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Article Reference New Synonymies in Neotropical Platypodinae (Coleotpera: Curculionidae)
Located in Library / RBINS collections by external author(s)
Article Reference Beetles (Coleoptera) of Peru: A survey of the Families. Curculionidae: Platypodinae
Located in Library / RBINS collections by external author(s)
Article Reference On the Dimorphic African leafhopper Conlopa Bredoni Evans with discussion on ist tribal placement (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae: Ulopinae)
Located in Library / RBINS collections by external author(s)
Article Reference Revision of African Lophops, a rapidly diversified lineage (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea: Lophopidae)
Located in Library / RBINS collections by external author(s)
Article Reference Zur Erstbeschreibung der Alpen-Smaragdlibelle Somatochlora alpestris (Selys, 1840) aus dem Berner oberland (odonata: Corduliidae)
Located in Library / RBINS collections by external author(s)
Article Reference Eight new species of marine dolichopodid flies of Thinophilus Wahlberg, 1844 (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from peninsular Thailand
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Article Reference De bevolkingsstructuur op de begraafplaats van de abdij Ten Duinen in Koksijde (12de-16de eeuw)
De studie van begravingen is onder meer gebaseerd op een fysisch antropologische analyse. Het onderzoek van menselijk skeletmateriaal, op zich al interessant archeologisch materiaal, biedt een overvloed aan informatie over de bevolking in het verleden. De eerste opdracht is het vaststellen van de biologische identiteit van het individu, meer bepaald het determineren van de leeftijd en het geslacht. Deze schattingen, toegepast op skeletindividuen uit grafcontexten, maken het mogelijk om een demografisch profiel op te stellen van de bevolking op het grafveld teneinde dit in te schatten en de demografie beter te begrijpen.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Article Reference A secondary mandibular condylar articulation and collateral effects on a Late Neolithic mandible from Bois Madame rockshelter in Arbre, Belgium
A Neolithic Belgian mandible from Bois Madame rockshelter in Arbre presents an asymmetrical morphology resulting from a secondary, or false, articulation of the right mandibular condyle. The pathological articulation produced enlarged masseter, medial pterygoid and mylohyoid musculature on the right side as well as a flattening of the right incisal alveolus curvature. The secondary condylar articulation did not lead to pronounced asymmetry of attrition on the antimeres of the dental arcade. This is the most complete mandible from this Late Neolithic collective burial dating to the beginning of the Bronze Age circa 4000 years BP. It is possible that a fall or blow to the mental symphysis during early adolescence could have resulted in the partial intrusion of the mandibular condyle into the articulation disc of the temporomandibular joint capsule. When the affected condyle healed, a secondary, but serviceable articulation developed, producing unique stresses on the involved muscular tissue and ultimately resulted in an asymmetry of mandibular form.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Article Reference Pisachini planthoppers of Vietnam: new records of Pisacha and a new Goniopsarites species from Central Vietnam (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Nogodinidae)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference Palaeogenomics of Upper Palaeolithic to Neolithic European hunter-gatherers
Modern humans have populated Europe for more than 45,000 years1,2. Our knowledge of the genetic relatedness and structure of ancient hunter-gatherers is however limited, owing to the scarceness and poor molecular preservation of human remains from that period3. Here we analyse 356 ancient hunter-gatherer genomes, including new genomic data for 116 individuals from 14 countries in western and central Eurasia, spanning between 35,000 and 5,000 years ago. We identify a genetic ancestry profile in individuals associated with Upper Palaeolithic Gravettian assemblages from western Europe that is distinct from contemporaneous groups related to this archaeological culture in central and southern Europe4, but resembles that of preceding individuals associated with the Aurignacian culture. This ancestry profile survived during the Last Glacial Maximum (25,000 to 19,000 years ago) in human populations from southwestern Europe associated with the Solutrean culture, and with the following Magdalenian culture that re-expanded northeastward after the Last Glacial Maximum. Conversely, we reveal a genetic turnover in southern Europe suggesting a local replacement of human groups around the time of the Last Glacial Maximum, accompanied by a north-to-south dispersal of populations associated with the Epigravettian culture. From at least 14,000 years ago, an ancestry related to this culture spread from the south across the rest of Europe, largely replacing the Magdalenian-associated gene pool. After a period of limited admixture that spanned the beginning of the Mesolithic, we find genetic interactions between western and eastern European hunter-gatherers, who were also characterized by marked differences in phenotypically relevant variants.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023