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Cover and introduction.
pdf_small ABC TAXA 18: 1-13

Smit, N., Basson, L., Vanhove, M.P.M. & Scholz, T. 2018.
Part 1. History of fish parasitology in Africa. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 18: 15-29

Reichard, M. & Jurajda, P. 2018.
Part 2. Fish as hosts of parasites, their ecology and sampling. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 18: 31-50

Gelnar, M., Smit, N., Vanhove, M.P.M., Scholz, T., Řehulková, E., Kuchta, R., Dyková, I., Tyml, T., Holzer, A., Bartošová-Sojková, P., Fiala, I.,  Mašová, S., Kostadinova, A., Dávidová, M., Brabec, J., Vetešníková Šimková, A. & Jarkovský, J. 2018.
Part 3. Basic methods to study fish parasites. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 18: 51-134

Kuchta, R., Basson, L., Cook, C., Fiala, I.,  Bartošová-Sojková, P., Řehulková, E., Seifertová, M., Přikrylová, I., Francová, K., Kudlai, O., Scholz, T., Smit, N., Sures, B., Kvach, Y., Mašová, Š. & Hadfield, K. 2018.
Part 4. A systematic survey of the parasites of freshwater fishes in Africa. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 18: 135-360

Carvalho Schaeffner, V.C. 2018.
Part 5. Host-parasite list. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 18: 361-402

Vanhove, M.P.M. 2018.
Part 6. Evolutionary parasitology of African freshwater fishes and its implications for the sustainable management of aquatic resources. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 18: 403-412

Scholz, T., Smit, N. & Vanhove, M.P.M. 2018.
Part 7. Prospects and recommendations. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 18: 413-424



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