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Article Reference Atelestidae (Diptera: Empidoidea) from the Botanic Garden Jean Massart with a first record from Belgium of the very rare Meghyperus sudeticus Loew, 1850 and an update on the Belgian Atelestidae
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Article Reference An annotated checklist of the Scatopsidae (Diptera) of the Botanic Garden Jean Massart at the outskirts of Brussels (Belgium)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Article Reference Morphology study of the otoliths of the parrotfish, Chlorurus sordidus (Forsska˚l, 1775) and Hipposcarus harid (Forsska˚l, 1775) from the Red Sea coast of Egypt (Family: Scaridae)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Article Reference Is the vertical distribution of meiofauna similar in two contrasting microhabitats? A case study of a macrotidal sandy beach
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Article Reference Troff document The effect of bio-irrigation by the polychaete Lanice conchilega on active denitrifiers: Distribution, diversity and composition of nosZ gene
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Article Reference Chemical composition: Hearing insect defensive volatiles
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Article Reference MEMOR: A database of archeological human remains collections from Flanders, Belgium
Abstract The aim of this article is to describe a newly created open access database of archeological human remains collections from Flanders, Belgium. The MEMOR database ( was created to provide an overview of the current practices of loans, reburial, and the research potential of human skeletons from archeological sites currently stored in Flanders. In addition, the project aimed to provide a legal and ethical framework for the handling of human remains and was created around stakeholder involvement from anthropologists, geneticists, contract archeologists, the local, regional and national government agencies, local and national government, universities, and representatives of the major religions. The project has resulted in the creation of a rich database with many collections available for study. The database was created using the open-source Arches data management platform that is freely available for organizations worldwide to configure in accordance with their individual needs and without restrictions on its use. Each collection is linked to information about the excavation and the site the remains originate from, its size and time period. In addition, a research potential tab reveals whether any analyses were performed, and whether excavation notes are available with the assemblage. The database currently contains 742 collections, ranging in size from 1 to over 1000 individuals. New collections will continue to be added when new assemblages are excavated and studied. The database can also be expanded to include human remains collections from other regions and other material categories, such as archaeozoological collections.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Article Reference DNA barcoding echinoderms from the East Coast of South Africa. The challenge to maintain DNA data connected with taxonomy
Echinoderms are marine water invertebrates that are represented by more than 7000 extant species, grouped in five classes and showing diverse morphologies (starfish, sea lilies, feather stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, brittle and basket stars). In an effort to further study their diversity, DNA barcodes (DNA fragments of the 5’ end of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene, COI) have been used to complement morphological examination in identifying evolutionary lineages. Although divergent clusters of COI sequences were reported to generally match morphological species delineations, they also revealed some discrepancies, suggesting overlooked species, ecophenotypic variation or multiple COI lineages within one species. Here, we sequenced COI fragments of 312 shallow-water echinoderms of the East Coast of South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal Province) and compared morphological identifications with species delimitations obtained with four methods that are exclusively based on COI sequences. We identified a total of 103 morphospecies including 18 that did not exactly match described species. We also report 46 COI sequences that showed large divergences (>5% p-distances) with those available to date and publish the first COI sequences for 30 species. Our analyses also identified discordances between morphological identifications and COI-based species delimitations for a considerable proportion of the morphospecies studied here (49/103). For most of them, further investigation is necessary to keep a sound connection between taxonomy and the growing importance of DNA-based research.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Article Reference Population genomics of introduced Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Repeated introductions since colonial times with multiple sources.
During colonial times, Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) was introduced into non-native parts of the Congo Basin (Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC) for the first time. Currently, it is the most farmed cichlid in the DRC, and is present throughout the Congo Basin. Although Nile tilapia has been reported as an invasive species, documentation of historical introductions into this basin and its consequences are scant. Here, we study the genetic consequences of these introductions by genotyping 213 Nile tilapia from native and introduced regions, focusing on the Congo Basin. Additionally, 48 specimensfrom 16 other tilapia species were included to test for hybridization. Using RAD sequencing (27,611 single nucleotide polymorphisms), we discovered genetic admixture with other tilapia species in several morphologically identified Nile tilapia from the Congo Basin, reflecting their ability to interbreed and the potential threat they pose to the genetic integrity of native tilapias. Nile tilapia populations from the Upper Congo and those from the Middle-Lower Congo are strongly differentiated. The former show genetic similarity to Nile tilapia from the White Nile, while specimens from the Benue Basin and Lake Kariba are similar to Nile tilapia from the Middle-Lower Congo, suggesting independent introductions using different sources. We conclude that the presence of Nile tilapia in the Congo Basin results from independent introductions, reflecting the dynamic aquaculture history, and that their introduction probably leads to genetic interactions with native tilapias, which could lower their fitness. We therefore urge avoiding further introductions of Nile tilapia in non-native regions and to use native tilapias in future aquaculture efforts.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Article Reference Protomedetera, a new genus from the Oriental and Australasian realms (Diptera, Dolichopodidae, Medeterinae)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018