Namur)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference La composition isotopique du plomb des gisements belges. Implications sur les plans génétique et économique. (Note préliminaire)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference D source code Handbook of best practice and standards for 2D+ and 3D imaging of natural history collections
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2020