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You are here: Home / RBINS Publications / Institute of the National Parks of Belgian Congo / Exploration du Parc National de l'Upemba - Exploratie van het Nationaal Upemba Park (1946-1949) Mission / Zending F. G. de Witte / 49-1958 - Mission/Zending G.F. de Witte - Drilidae, Notoxus, Anthicus and Tomoderes, genus Formicomus, Pygosteninae, Galerucinae, gattung Aulacochilus und Amblyopus

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Cover / Couverture / Omslag pdf_small


Wittmer, W. 1958.
Drilidae (Coleoptera Malacodermata).

pdf_small Fasc49(1): 3-4

Buck, F.D. 1958.
Notoxus, Anthicus and Tomodores (Coleoptera, Heteromera) Fam. Anthicidae.

pdf_small Fasc49(2): 5-21

Van Hille, J.C. 1958.
Genus Formicomus (Coleoptera Polyphaga) (Fam. Anthicidae).

pdf_small Fasc49(3): 23-31

Kistner, D.H. 1958.
Pygosteninae (Coleoptera Polyphaga) Fam. Staphylinidae.

pdf_small Fasc49(4): 33-40

Bryant, G.E. 1958.
Galerucinae (Coleoptera Chrysomelidae).

pdf_small Fasc49(5): 41-65

Delkeskamp, K. & Philipp, H. 1958.
Gattungen Aulacochilus Dejean und Amblyopus Dejean (Coleoptera Polyphaga) Fam. Erotylidae.

pdf_small Fasc49(6): 67-71



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