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Article Reference Philippe Dautzenberg (1849–1935) and his time, towards the reconstruction of an ancient science network
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Article Reference Philippine mossy forest stick insects: first record of the genus Otraleus Günther, 1935 in the country, with four new species, and the new genus Capuyanus gen. nov. (Phasmida, Diapheromeridae, Necrosciinae)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Article Reference Phoomyia, a new genus of Dolichopodinae from the Oriental Region (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Phyllotreta astrachanica Lopatin, 1977, Phyllotreta rugifrons Kuester, 1849 et Longitarsus kutscherai (Rye, 1872) identifiés pour la première fois en Belgique (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae). Entretiens sur les Chrysomelidae de Belgique etc.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Article Reference Phylogenetic analysis of the Baikalodrilus species flock (Annelida: Clitellata: Naididae), an endemic genus to Lake Baikal (Russia)
Lake Baikal is populated by an endemic genus of oligochaetes (Baikalodrilus), which currently comprises 24 morphospecies. The genus can be considered as a ‘species flock’. However, the validity of many species is questionable: the great similarity in their description and the lack of unequivocal diagnostic characters often lead species identification to an impasse. In order to clarify the systematics of this genus, we analysed two nuclear and two mitochondrial DNA markers of 40 Baikalodrilus specimens. DNA and morphological approaches are mostly congruent in suggesting ten candidate species, although two additional species are suspected. A reassessment of the taxonomic value of the morphological characteristics of Baikalodrilus suggests that there are few that can be used as distinctive, specific criteria in the genus. The association between candidate and nominal species remains problematic, except for three species identified prior to molecular analyses. Baikalodrilus trituberculum sp. nov. is described. Phylogenetic inferences suggests that the earliest split in Baikalodrilus and the time of divergence of most lineages corresponding to species are consistent with the hypothesis of a general rearrangement of the Baikal fauna, following major environmental changes due to a general cooling in the Early Pleistocene.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Inproceedings Reference Phylogenetic investigation of the Baikalodrilus species flock (Clitellata, Naididae) endemic to Lake Baikal, Siberia
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Inproceedings Reference Phylogenetic position of Olbitherium (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) based on new material from the early Eocene Wutu Formation
The genus Olbitherium was originally described in 2004 from the early Eocene of the Wutu Formation in China as a ‘perissodactyl-like’ archaic ungulate. Described material of Olbitherium consists of partial dentaries with lower cheek teeth, isolated upper molars, and an isolated upper premolar. Subsequent collaborative fieldwork by Belgian and Chinese researchers discovered new material including a partial skull, the anterior portion of the dentary, and associated postcrania. In their general form, the skull and postcrania are similar to those of early perissodactyls. The new material provides a more complete picture of the upper dentition, and the anterior dentary demonstrates the presence of three lower incisors and a large canine, both ancestral features for perissodactyls. A phylogenetic analysis was conducted to test the affinities of Olbitherium, using a matrix of 321 characters and 72 taxa of placental mammals emphasizing perissodactyls and other ungulates. The results produced four shortest trees of 1981 steps. In all four trees, Olbitherium is the sister-taxon to all perissodactyls except Ghazijhippus. In contrast, when scoring was restricted to the originally described material, the results produced 16 shortest trees of 1970 steps, and Olbitherium nests well within Perissodactyla as sister-taxon to a clade including Lambdotherium and the brontotheriids Eotitanops and Palaeosyops. The new material not only supports the identification of Olbitherium as a perissodactyl, but it also suggests that it is significant for understanding the ancestral perissodactyl morphotype. Funding Sources U.S. National Science Foundation (DEB1456826), Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (2009DFA32210), and Belgian Science Policy Office (BL/36/C54).
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Article Reference Phylogenetic reconstructions of ostracodes - a molecular approach. In: Park L.E. & Smith A.J. (Eds.) Bridging the gap: trends in the ostracode biological and geological sciences
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Phylogenetic reconstructions of ostracods – a molecular approach. In: PARK, L.E. & A.J. SMITH (Eds.), Bridging the gap: trends in the ostracode biological and geological sciences
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Phylogenetic relationships of Gomphocythere (Crustacea, Ostracoda) in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications