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You are here: Home / RBINS Publications / Scientific results from the hydrobiological exploration lake Tanganyika (1946-1947) / Vol 3(3)-1952 - Amphibiens et reptiles, Hemiptera Homoptera, Coleoptera Lamellicornia, Crustacés décapodes Brachyures

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De Witte, G.F. 1952.
Amphibiens et reptiles.
pdf_small Vol. III(3): 3-22

Lallemand, V. & Synave, H. 1952.
Hemiptera Homoptera.
pdf_small Vol. III(3): 25-27

Janssens, A. 1952.
Coleoptera lamellicornia.
pdf_small Vol. III(3): 29-37

Capart, A. 1952.
Crustacés décapodes brachyures.
pdf_small Vol. III(3): 41-67


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+32 (0)2 627 42 16