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Inproceedings Reference Palaeolithic dogs at the Gravettian Předmostí site, the Czech Republic
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inproceedings Reference Virtual biomechanical analysis of the lower limbs of a Neandertal
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference La détermination du sexe grâce à la méthode probabalistic diagnosis dans un environnement virtuel
The hip bone is one of the most reliable indicators of sex in the human body due to the fact it is the most dimorphic bone. Probabilistic Sex Diagnosis (developed by Murailet al., 2005) is a method based on a worldwide hip bone metrical database and relies on the actual physical bone for analysis. Sex is determined by comparing specific measurements taken from each specimen using sliding calipers and computing the probability of the specimens being female or male. In forensic science it is sometimes not possible to sex a body due to corpse decay or injury. Skeletinization and dissection of a body is a laborious process and desecrates the body. The current study aimed to see if it was possible to virtually utilise the DSP method to avoid this process. Forty-nine innominate bones of unknown sex were obtained from ULB. Bones were analysed by two researchers using the manual DSP method and a good correlation was found between researchers. CT scans of available bones were analysed to obtain three-dimensional (3D) virtual models using a commercially available software (Amira, Available models were imported into a customized software programme called lhpFusionBox (developed at ULB from the MAF open-source library). lhpFusionBox is an advanced musculo-skeletal software which includes many operations relevant to Biomechanics. It also enables distances to be measured via virtually- palpated bony landmarks. DSP measurements were then obtained from the located bony landmarks. There was 100% accuracy between the manual and virtual DSP analysis. To further test the method 30 virtual bones of known sex were analysed (researchers had no prior knowledge of sex before analysis). There was found to be a 97% accuracy rate with only one bone leading to a wrong determination. These
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inproceedings Reference The Earliest Bats from Europe
Chiroptera is one of the few modern mammal orders for which no fossil record has been associated with the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum that happened 55.8 million years ago. With the exception of complete skeletons from the early Middle Eocene of the Messel Formation in Germany and the late Early Eocene Green River Formation in Wyoming, all early bats are only represented by isolated elements, mainly teeth and fragmentary jaws, making the diversity and taxonomic affinities more difficult to establish. Here we revise all of the Early Eocene bats from Europe based on dental features, including digitally reconstructed teeth using micro-CT scanning technology of some complete skeletons. The diversity of European early bats is composed of the families Onychonycteridae, Icaronycteridae, Archaeonycteridae, Palaeochiropterygidae, and some of undetermined affinities. Dental features and synapomorphies of each family are characterized for the first time. The earliest bats are dated from the early Early Eocene and are all of small size with lower molars less than 1.3 mm in length. They are represented by: Eppsinycteris anglica from Abbey Wood, east London, England, an onychonycterid with reduced lower p4 and long molars; Archaeonycteris? praecursor from Silveirinha, Portugal, an archaeonycterid with long postcristid on wide lower molars; a new archaeonycterid genus and species from Meudon, North France with long trigonid and shorter postcristid on wide lower molars. These results indicate that the diversity of European Early Eocene bats is higher than previously recognized and that diversification began early in the Early Eocene.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inproceedings Reference New primate postcrania from the Eraly Eocene of Vastan Mine, Gujarat, India
The Cambay Formation at Vastan Mine in Gujarat yields the oldest fossil primates known from India. New age estimates suggest that the fossils date from approximately 54.5 Ma (early Ypresian), about 2 million years older than initially thought and comparable in age to early Wasatchian Wa-4 faunas from North America. The Vastan primate fauna comprises predominantly the asiadapine adapoids Marcgodinotius and Asiadapis. Two species of omomyid primates, Vastanomys gracilis and V. major, are much rarer, each known from a single dental specimen. In addition to primate dental remains, Vastan Mine has produced the best preserved early Eocene primate postcranial elements known from anywhere in the world. Here we present new limb bones, including humeri, ulnae, femora, tibiae, and a talus, from three of the recognized primate species. They include the first omomyid postcrania from India: two femora, a talus, and a potential proximal tibia. We also report additional asiadapine postcrania: a pristine femur of Marcgodinotius and the first complete tibia of Asiadapis. Five new humeri (two complete) consist of one asiadapine and four that lack specializations of either group, making allocation difficult. Two ulnae are attributed to indeterminate euprimates due to lack of adequate comparative material. The elements attributed to Vastanomys are more primitive than any other known omomyid postcrania and are only subtly different from those of asiadapines, in contrast to the more distinct postcranial bones of their middle and late Eocene relatives. The femora attributed to Vastanomys exhibit features suggestive of leaping behavior (cylindrical femoral heads, lateral condyle higher than medial, proximal position of the third trochanter), as in other omomyids. However, while the talus of Vastanomys resembles those of omomyids more than those of other primates, features such as the relatively short, medially angled neck, and oval rather than spherical head suggest that Vastanomys was not as specialized for leaping as younger omomyids. Although asiadapines have been described as close to notharctids in morphology, the relatively wider distal femur and symmetrical condyles of Marcgodinotius resemble adapids more than notharctids and may also reflect less leaping. The revised age of the fossils, together with the similarity in morphology of omomyid and asiadapine postcrania, suggests that the postcrania, like the teeth of the most primitive members of each family, are converging toward a common morphology as we approach the base of the Eocene.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inproceedings Reference Capacity building for the Monitoring, Reporting and Verficiation (MRV) of biodiversity and ecosystem services in Africa
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Inproceedings Reference Dusty baseline: the merit of museum collections in biological invasion studies
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Inproceedings Reference Palaeopathology of Iguanodon specimens from Museums in Belgium and Britain, and a comparison with pathological rates in Hadrosauridae
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Inproceedings Reference Les collections de paléontologie de l’IRSNB : réelles et/ou virtuelles ?
Dans la course contre la montre à qui rendra le plus accessible les collections des musées d’histoire naturelle, l’Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique s’est doté d’outils maison « Open Source » afin de valoriser ses 38 millions de spécimens. Ceux-ci datent parfois d’époques reculées et demandent donc généralement une restauration et un reconditionnement physique (reboxing des Anglo-Saxons) ainsi que leur encodage dans des bases de données efficaces permettant à la fois l’inventaire et la géolocalisation dans les conservatoires où ils sont préservés. Dans ce cadre, la base de données Darwin « » (système de gestion PostgreSQL) stocke les données et métadonnées relatives aux spécimens des collections de l’IRSNB. La plateforme Virtual Collections « » permet elle l’accès aux images et aux modèles 3D des spécimens types et figurés, bien nécessaire dans ce monde devenu (si) virtuel. Elle est divisée en six collections principales : entomologie, invertébrés récents, vertébrés récents, anthropologie-préhistoire, géologie et paléontologie. Cette dernière, bien que n’étant qu’au début du processus de numérisation de ses 42.000 types et figurés sur 3 millions de spécimens fossiles, n’en est pas la moins diversifiée au niveau des techniques de prises d’images. En effet, on y trouve déjà des photographies digitales à haute résolution prises en photostaking, d’autres au microscope électronique à balayage, sans compter des modèles tridimensionnels provenant d’acquisition par micro-tomographie ou photogrammétrie. Mais tout ceci n’aurait aucune valeur scientifique sans les données historiques et bibliographiques liées aux spécimens. Ce volet disponible via Collections«° » sera développé pour la paléontologie dans une troisième phase. Il inclura, outre les données historiques et bibliographiques, les articles numérisés au format pdf. S’il est clair que ces trois outils virtuels aident grandement à l’accessibilité rapide des collections paléontologiques et à leurs données, ils ne remplacent toutefois pas les spécimens de référence qui font partie d’un patrimoine mondial (One World Collection initiative) et restent accessibles aux globe-trotteurs que sont les chercheurs.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Inproceedings Reference Reassessment of the morphology and taxonomic status of the varanid lizard Saniwa orsmaelensis from the early Eocene of Northwest Europe
Saniwa is an extinct genus of varanid lizard from the Eocene of North America and Europe. It is the sister taxon to the crown-group Varanus. Up to now, only one poorly known species is recognized from Europe, Saniwa orsmaelensis from the earliest Eocene of Dormaal, Belgium. This species originally named by Louis Dollo nearly a century ago, is the earliest varanid of Europe. Unfortunately, the material was limited to vertebrae with only preliminary description and no figure provided, except for one dorsal vertebra that later has been designated as the lectotype. Here we describe and illustrate new fossil specimens collected from Dormaal and other early Eocene localities of the Paris Basin, France, including dentary and maxilla fragments as well as skull material, allowing to reassess the validity of the European taxon. These fossils allow further comparisons with the type-species, Saniwa ensidens, from the late early Eocene Bridger and Green River formations of Wyoming and to propose a new diagnosis for S. orsmaelensis. The occurrence of S. orsmaelensis is restricted to the early Eocene of Northwest Europe and its geographic origin is unresolved because the earliest record of Saniwa in North America is also from the earliest Eocene. The brief presence of varanid lizards in the European Paleogene could result from two major climatic events. At the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum, large biotic interchanges occurred in the northern hemisphere allowing new dispersals into Europe. However, at the end of the Eocene, thermophilic lizards disappeared due to cooler conditions. Another hypothesis for their disappearance could be the competition that occurred with other anguimorph lizards. Grant Information: This abstract is a contribution to the Belspo Brain network project BR/121/A3/PalEurAfrica funded by the Belgian Science Policy Office.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018