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R. Vanhoorne (2005)

A micro- and macrobotanical study of two Middle Weichselian, fluviatile deposits in the loam area of middle Belgium

Belgian Journal of Botany, 138(1):57-66.

A palynological study of Middle Weichselian fluviatile deposits, lying at the base of a bipartite loam cover at Soignies and Courcelles, revealed an open landscape with some scattered trees or shrubs of Pinus, Betula and Salix except for the lowermost channel at Soignies, where a boreal forest composed of Alnus, Pinus, Betula and Salix could be reconstructed. The diaspores appear to have been derived from plant communities representing a diversity of habitats, i.e., fully aquatic communities (Charetea, Potametea), swamps and mires (Phragmitetea, Parvocaricetea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea) and pioneers of bare ground (Bidentetea). The abundance of leaves from Salix herbacea, retrieved from both sites, confirms the arctic climatic conditions. © Royal Botanical Society of Belgium.

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