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M.A.A.a Pollet (2005)

Nearctic Achalcinae with a first Australachalcus species of North America (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)

European Journal of Entomology, 102(2):279-288.

Both sexes of Achalcus bicolor sp.n., Achalcus longicercus sp.n., and Australachalcus latipennis sp.n. are described as additions to the Nearctic achalcine fauna. Diagnoses of five unnamed Achalcus species represented only by females are given. A key to Nearctic males and females including 10 unnamed species is provided. The new Achalcus records considerably extend the known distribution of the genus in North America, especially in the central and eastern states. Australachalcus latipennis sp.n. is the first known Nearctic species of this predominantly Neotropical and New Zealand genus. Achalcus bicolor sp.n. from Montana, Manitoba and Ontario clearly belongs to the Achalcus flavicollis species group. The eastern Achalcus longicercus sp.n. is not included in the latter species group due to the lack of a dorsal bristle on tibia I and the absence of a preapical anterodorsal bristle on femur III in both sexes. It features postgonites with strong hook-like apical processes possibly unique to this species. The presence and number of dorsal bristles on tibia I seem to be of both diagnostic and phylogenetic relevance. All northern achalcine species were collected between June and September, whereas some Californian species were taken in May and Australachalcus latipennis sp.n. from Arizona in October - November.

cited By (since 1996)1

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