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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications / On the use of endosteal layers and medullary bone from domestic fowl in archaeozoological studies

W. Van Neer, K. Noyen, B. De Cupere, and I. Beuls (2002)

On the use of endosteal layers and medullary bone from domestic fowl in archaeozoological studies

Journal of Archaeological Science, 29:123-134.

The very high incidence of medullary bone in two archaeozoological assemblages of the Roman period was believed to reflect systematic slaughtering of older hens at the end of the egg laying season. In an attempt to test this hypothesis, histological analyses were carried out. Histological data in the literature on ageing of modern fowl and on the development of medullary bone in hens are insufficient for application to archaeozoological material. Bones of modern fowl of known age were analysed with the aim of validating the use of endosteal layers for ageing. In addition, hens with known egg laying stage were studied in order to try and document differences in medullary bone development that could be related to the time of slaughtering (just before, during, or just after the egg laying season).
Peer Review, Impact Factor, International Redaction Board, RBINS Collection(s)
IF 2011 = 1.914
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