Linkages between freshwater benthic ecosystems and adjacent ecosystems: drivers of biodiversity and ecological processes?
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RBINS Staff Publications
Linking present environment and reproductive modes segregation (Geographic parthenogenesis) in Eucypris virens (Crustacea: Ostracoda)
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RBINS Staff Publications
Linking present environment and the segregation of reproductive modes (geographic parthenogenesis) in Eucypris virens (Crustacea: Ostracoda)
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RBINS Staff Publications
Linking present environment and reproductive modes segregation (Geographic parthenogenesis) in Eucypris virens (Crustacea: Ostracoda).
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RBINS Staff Publications
Litter-dwelling ants as bioindicators to gauge the sustainability of small arboreal monocultures embedded in the Amazonian rainforest
One of the greatest threats to biodiversity and the sustainable functioning of ecosystems is the clearing of forests for agriculture. Because litter-dwelling ants are very good bioindicators of man-made disturbance, we used them to compare monospecific plantations of acacia trees, cocoa trees, rubber trees and pine trees with the surrounding Neotropical rainforest (in contrast to previous studies on forest fragments embedded in industrial monocultures). Although the global level of species turnover was weak, species richness decreased along a gradient from the forest (including a treefall gap) to the tree plantations among which the highest number of species was noted for the cocoa trees, which are known to be a good compromise between agriculture and conservation. Species composition was significantly different between natural habitats and the plantations that, in turn, were different from each other. Compared to the forest, alterations in the ant communities were (1) highest for the acacia and rubber trees, (2) intermediate for the cocoa trees, and, (3) surprisingly, far lower for the pine trees, likely due to very abundant litter. Functional traits only separated the rubber tree plantation from the other habitats due to the higher presence of exotic and leaf-cutting ants. This study shows that small monospecific stands are likely sustainable when embedded in the rainforest and that environmentally-friendly strategies can be planned accordingly.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Local extinction processes rather than edge effects affect ground beetle assemblages from fragmented and urbanized old beech forests
Local extinction of specialist species due to fragmentation is one of the major causes of biodiversity loss. Increased extinction rates in smaller fragments are expected to result from both smaller local population sizes, which increase the effect of environmental or demographic stochasticity, and increased edge effects. However, the relative effect sizes of these two factors are still poorly investigated. We attempt to disentangle these effects on ground beetle communities of temperate broadleaved woodland fragments situated in one of the most urbanized regions in Belgium. Assemblages were sampled along transects that extended from 30 m outside to 100 m inside both small and large historic forest fragments. Although species assemblages within the forest were highly distinct compared to those sampled outside the forest, species turnover along these transects was less pronounced within forest fragments indicating only weak edge effects. The magnitude of edge effects did not differ significantly between large and small fragments. However, larger differences in species composition were observed with respect to fragment size, wherein highly specialized species persisted only in the largest fragment. In sum, increased local extinction processes in smaller fragments, which led to a strong reduction of specialized and wingless forest species, appeared to be the most important factor that drives changes in species composition in this historic and fragmented woodland complex.
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RBINS Staff Publications
Local extinction processes rather than edge effects affect ground beetle assemblages from fragmented and urbanized old beech forests.
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RBINS Staff Publications
Local factors drive the richness, biomass and composition of benthic invertebrate communities in Neotropical reservoirs
Dams affect aquatic biota in running water by altering the environmental dynamics. One of the communities affected are benthic invertebrates, that perform important functions such as nutrient cycling and energy transfer in reservoirs. We investigated the influence of the following factors: spatial, abiotic variables, reservoir characteristics and land use on the richness, biomass and composition of benthic invertebrates in 29 reservoirs in southern Brazil. Sediment samples and abiotic variables were collected in the littoral and profundal zones of reservoirs during the dry (July) and rainy (November) seasons in 2001. We used principal coordinates of neighbour matrices to obtain the spatial factors. We analysed the unique and overall effects of the four factors. We found that the factors analysed significantly influenced the composition and biomass of the invertebrates (22%). The percentage of variation explained by the unique effects of the different factors showed similar values, but the spatial factors showed the highest value (4%). This indicates that closer reservoirs have higher similarities in terms of composition and biomass of benthic invertebrates. On the other hand, the abiotic variables had the highest explained value when evaluating the overall effects (10%). Therefore, for invertebrate richness, only the reservoir characteristics were significant for the overall and unique effects (49%). More specifically, we observed lower taxon richness in older reservoirs, probably because the age of such artificial aquatic ecosystems influences other variables, which structure the benthic communities. In conclusion, the structure of benthic invertebrate communities in reservoirs of southern Brazil are mainly driven by spatial and reservoir characteristics.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Local knowledge of the impact of uncontrolled fires on ecosystem services: a case study in the Pendjari Biosphere Reserve in Benin
Ecosystem services are fundamental to people and are undergoing many threats such as uncontrolled fire. Local knowledge has been widely used to guide management decisions for plant biodiversity. Therefore, we assessed the knowledge of the people of Pendjari Biosphere Reserve (PBR) on the impact of fire on ecosystem services (ES). A semi-structured questionnaire with three fire impact levels (no, low and high) was used to interview 150 randomly selected households in four ethnic groups. The generalised linear model (GLM) was performed on the relative frequency of quotations to assess the effect of ethnic group, age and sex for each impact level of fire on ES and also to test the interaction among the considered factors. The local people reported that uncontrolled fire causes damage to many provisioning ES. The local knowledge concerning the impact of fire on ES was affected significantly (pā<ā0.0001) by ethnic group, age and sex irrespective of the impact level of fire on ES. Moreover, there was no significant interaction among the considered factors. The studied factors are benchmarks to be integrated into awareness and preservation measures of ES to mitigate the impact of uncontrolled fire practices in the study area.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Local perceptions on the state of the pelagic fisheries and fisheries management in Uvira, Lake Tanganyika, DR Congo
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RBINS Staff Publications 2020