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Janssens dB Luc (2013)

Synthesis DGD-RBINS programme 2008-2012

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Executive summary At the demand of DGD and Belspo, a synthesis of the programme DGD-RBINS for the period 208-2012 has been made in August-September 2013 in order to inform the steering committee in view of the activity programme 2014-2018. After a short introduction explaining the five specific objectives of the DGD-RBINS programme 2008-2012 and the general architecture of the programme, generic characteristics of the interventions are provided. The self-assessment (full text in annex) for the period 2008-2011 is summarised per component of the programme for performance indicators, strengths and weaknesses, lessons learned and recommendations. Trends over the period 2008-2012 for indicators, output and financial means are explained. A SWOT analysis is provided, followed by conclusions. The self-assessment highlighted the many strengths of the project, especially the small-scale tailor-made and personal approach and high dedication of staff, project promoters, and trainees, as well as the quality output, as expressed in numbers of projects, trainings and trainees, workshops, upgraded web sites, international meetings, graduates, experimental plots, digitalised and disseminated archives and publications. Also the points of attention to be taken towards the next strategy period are highlighted. E.g. the low computer and English literacy in RD Congo, the need for more field workshops in the context of habitat monitoring in RDC and elsewhere, the need to continue organising regional CHM meetings and to promote distance learning, the optimisation of data recording and other procedures for the programme and the need to improve the editing and dissemination processes of AbcTaxa. Meanwhile this last has been remediated. There is the urgency to remain at the spear point of internationally accepted recognised capacity building practices, to improve the visibility of the project and of the interventions, to enhance communication about the link between biodiversity and other environmental themes, and to optimise the use of indicators in a result based management approach.

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