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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2020 / On the identity of Conus pennaceus sensu stricto Born, 1778, Conus pennaceus forma episcopus (Hwass in Bruguiére, 1792), Conus magnificus Reeve, 1843 and Conus quasimagnificus da Motta, 1982 from the coastal waters of Egypt, Red Sea

Gilbert Verbinnen (2020)

On the identity of Conus pennaceus sensu stricto Born, 1778, Conus pennaceus forma episcopus (Hwass in Bruguiére, 1792), Conus magnificus Reeve, 1843 and Conus quasimagnificus da Motta, 1982 from the coastal waters of Egypt, Red Sea

Gloria Maris, 59(1):8-16.

Peer Review, RBINS Collection(s)

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