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Van Goethem, J.L. 1992.
Opening address.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 5-6

Speight, M.C.D. 1992.
Distribution data, threat categories and site evaluation.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 7-21

Jungbluth, J.H. 1992.
Recent zoogeographical research in Central Europe: from mapping programs to ecological interpretations.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 23-28

Eversham, B.C., Harding, P.T., Loder, N., Arnould, H.R. & Fenton, R.W. 1992.
Research applications using data from species surveys in Britain.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 29-40

Haslett, J.R. 1992.
Species inventories as ecological databases in a Geographical Information System.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 41-44

Maurin, H. & Haffner, P. 1992.
Politique française en matière d'inventaires faunistiques appliqués à la conservation.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 45-50

Meyer, M. 1992.
LUXNAT: banque de données biogéographiques.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation51-56

Alderweireldt, M. & Maelfait, J.-P. 1992.
A proposal for the establishment of a red list of the Lycosid spiders in Flanders (Araneae, Lycosidae).
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 57-63

Baguette, M., Goffart, P., Dufrêne, M. & Lebrun, P. 1992.
The use of invertebrate surveys as guidelines for management of wetlands in southern Belgium.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 65-66

Desender, K., Baguette, M., Dufrêne, M. & Maelfait, J.-P. 1992.
A state of knowledge on the distribution of Carabids in Belgium and northern France.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 67-73

Jeuniaux, C. 1992.
Inventaire des Coléoptères Elatérides de la "Petite Suisse Luxembourgeoise" (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg) et particularités biogéographiques et écologiques de ce site.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 75-79

Maelfait, J.-P., Coulon, G. & Desender, L. 1992.
The Flemish legislation on the protection of Coleoptera in the European perspective.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation): 81-90

De Meyer, M. 1992.
Preliminary database on the distribution of Pipunculidae (Diptera) in Europe.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 91-100

Pollet, M., Meuffels, H. & Grootaert, P. 1992.
Geographical distribution and habitat selection of species of Hercostomus subgenus Gymnopternus in the Benelux (Diptera: Dolichopodidae).
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 101-113

Decleer, K. & Verlinden, L. 1992.
A standard method for site evaluation and indication of "Red Data Book"-species, using distribution data of invertebrates. An example based on the Hoverfly fauna (Diptera, Syrphidae) of Belgium.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 115-132

De Bruyn, L., Verlinden, L. & Verwaerde, J. 1992.
Gardens: An important refuge for insects, or a green desert?
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 133-142

Lhonoré, J. 1992.
Biogéographie, écologie et gestion d 'habitats d' espèces de Lépidoptères Rhopalocères protégés (Lycaenidae, Satyridae).
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 143-152

Veling, L. & van Swaay, C.A.M. 1992.
How to achieve more with butterfly inventory data.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 153-157

Maes, D. 1992.
The use of monitoring systems in nature reserves, an example : "De Vallei van de Zwarte Beek" at Koersel-Beringen (Limburg, Belgium).
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 159-164

De Bast, B., Verstraeten, C., Baguette, M. & Goffart, P. 1992.
Projet de mise à jour de l'atlas cartographique des Lépidoptères Rhopalocères de la Région Wallonne (Belgique).
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 165-168

Baguette, M., Goffart, P., De Bast, B. & Verstraeten, C. 1992.
Le suivi des Lépidoptères Rhopalocères en Région Wallonne (Belgique) dans le cadre du programme de surveillance de l'environnement par bio-indicateurs.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 169-172

Taymans, C., De Bast, B., Verstraeten, C., Baguette, M. & Goffart, P. 1992.
Mise à jour de la cartographie des Rhopalocères de la Belgique: genre Pyrgus HUBNER, 1819 (Lepidoptera, Hesperidae).
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 173-176

Decleer, K. & Devriese, H. 1992.
Faunistics and ecology of the grasshoppers and crickets (Saltatoria) of the dunes along the Belgian coast.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 177-187

Van Goethem, J.L. 1992.
A current state of knowledge on the taxonomy and distribution of non-marine molluscs in Belgium.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 189-194

Sablon, R. & Van Goethem, J.L. 1992.
Towards a compilation of an atlas of the freshwater molluscs of Belgium: a preliminary report.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 195-198

De Ridder, M. 1992.
Distribution of Belgian Rotifera.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 199-212

De Winter, A. & Pillen, R. 1992.
The evolution of the water quality in the west of Belgium: results of a ten year survey.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 213-221

Hance, T., Dumont, J.-M., Hance, L., Renier, L. & Goffart, P. 1992.
Colonization pattern by vegetation and relationships with faunal inventory in an old sand quarry.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 223-234

Ricciardone, G. & Stroot, P. 1992.
Faunistic results of a light-trap survey of the Trichoptera from the Meuse river in Belgium.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 235-238

Rappé, G. 1992.
MARBEL, a plea for a catalogue of the Belgian marine fauna.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 239-242

Speight, M.C.D. 1992.
Conclusions and recommendations EIS meeting / Brussels Colloquium September, 1991.
pdf_small Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation: 243-246